Chapter 4 ^_^

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Chapter 5 will be posted tomorrow or the day after message me who you think should play Lexi's character 😁


Chapter 4

Lexi's POV

Back at the pack house in my room still balling my eyes out from the stories Kane's parents Mr and Mrs Sanders told me about my parents. I'm going to go back to their pack on sunday to see my parents grave and to the place I once called home, with of course Caden insisting that he come thinking the worst might happen to me. Demitri didn't mind and encouraged me to follow my heart and also arranged a werewolf bodyguard with Caden to guard me just like Kyle does since they will be going back to the castle and leaving innocent me here. I didn't realise I was tired until I let out a Yawn that made me sound like a whale, hopefully no one heard it with their super hearing cause that would be embarassing. Eventually I let sleep take over.

I woke up feeling my bladder about to burst needing to empty out my system, but something was holding me down. What the hell? I saw a muscular arm around my waist and looked up to see a sleeping Caden who looked so peacful and innocent. Well that's about to change, I screamed and Caden woke up and in a flash was standing over me searching for any threat but realising there was none. I pushed him away from me which led him falling off the bed face first with his ass in the air.
I laughed but covered it with a cough once I saw him glaring daggers at me.

"What the hell is your problem woman!?" He yelled getting up.

"Why are you in my bed you creep!" I screamed at him. He chuckled "we are mates and this is my room, the place you will be sleeping."

I looked at the room and noticed I was in a much bigger room that was way too fancy. I cleared my throat "I'm not sleeping here with you, you don't make decisions for me."

"You see thats where your wrong. You my sweet mate belong to me." He leaned over the bed towards me till we were inches apart. "And there is nothing you can do about it. You'll want me more every second of the day to be near you, hold you, kiss you, touch you like no other man could." He ran his hand along my thigh, "You can never take away these sparks that you feel, I will be the only man that will make your bodys dream come to reality. And you will certainly do as I say." He smirked at me.

I put my hand on his face and pushed him away and got out of bed. He growled at me and reached to grab me but I quickly dodged him and ran out the door to look for anyone that could protect me from a sexy beast.

I saw a cute looking guy walking towards me. He smiled and bowed "Morning princess my names Max Gregory, I'm a pack worrior and I'm your new guardian." He said. I smiled at him "Hi I'm Lexi, I'm sorry you have to waste your time guarding me but I really appreciate it." I said truthfully. "I'm honoured to be protecting my Luna." He stated proudly.

"Lexi! Don't run away from me!" Caden growled and came towards us and pulled me against him. I seperated myself from him, "Will you stop pulling me to you like a freaking rag doll." I huffed at him and headed back to the room to shower.


(Next day)

Today all alphas and betas are leaving going back to their own pack.
Kyle was hugging me and wouldn't let go and Caden was getting annoyed with him. "Kyle you can let go anytime now." Demitri said amused. Kyle let go "Don't cry okay don't you dare cry." Kyle warned.

"I won't" I said,

"Okay good don't cry when we go."

"I won't"



"Not even a little bit?"


"Okay then...." Everyone was silent then Kyle turned to me irritated. "Where is your freaking heart?! You can burst into tears any second now!"

I laughed "I'm going to miss yous all but I will still come to visit all the time don't worry. You guys are going to miss your flight if yous don't leave now." I said

Demitri hugged me one last time, "You take care now okay, Caden will continue your training, your always welcome home anytime." He smiled at me. "Thanks Demitri, for everything, you saved me and I will forever be in your debt." I said to him.
"You owe me nothing child, remember you will save many lives. Goodbye for now princess." He said. They went in their cars and drove off. I stood in the same spot until I couldn't see them anymore.

"Lexi, we leave with the Sanders in 2 hours, be ready by then, I will see you soon I need to sort some things out before we leave. Max will be with you." He said and just left without another word. He's so uptight I wonder when was the last time where he just had fun with his friends or family without constantly looking back.



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