Chapter 5

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3rd Pov
After School

Class 2-A was walking to their dorms as Ashido began to speak.

AM: We should totally have a game night!!!
TS: Will there be cold soba?
TS: I'll be there.
IT: That sounds like a good idea, but when?
AM: Maybe Friday night? EVERYONE has to come. It's obligatory. Even you Bakubabe.
BK: Can't. I'll be gone Friday night. I won't return until Sunday night, so no. I won't be going.

BK: None of your concern.
AM: Will Thursday night work for everyone?
Class 2-A: Yup/yes/yeah
YM: Then it's settled. Game night will be Thursday night starting at 19:00.

Everyone was happy. They hadn't gone anywhere as a class during break, so this'll probably make everyone happy. As they headed to the dorms, Bakugo jolted to his room.

KE: Why did Bakubro leave so suddenly?
KD: Who knows. Let's just play this video game. It came out like 2 weeks ago.
SH: Cool!!

As Bakugo was in his room, he started the assignments given to him. There were some teachers who just love to assign work on the first day, but it didn't matter to him. After about an hour, Bakugo was on his bed with his phone. Suddenly, an idea clicked in his head. He started getting out his pencil and his drawing book. He decided to draw, more like sketch him and Koan. 'This'll be perfect'. After about 4 hours, he decided to leave the rest for tomorrow. It was now seven, so Bakugo went out to train for about an hour. He then went to the communal showers. He was glad no one was in get. He didn't want anyone see the faint bite marks on his butt cheeks. After his shower he went inside the bath.

Bakugo's Pov

As I was relaxing in the bath, I hear a loud voice that I know all too well.

'Fuck'. I thought. Just the shitty time. I was just getting comfortable. "What do ya want Shitty Hair". "Nothin much. Just chilling in the bath". Shitty Hair said. "THEN CLEAN YOURSELF FIRST. I DON'T NEED YOU DIRTY BODY IN HERE WITH MINE". I yelled. "Alright, alright. No need to yell bro". He said. I let out a huff and continued basking in the water, forgetting he was there. After I finished I was about to get up when Shitty Hair came in with splash.

"YOU'RE NOT A CHILD. COME IN LIKE A NORMAL PERSON". "Oh. Sorry bro". "Whatever". We sat in silence for a few minutes before I leave to go out. It was then, that I knew that I would regret this for the rest of my life.

"Hey Bakubro. What are those marks marks on your...... ya know....... butt".

I blush and quickly sit back down. "N-N-NOTHI-I-ING S-SHITTY HAIR. MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUISNESS." I yell furiously embarrassed.

"Dude. That is NOT nothing. Those looked like hickies......" Shitty Hair starts to trail off. His eyes widened at the realization.

"N-NO WAY Y-" I quickly got up and put my hands over his mouth. "D-DON'T SAY ANOTHER THING. YOU DO, A-AND I'LL BLAST YOU TO HELL." I see his reaction and pull my hands away, sitting back down.

"*Sigh* whaddya wanna know. Kirishima." Look at him straight in his eyes. He gulps. Good. Should be scared. "W-who did ya get those marks from Bakubro". He had sweat dripping down his face. Even though it just looks like water.

"..... I got them from my boyfriend." "BOYFR-" "COULD YA BE ANY LOUDER KIRISHIMA!!" He looked suprised and immediately shut up. "Look. I don't wanna talk about this in the bath. While we're both naked. So I'm getting out."

I get out fully naked, since he's already seen the marks. "Wait up dude!" "DON'T RUN! YOU'LL SLIP!" "Alright!!" As we leave the bath, obviously getting our towels. We start to change when others arrive. As I get in my boxers, the Grape, of all the shitty people here, says "woah Bakugo, almost forgot you had the figure of a women". I kicked him in his stomach. "Shut it. I'm not in the mood."

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