Chapter 19 ^_^

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~AN: ignore mistakes and sorry for the long wait, but here it is so enjoy :)


Chapter 19

Marcus's POV

Lexi was adjusting well with the clan, she always had a look where she felt a thirst for blood. I witnessed that look when she was sparing with one of my men and he shed blood which sent her into a frenzy wanting more blood. He was on the brink of death until she stopped and waved her hand over his body. We watched in amazement as he healed in seconds as if nothing happened. I knew at that moment that Lexi was going to bring victory on a silver platter.

"So what now? When is the war happening Marcus? I don't want to stay here any longer I want to fight and feel alive, I want blood on my hands I want to look someone in the eye as I take away the life in their eyes." She says with a small smile playing on her lips. I had to admit she is worse then me, and I am going to take advantage of that.

"Well I've got news that the Redstone pack have teamed up with all packs in the country and of course with the King and other clans. But we also have allies with most of the clans in the country and are deciding to go against the King and focus on killing all the wolves. We vampires never really liked the idea of a treaty with the wolf packs. And now I need you to convince rouge wolves to fight on our side. We need all the help we can get. Luka will take you to the common places where rouges reside." I explained calmly. She grinned, "Luka! We're leaving now!" She walked out of my office with Luka following.

Lexi's POV

Despite what everyone thought of me and my thirst for blood, I actually got along with these vampires. They wanted the same thing I wanted and what stood in the way were packs. They have no idea what they're up against. Once I kill everyone who stands in my way I will overthrow Marcus and rule the supernatural species.

"Princess the rouges are in no mans land over there." Luka pointed to a clearing where there were roughly 50 tents set up. We both walked towards them causing all the rouges to growl at us. The leader of the rouges stepped forward. He looked like he was in mid 30's.

"What do you want?" The man asked standing in a defensive position.

"Relax pup we didn't come here to start a fight. We need your help. You help us and we'll help you with anything you want in return. And before you decide, I want you to think about this offer carefully, it's not everyday you get an offer like this." I smirked knowing he was going to give in. He looked at his fellow rouges as they mindlinked eachother. He then faced us and cleared his throat.

"How can we help you princess?" He bowed.

"I need you guys to spread the news to other rouges and tell them the same deal. I want all of you rouges at bloodmoon territory by tomorrow is that clear?"

"Yes princess."

I clapped my hands together. "Great! See you soon!" Luka and I walked back into the woods. For some reason I felt my wolf on guard, usually I wouldn't care but something felt different. I've been feeling defensive and making sure I was at least 7 ft away from anyone near me. What is wrong with me? As we entered Marcus's territory I started getting a headache like there were two soccer balls kicking my head.

"Are you okay princess?" Luka looked at me worriedly. I couldn't look weak in front of him.

"I'm fine. If Marcus needs me I'll be in my room." He nodded and walked away. Once I got to my room I quickly went to the bathroom feeling dizzy. I quickly hunched over the toilet as my insides start spilling out. This must be the side effects of what Claire gave me. I started spewing again and when people spew up the first thing I think is that they're pregnant and I know I'm not. I can't be.

After I freshened up I walked out of my room and walked straight to Marcus's office without bothering to knock. He looked up from a book he was reading.

"Something is about to happen. I can feel it in the air." I say sitting down on the couch next to his aquarium.

"Once the rogues have arrived we will go to no mans land by the beach. That is the biggest area that is facing all packs. They will know to meet us there, and we'll be waiting and ready to change history." He smirked evilly.

I stood up and watched the fishes swim around without a care in the world but noticed a clown fish laying at the bottom of the tank motionless.

"Some things die for a reason." He stood beside me looking at the dead fish. I touch my fore finger to the glass.

"Sometimes those reasons aren't good enough to be taking a life. Sometimes they deserve a second chance." The dead clown fish glowed and it came back to life. I smiled as it swam around with the other fishes. But quickly dropped that smile on my face glaring at the clown fish. What is wrong with me? I feel like I actually care about second chances which is unusual. I will not go soft and give second chances. The fish then stopped moving as I glared at it and it's body ripped apart with it's blood mixing with the water.

"I'll see you tomorrow brother. Get some rest." I walked out of his office and closed my eyes. I will not be weak, I will show no mercy to anyone who gets in my way.


Standing on a platform behind Marcus in front of hundreds of rogues as he explained what they were here for. I zoned out not interested in the topic but snapped out of it as I heard the words kill and blood. Thats all I wanted to do and Marcus was taking his damn time.

"Marcus!" I whispered loudly. "Let's go now." He chuckled, "You were never patient dear sister. But we have to make sure we don't go into a battle blind and make a fool out of ourselves."

"Are you afraid Marcus? Are you afraid of the outcome of what will happen when we kill all packs?" I leaned toward him and whispered lowly. "Are you afraid of me?" I heard his heart speed up. I smirked walking off stage with Claire.

"Claire remember what we talked about. Once all wolves are erased we will over run Marcus, make no mistake." I said.

"Of course."

All the rogues and vampires started running through the woods towards no mans land. As I watch everyone clear out I felt abit dizzy which didn't go unoticed by Claire. She put her hand on my stomach.

"Your pregnant." I stared at her refusing to believe her. If I am I will get rid of it.

"Let's go." I walked passed her ignoring the look she was giving me, then running off with super speed which took an hour to get to the clearing. When I got there packs were already waiting in their wolf form. I wanted blood on my hands, I wanted to rip them apart with my bare hands and not think twice about it. I stood at the back waiting for someone to make the first move until I smelt the most amazing smell ever.


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