Chapter 4

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3rd Pov

As the second year of the used-to-be Class 1-A, now Class 2-A, are going through the school gates.

Bakugo exits the dorms with the rest of his squad.

KE: So what did ya guys do during our break?
KD: Ya know, just the usual. Hang out with you guys, went to Okinawa, and train. Can't fall behind, ya know?
KE: That's super manly man.
SH: I for one, got my tape to be stickier. And I heard that the new season of How to be Yours is coming out around November!!
AM: WAIT REALLY!!! That's like my favorite show!!! We've gotta watch it together when it comes out!!. I'M SOOO EXCITED!!! Can't wait to tell the rest of the girls!!!

Ashido squeals. The others laugh, while Bakugo starts walking a little bit faster. He had to stay in the dorms for the night, so it was easier to get to school.

KE: So what did you do Bakubro?
BK: I just trained and spent a week in Italy.
BK: I already told you guys that my family's in Europe. I just spent a week there. No need to be extra, idiots.

Bakugo let out a huff of annoyance and tried to walk away, but was suddenly was stopped by an arm on his shoulder.

KE: At least tell what is was like.
BK: You're not gonna let go of me until I tell you, right Shitty Hair?
KE: Of course not!! You have to tell us.
BK: *sigh* There was a lotta women who wouldn't stop grinding their boobs on me. Apparently a handsome guys that has his resting bitch face on 24/7, doesn't give the 'fuck off' it does here. I think they liked it. Those women were weird. I'm just glad my brother took them off of me before I blew their fucking shitty ass faces off.

Bakugo started to snarl at the memory. Him, his boyfriend, and family were all on a beach. They were in the water and Katsuki was under an umbrella. All of a sudden, a group of girls started giggling and sitting around him. They were speaking Italian, so Bakugo couldn't understand. He started to get really pissed when they put their boobs on his arms, chest, and back. "FUCK OFF" Bakugo said in English. They just giggled and one of them said in English, "I love you voice. Say something else handsome." Bakugo lost it.

He shoved them off and started yelling at them. He was close to having sparks in his hands when his brother and Koan came over.

"What happend Katsuki?" Kyouya said. "Those bitchy whores won't leave me alone. They're harassing me and won't take NO FOR AN ANSWER!!" Katsuki says pointing at them. Koan come to hug him from behind as Kyouya beging talking to them. They eventually left and Koan gave Katsuki a kiss to calm him.

BK: Yup. They were annoying as hell. Almost blew the bitches up.
KD: ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!! I would've loved having hot babes push themselves against me in their bikinis. Mannnnn, so unfair.
SH: I think you forgot Denki, Bakugo's hansom. Super hot. He practically asserts a 'mess with me, and you regret it'. He also has an aura of dominance and looks like someone that can be counted on. Of course chicks would dig that. He was on a beach too. I'm preeeetty sure they saw his abs.

Bakugo looked at Sero with a slightly open mouth.

BK: Yeah well, it wouldn't fucking matter anyway.
AM: Why's that?

Bakugo looks at her in shock. There almost to the door of class 2-A when Bakugo says...

BK: Did you really forget that I'm gay? I fucking told you guess last year.

Bakugo scoffed, entered the classroom, and sat in his seat from last year, looking out the window. He was slightly thankful that nobody had taken the seat. He turned his head to the the door of the classroom. His idiots looking at him with wide eyes and mouths open.

BK: Well, now you know.

When the Bakusquad was about to go to Bakugo, Aizawa came in and told everyone to sit in a seat. The Bakusquad sat near Bakugo. Kirishima next to him, Kaminari behind him, Sero next to Kaminari, and Ashido in front of Bakugo. Shoji next to Ashido. The Dekusquad was in the corner of where the door is. So on the opposite corner of the Bakusquad.

"Since all of you already know each other, you have 15 minutes to talk about your break. Iida, wake my up in 15 minutes." "Yes sir!"

Mina turned around
MA: So, why didn't you tell us you were gay?
KE: Yeah bro! We would've totally supported you.
BK: I thought you knew. But, I guess you guys aren't dumbasses without reason.
KD: HEY! I might be a lil dumb, but I'm not that bad.
SH: Yeah. Give us some credit man.

Bakugo looked at them with a 'are ya fucking serious kinda look'.

MA: Oh don't look at us like that.
She whined.

BK: Have you never seen me look at dudes fashion magazine? Or comment how attractive a dude is. Seriously, get a fucking hint.
KE: Hmmmmmmmm
BK: What?
KE: I've just noticed, but when did you become so mellow?
BK: I'm tired. Don't have the energy.

Bakugo is tired because he kept on talking to Koan until it was about 3 in the morning.

KD: So the Italian babes that were pressing themselves into you didn't even get you flustered?

Everyone turned to look at them. Bakugo let out an annoyed sign and calmed down.

BK: No. I wasn't flustered. Rather disgusted. It was hot out, so they were just suffocating me. Not to mention the fact that they got sand all over me. Yeah, no thanks. I pass.

SH: Well did you at least have fun in Italy?
AM: YEAH. What else did you do there anyway?
BK: Just went to some historical places and shot some pics for my hag and old man in their clothes.
MA: Do you have the pictures?
BK: No. The hag has them.
KE: Bummer. I'm sure you looked manly.
BK: Whatever.

As the other members of the Bakusquad continued talking, Midoriya popped up.

MI: Hey guys! How was your break?

Bakugo ignored him while the rest began to talk about what they did. He kept looking out the window until he heard his name.

MI: What did you do Kacchan?
BK: Italy
MI: How was it like?
BK: Hot
MA: No need to be so blunt Bakubabe. I'll be the good one and tell you Midoriya. He went to Italy, went to some historical places, the beach. He got harassed by Italian babes in bikinis too.

KD: I still wish that was me.
Kaminari said with a sad sigh and whine.

MI: EHHH!! Harassed! Are you okay Kacchan!
SH: Of course he's fine. They just pressed into him too much. His brother had to interfere before he blew them up.
Sero said laughing.

MI: O-oh. W-well that's good.
BK- Shouldn't you be going back to your friends Deku.
MI: Y-yeah. S-see you l-later.
And with that he left.

There 15 minutes to talk was up and class began.

1249 words

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