Chapter 12 ^_^

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So my little brother finally cut his scruffy hair and my older brothers were shocked and my step dad was like, "He looks like a handsome boy now ay." And my older bros were like "Oh I dont know about the handsome part" 😂😂

Anyways have you guys seen Avengers 2 yet??? I watched it on Wednesday in the delux area and OMG we had waiters serve food to us during the movie it was fancy dancy, funny movie too. is your chapter 12

Chapter 12

Lexi's POV

These past few days Caden has been abit touchy touchy with me and it has me thinking he is sexually frustrated.

I walked to the clearing where Caden, Joe and the group of teens that are in training waiting for me.

"What's going on?" I asked curiously.

Caden immediately put his arm around my waist giving me butterflys. "Well my sweet mate, Joe here is going to explain what is going to happen." He says kissing me on the cheek.

Joe grinned and clapped his hands, "Okay we all know how much you love food especially chocolate and we also know how lazy you are."

I gasped and glared at him as they sniggered. Caden was smiling so I elbowed him in the ribs and moved away from him earning a grunt.

"So in the woods theres 3 checkpoints and there will be obstacles that you have to overcome. At each check point there will be a basket full of Flakes, Picnic and Twix chocolate bars. It's more like the amazing race but! You can't shift only I can no questions asked. There will be arrows so just follow them." Joe explained.

"Wait so if I get the basket do I carry it with me or...."

"No you just have to grab it and put it in the bigger basket and someone will be waiting to collect it and bring it back here-"

"So if I get a basket or all of them does that mean I can have them?" I asked. Caden sighed and nodded. I squealed jumping on the spot.

"Okay lets go over some quick rules. No shifting for you, and no eating the chocolates during the race." I nodded excitedly ready to claim my chocolates.

Joe shifted into his brown wolf.

"Lexi remember no eating until the race is over. Not even one bite. This course will show how dedicated you are to protecting something. It will let us know what you would do to get to where you need to be." Caden says.


I lined up with Joe ready to take off.

Caden stood in front of us. "Ready, set, go!"

Just as I was about to run, Joe bumbed into me making me fall on my butt.

"Cheater!" I chased after him following the arrows. He was fast but he wasn't that fast. There was pile of logs that we had to climb over and nets we had to crawl under. I grabbed Joes tail and threw him back and followed the red arrow pointing right. He growled and tried to catch up. I saw a basket of Picnic chocolates and quickly grabbing them and throwing them in a bigger basket and then taking off to the next checkpoint. I couldn't see Joe anywhere so I was guessing he took the wrong turn. I looked at the arrow pointing to ropes that I had to swing over. Damn all this just for chocolates? How lazy do they think I am? After getting the second basket of twix I put one in my bra and ran towards the third basket that was blocked off by a net. I'm guessing I have to climb the tree to go over the net or something? So that's exactly what I did. I climbed nearly high enough to go over the net until I was suddenly flying in the air then landing on the ground on my back. I groaned taking a huge breath knocked out of me. I looked up to see Joe almost over the net.

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