Chapter 9 ^_^

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~AN: helloooooooo hope everyone is well, I was going to post yesterday but I didn't think the chapter was long enough so I made it a little bit longer.🙌
Also I'm sorry if the story seems like its just all over the place and confusing. I'm writing this on the spot with no clue as to what is going to happen later on. Thanks for the support xx 😊


Chapter 9

Lexi's POV

"Demitri!" He smiled and opened his arms to me. I hugged him like I haven't seen him in 10 years. "I missed you, and the others as well." I said letting go of him.

"Alpha Caden has updated me on your training and well being. I see you have adjusted nicely to the pack and I'm sorry I wasn't there for your ceremony when alpha Caden made you luna." He said.

"It's fine, I didnt know there was a ceremony until that day." I said glaring at Caden. He chuckled and held my hand making my body feel tingly and warm by his touch.

Once the meeting was over which I wasn't allowed to attend thanks to my stupid hot mate. They all chatted about anything in the kitchen where snacks were set up. I think I deserved to be in that meeting its part of the reason why I'm here. It's not like I'm here for show....or am I?

Kyle and Korza came over and stood by me. Korza is 5 years younger then Kyle which makes him 17.

"The castle is quiet without you here. It feels so nice to be honest." They laughed and I hit Kyle in the head. "Owe! I'm only kidding jeez." He rubbed his head, "Demitri wants me for something, I'll see you guys later." He waved and left us.

"It's great seeing you again Lex. I can see how happy Kyle is when your around. We all missed you." He said grinning at me. Him and Kyle are like my brothers, they're always there when I need them.

"Thanks Korz, I really miss it here and you guys of course." We catched up on everything until we were interupted by one of the vampire clan leaders.

"Lexi this is Master Marcus Cornilius of the Cornilius clan in south America." Korza introduced us and we shook hands. "Kyle needs me for a bit I'll be back later." He smiled again and headed towards the way Kyle went.

"It's nice to finally meet you princess. Everyone was right, you are beautiful." He said smiling genuinly at me. He seemed like a nice guy, not just because he called me beautiful but because he just looked kind?

"Hah thanks it's nice to meet you too." I replied looking at the crowd.

"They look scary don't they."

"Who?" I asked.

"The other Vampire leaders. They look stonecold as if they don't feel any emotion." He chuckled looking at the other vampires in the kitchen. I giggled not believing he actually said that about his own kind. But in all honesty, he was right.

"Lexi. Marcus, mind if I steal my mate away." He asked politely. Marcus smiled at us and shook his head. "Go ahead, shes all yours alpha." Marcus then walked off to he snack table and grabbed a blood bag.

"You okay?" Caden asked. I nodded and buried my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "I'm just going to be in Demitri's office discussing some issues, you stay here and don't go anywhere alone. I don't trust the vampire leaders they look suspicious....must be natural I guess." He said, I hit his arm.

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