Chapter 20 ^_^

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~AN: sorry for the long wait it's getting to the point where I don't know what to do. Also ignore any mistakes I will edit it tomorrow.

Last chapter! Epilogue coming soon :)


Chapter 20

Lexi's POV

Before I could move to find the source of that smell all the rogues ran toward the packs ready to attack. Next thing I know the battle is in full swing and my mind forgets the scent and all I smell is blood. Everyone around me were fighting but in my eyes things were going slow motion and I couldn't spot Marcus anywhere.

"You! I knew I couldn't trust you! You don't deserve Caden you lying bitch!" I tilted my head at a blond chick with silicon boobs. She looked familiar but I can't seem to pin point it.

"Do I know you?" I asked boredly.

"Britney! Remember?! I'm going to send you to hell bitch!" She yelled and shifted into her brown wolf and jumped at me. Before she could open her jaws I used my power and she dropped to the floor dead. It wasn't the same killing someone with my powers, it didn't give me that adrenaline rush that I craved. I sighed and walked to the nearest wolf taking my time and grabbed his fur and ripped his head off his body. I smiled and the scenery as blood splatted everywhere. A loud wolf cry was heard and hovered over the wolf I just killed and growled at me. Just as the wolf took a step foward a large black wolf jumped infront of me along with two other wolves and two vampires protecting me from the wolf.

"Caden get her outta here now!" The vampire shouted. Caden? Why does that name sound familiar? Busy lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the other vampire injecting something into my arm.

"What the?" My body felt tired and weak.

"Kyle carry her, you and Caden need to take her away from here. She isn't herself." Arms wrapped around me and everything blurred. I closed my eyes and focused on the drug inside of me. Instantly my body starts responding and healing itself getting rid of the drug.

"Let go of me!" I thrashed at him making him stop and putting me down. I quickly got in a defensive position as the wolf shifted and the vampire stands back. As soon as I lock eyes with the wolf flashes of memory starts rushing to me. I groaned in pain as I try to fight the pain.

"Lexi please baby you have to snap out of it."

I held my head in my hands, what am I doing?

Caden's POV

The first thing I noticed when I saw my mate was her scent, it smelt abit different then usual.

"Caden, Caden..." She kept whispering my name over and over again.

"Lex baby." I slowly took a step closser.

"Stay back!" She warned. She was breathing heavily obviously in pain.

"Lexi listen to me, remember who you are! This isn't you they did something to you. You have to fight the blood thirsty feeling." I pleaded as she dropped to her knees.

"Caden help me! Whats happenening to me!" I quickly held her in my arms.

"Kyle inject her now!" I shouted. He quickly stabbed her neck making her scream out. I let her go as her body started shaking.

"Come on Lexi you have to fight her! Don't let her control you." Kyle said watching intently.

She screamed out then suddenly shifted into her beautiful white wolf. She backed up to a tree away from us.

"It worked, shes back to normal." Kyle says. I breathed a sign of relief but was soon interrupted by the sound of rogues. Me and kyle stood in front of Lexi ready to fight. Our gaze locking on to 3 rogues.

"Alpha Caden, nice to see you again." Marcus came out from behind them and smirked. I growled mad at myself for being fooled by him.

More wolves and vampires started to surround us snapping their jaws.

Lexi's POV

I couldn't control my body, it was like I was looking through the eyes of my wolf with no control. I felt her protectiveness as she kept whispering 'pup'.

As I tried to gain back control I didn't notice that the rogues had started to attack Caden and Kyle.

"Do something!" I screamed at my wolf but she seemed focused on protecting herself? She was acting strange as if nothing existed and that the scenery was just a wallpaper. I was getting annoyed as she kept whispering pup, did she mean We have a pup? I realized that was why she was being over protective. Omg I'm having a pup!

My mind snapped out of it as I heard a whimper from my mate.

'Run Lexi!' Caden screamed in my head and thats exactly what my wolf did.

"No! Go back! We have to help them!" I yelled as tears flooded down. I felt helpless and weak, I was suppose to save them. My wolf drifted to a stop as I felt a searing pain all over my body. My body shifted back to my human form as I shuddered at the pain. All too soon I felt the mate bond break, I screamed as the leaves started swimming around me and all I saw was red. I wanted everyone to pay for what they've done. I stood up feeling my anger pumping around me as electric sparks lighted everything I was near. Magically the leaves formed as a short dress on me and I sprinted back to where Caden was and kneeled over him. He was covered in blood with chunks of flesh ripped out of him. I looked around and saw Demetri fighting off 2 wolves and 4 vampires. Everything seemed in slow motion as I looked around and spotted Kyle's lifeless body a few feet away. I screamed out as everyone started to float in the air confused. Without thinking I ripped all of them apart and watched as the body parts fall to the ground. I felt numb, I felt like dying along with everyone here. I grabbed the nearest weapon which was a dagger and I kissed Cadens lips softly preparing to kill myself.

I held the knife to my heart. Just as I was about to plunge the knife in a bright light flashed in front of me. I blinked a few times and realized it was my mother, the Moon Goddess.

She looked at me with sad eyes and removed the dagger from my hands.

"You must not lose control my daughter." Her voice sounded so calming like the most beautiful melody was being played.

"I killed them all. I'm a monster. I was suppose to save lives not end them." I glared at the ground ashamed to look at my mother in the eye.

She lifted my chin up so that I was looking at her. "My child, it is not over." She says.

I stared at her confused, "What's not over?"

"You can prevent this day from happening. Remember that I sent you to earth for a reason. You need to wake up and end this before the people you love and care about are dead. You must go now." She began to float up into the air. Before I could say anything everything around me vanished and I woke up panting. I looked around and I was in the Cabin in bed with a thin sheet the only thing covering my bare body.

"Hey are you okay? Bad dream?" Once I laid eyes on Caden tears started falling and I hugged him tightly thankful that he was still alive.

"Whats wrong Lexi?" He asked worriedly. I laughed and wiped my tears, "I love you so much." I say kissing him.

"I love you too babe. So are you going to tell me whats wrong?" He asked.

"I know who is planning against us. We need to call Demetri and let him know what's going on. Everythings going to be okay." I held his face in my hands and kissed him softly. I won't lose him again.


Just want to say that this is the official last chapter but there will be an Epilogue very soon!

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