Chapter 1 ^_^

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Hey I'm writing this story on my phone so sorry for any errors. :D enjoy!


Chapter 1

Lexi's POV

Wake up feeling refreshed, my name is Lexi Raid and I'm 17 years old with long black hair, slim body with green eyes and a dimple on my right cheek. I'm a werewolf but I live with the vampire king in his castle. If your wondering why well, I'm going to tell you.

Ten years ago my parents decided to take me to this place where they first met near a waterfall at the edge of the territory. But then 5 rougues came out of nowhere and attacked us. My dad shouted at me to run and gave me the look where there was no room for argument while my mom called for back up. So I did, being the scared little girl I was I ran, but I didn't know how to get back to the pack house. I had no idea where I was going and I felt my connection to my parents break meaning they were dead. I cried and ran for hours and then I dropped to the ground weak and unable to move with darkness taking over my vision. Next thing I know I wake up in a bedroom, it looked really fancy and beautiful. But there in front of me was the vampire king, known to be ruthless but fair. He was really pale but aren't all vampires? He explained to me that I was unconcious in his territory and helped take care of me, so thats how I got here. I don't remember much of my old pack or what it was called and the Alpha, but I really like it here. Everyone is so nice and caring and King Demitri is like a father figure to me and takes me with him where ever he goes. His wife died a long time ago and he has a son Jake whos 19, he left in search of his mate.

There was a knock at my door. "Miss Raid, the king is expecting your arival in the dining room for breakfast." The butler charles said. "Okay thanks charles I'll be down in 15." I stated quickly grabbing a pair of white mini shorts and a loose tank top and making my way towards the bathroom. I'm not really into fashion I just wear what I feel comfortable in.
After my shower and making myself look fresh I headed downstairs towards the dining table where uncle Demitri was sitting at the head of the table with a big glass of blood. I sat down and greeted him. After we finished Dimitris looked towards me.

"Lexi there is an important gathering we are attending with all the alpha's and beta's families in the country. The reason why is because it's to celebrate the Treaty between vampires and werewolves. It is celebrated every ten years." He said. Please don't say wear a dress, I mentally beged. "We also leave tonight at 8pm and arrive at the Redstone pack around 7am, you are to wear comfortable clothes. It's going to be more like a BBQ at the park." He stated smiling at me. Luckily the sun doesn't burn them. I grinned back, "Cool I can't wait! It's been long since we had a fun day. I better start packing now to get it over and done with! See you soon kay!" I exclaimed quickly running back to my room and grabbing everything I needed and stuffing them into my suitcase. I'm so excited but I've heard rumours from the guards that the packs Alpha is mean and intimidating, and also that they have the best beaches and weathers.

Once I was done I took off my clothes and changed into my white wolf. I went downstairs walking towards the door.
"Hey princess." Kyle my personal bodyguard smiled at me. I whined at the name, I hated being called that because I really wasn't one but everyone treated me like I was which made me love them more. "Lets go for a run then we can go annoy the king. We walked outside towards the woods and began a slow jog which turned into a full out race on who could keep up with who.
I loved this feeling, the feeling of the wind in my fur and the sound of my paws hitting the ground as I ran. We ran around the territory and then headed back towards the castle. We saw some vampire worriors training the teens testing their speed and combat moves. I whined at Kyle hoping to train with them but Kyle shook his head sadly.

"I'm sorry Lex but you know you can't train with them. King Demitri would be furious if he saw you get hurt." He sighed sadly. I nodded my head understandingly and headed inside with him. I sniffed the air and followed Demitri's scent which lead us to his office. Six guards were seated across Demitri. I liked that he didn't care if I walked in without permision, hes just so kind.
I stood next to Demitri while he smiled and patted my head and scratched the back of my ear making me purr in delight. The guards chuckled and looked at us amused.

"These are the guards who are coming with us, including Kyle." Demitri stated I barked happily and walked towards the door. "Princess you should grab something to snack on, we are having dinner on the plane." He said. I nodded my big wolfy head and rushed back to my room to change. Once I was done I walked out of my room to see Kyle waiting for me. We walked towards the kitchen to see Chef Harold. He makes the most yummy foods for me whenever I'm hungry. Before I came here he barely made real food since everyone only drinks blood so he was really happy when he met me because now he can show someone his cooking skills.

"Harold! I missed you!" I hugged him, he laughed and hugged me back.

"You saw me yesterday, you young lady exaggerate too much." He playfully glared at me. Kyle sniggered at me while I rolled my eyes. "So what would you like to eat?" Harold asked.

"Um just a chicken sandwich and a bag of caramel popcorn with a nice cold banana milkshake please." I announced happily.
"The usual for me please." Kyle said. Harold quickly got all the ingredients and equipment and started working his magic and serving Kyle his glass of thick blood. I loved watching him cook it was fasinating. I can barely remember 3 recipes and he can make anything that I want. Once he was done and served me, I ate it fairly quickly.

"Mmmm that was so yummy!" I said. Kyle rolled his eyes at me, "You say the same thing about everything you eat. I'll tell you whats yummy, blood you should try it! Here taste it!" He held his glass in front of my face urging me to drink. I scrunched my face at him and pushed it away, "Yeah how about no." I shivered in disgust.
"What should we do now? Swim? Relax? Watch a movie or? Play cod?" Kyle smirked knowing which one i would pick. "Do you even have to ask?" I smirked back.


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