Chapter 17 ^_^

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Is the story good or boring and confusing? Let me know guys I really need to know.

I want to write another book but if I start writting it now then I might lose interest in this book and I don't want that to happen so I'm going to wait till this books done.

Chapter 17

Lexi's POV

A couple days after the funeral everyone has been tensed. Everyone is training including the women and children who are nine and over. Caden has been in his office with Joe spending the whole day planning and looking for clues and Demetri has sent Kyle and Korza to help with the training. Not everyone was comfortable with them because some of them were raised to not trust vampires.

"Lexi!" A voice yelled. I turned around to see Korza catching up to me.

"What's up?" I asked as we continued to walk. He looked nervous and I could tell something serious was on his mind.

"I found my mate-"

"Omg congratulations!" I say happily.

"Thanks but I don't want anyone to know yet, I want to tell them as a suprise and I also want you to meet her first. So want to meet her? I told her to meet at the cafe." He says.

"Yes! Yes yes I want to meet her! Let's go!"

"I already told Caden that I was taking you so you don't need to tell him. Come on." He says leading me to the car.

He drove down roads I've never seen before because I was still new to this place and I've only left the pack area twice. The drive was pretty long so Maybe the cafes at a secluded area or something. Korza then stopped the car and hopped out as I followed suit.

"The cafes just a walk away." He says. We walked for 5 minutes or more until he stopped and faced me.

"Goodnight Lexi."

I looked at him confused as I felt a needle stab my arm and seconds later my eyes felt heavy and I couldn't fight it any longer and let the darkness consume me.

Korza's POV

Once she was knocked out, the masters men came and picked her up and put her into the car. I followed them in my car as we drove back to no mans land where it was free land with no packs. When we arrived I headed straight to the master's office as the other men carried Lexi to her cell.

I walked in, "Ah Korza you did a good job. Don't worry she'll be dead as you wished after we use her as a weapon. Why don't you go and wait for the princess to wake up and then I will visit sleeping beauty." He suggested. I nodded and walked out. Finally she was going to get what she deserved. I walked straight to the cells until I reached hers. There was a guard at her door and he opened the cell to let me in then closed it once again. I sat in the corner and waited for the witches drug to wear off so she would wake up. I knew she would believe that fake 'I found my mate' story. Truth is I've already found my mate 2 years ago. But shes dead now because she is human. Humans are weak and I didn't want a human as a mate so I had to break the bond and kill her before I get to attached to her. To be fair her blood was the best blood I've ever tasted, too bad I can't get anymore of that. I may be selfish but who isn't? In this world you have to fight for what you want and I'm sick of everyone taking things I want and telling me what to do.

Lexi's POV

I groaned feeling like a hammer dropped on my head. I opened my eyes to a dark room with the only light from a window that had steel bars.

"Welcome back Lexi. Did you have a good sleep."

Korza was standing in the corner smirking. What the actual fuck is going on?

"Your wondering what your doing here right? Well your here for my master who has plans of his own for you. Actually you know him but I don't want to ruin the suprise, he should be on his way here." He says walking around me. My hands were chained to the ground leaving me on my knees.

"Okay first of all never put a girl to sleep when she's not tired and second! Is this some sort of joke? Am I getting prank? Ohhh am I supposed to act suprised? Okay don't worry when the cameras pop out I'll act shocked-"

"Shut up! I've always thought you were annoying with your squeaky voice." He glared at me. I gasped in shock. "Okay I totally get that your in character right now but that was just a little bit harsh don't you think?" I pouted my lips.

"This isn't a game Lexi this is real. Get that through your head. You really think I wanted you to meet my mate? Well news to you princess I killed her! Your here because you took everything I've ever wanted." He began, "Before you showed up at the castle I was Demetris world. I had all of his attention and I heard him talking that when he retired from being king and ruling the vampires he was going to let me be his heir. But then you just had to stumble onto the territory and being a sign from the prophecy which you took my place! You even had Kyle wrapped around your little finger. He was my only family left and he cared more about you then me." He laughed bitterly. He sounded bat shit crazy right now. "You will get what's coming to you and I will be there when you die." He whispered lowly.

I felt disgusted at his behaviour. All this time I considered him as a brother who I trusted with my life. Now I don't even know who he his.

The door opened to the one person I least expected it to be.

"Hello princess or should I say, little sister?"


Who do you think it is?

Jason derulos song 'want to want me' was on tv and my mums like....

Mum: he looks like usher

Bro: thats ushers cousin.

Mum:really? Wow

Bro: yeah his names jason derulo usher.

And he just laughs to himself. My mum believes anything and I'm just like -.-


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