Chapter 10 ^_^

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~AN: Wow! Chapter 10 guys! To be honest I didn't think I was going to make it past chapter 3 haha.....but anyways thanks for the support once again it really means alot!

Also I was going to post sooner but my phone died and there was a huge as spider next to my charger and I had to wait til my brother came home to vacuum it up lol.

WARNING!!! Contains sexual activity for mature audiences only 😏

Sean O'pry as Caden 😍

Suprise pov!!!


Chapter 10

Caden's POV

I have a lot of explaining to do, was the first thing that came to mind. I didn't want Lexi to see the files because I knew she would freak! And to top it off I have been receiving threats and dead bodies around my territory and it's driving me mad.

"Tell me!" She yells. I took a deep breath and sat down.

"Me, Demetri and Kane have been doing some research about the prophecy, and you are a decendant of one of the first alphas but we don't know which one. It says that the moon goddess sensed something evil was after you but it doesn't show much detail as to what it wanted, so she cremated you. In one of the books it said you dissapeared which drove your father to depression and it doesn't show any names of who your parents were. So everytime you were born into a new family and when the evil spirit was near the moon goddess would put you in an actcident which caused you to die and reborn again. But in this generation if you die then you won't be able to come back. In the book it says that the war will be coming, which means that theres no more running." I explain as clearly as I can as she sits down trying to take in everything she just heard.

"Why now? Why would the moon goddess just decide that nows the time to go to war?" She asked slightly confused.

"To be ready you had to go through survival and have courage, to be brave in the worst times. You did none of that in your previous lives until this one. The day your parents died was the day you became the chosen one. If you didn't make it to Demitri's territory you would have died and that would have been your last life line. Thats all we have figured out so far." I say as I walk towards her and crouch in between her legs. I held both of her hands, "look at me." I say as she slowly lifted her eyes to me.

"You are not alone in this, we will win this no matter what it takes and I will do everything I can to protect you." I reassure her.

"Okay, I understand now. We can't afford to make a mistake when the time comes." She says nodding to herself.

We then heard a cry, which sounded like my mom. Lexi quickly followed the cries with me following which led us outside. Mom was hunched over crying over the dead body with dad trying to calm her down.

"Omg." Lexi gasped. "Caden who is that?" She asked.

"Her name is Shanti Sparks. She was moms close friend that was suppose to arrive here two days ago to help you unlock your powers. They're on to us. She was the only person we knew that was a witch. We can't find many witches these days as they are in hiding. Joe!" I say, Joe comes to us, "Double the borders, shifts are every 2 hours." I say.

"Yes alpha." He leaves us and I lead Lexi back inside not wanting her to see the dead body any longer.


2 weeks after my parents took the body to be buried in it's rightful place, I have been training everyone everyday except sundays.

I walked to the kitchen to see Joe watching Becca and Lexi make snacks.

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