Chapter 2

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Bakugo's Pov

I was at a café reading and letting the hag cool down from our fight. The coffee's good and so are their desserts. As I was reading, some asshole decides to sit in the fucking seat in front of me. I look up and say "fuck off extra". I say in a normal voice, still reading my book. Don't wanna get kicked out."

Well isn't that mean. C'mon, put down the book and talk to me cutie." The extra said. I almost spat my drink out. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING CUTE". I yell. I look at the owner and gulp. Yeah. She's scary as shit, so I immediately calm down. "What the fuck do you want". "Wow. No need to be so aggressive. But I guess that's just your charm. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime? Hmm. It'll be fun. I promise". He says.

I look up and see that he's actually pretty handsome. Not like I'll ever admit it though. He had milky chocolate skin with golden eyes. He was smiling and FUCK I don't wanna admit it, but he's my fucking type.

"What will you do if I say no?" I say. "Hmmm, well I'll bother you till the ends of time if you don't say yes". He's fucking presistent, I'll tell you that. "Fine. I'll go on your shitty date with you. Gimme your number and name and I'll give you mine. You can text me when we'll be going". I say getting up from my seat. 

"Awesome. I can't wait". He says smiling brightly as he writes his number and name into my phone, me doing the same."Yeah yeah. Whatever. Just tone down the brightness. Tryna kill me or somethin'". " Not at all. My bad. I'll text you the time and date. You better be there". "Sure". And with that, I left. He didn't look that much older than me. I look at the new contact on my phone. So his name is Koan, huh. Just one date and that'll be it.
I get a text notification and it says '*** cinema, 15:00. Can wait to see you 😘'

'DON'T USE SUCH A SHITTY EMOJI. I'll be there' Looks like this will get bothersome.

2 weeks after the date.

I hate to admit it, but I think I'm starting to catch some feelings. Fucking feeling should just go shit themselves off this world. "Hey Bakugo".

"What?" I ask in a questioning tone. He's seems a bit flustered.

"I was thinking..... Since we've been hanging out a lot.... I.... was wondering.... if ya know... ummm....." He kept on saying hesitantly. I was getting annoyed.

"JUST FUCKING SPIT IT OUT" I yelled. He flinched and took a breath. He looked at me with lots of confidence. He breathed in and continued to talk.

"I know we've only known each other for 2 weeks, but I really like you. I was hoping if you wanted to be my boyfriend?" His cheeks are flushed red. I thought about it for a bit. I'm mean.......
1. He's my type.   2. He's nice and kind.
3. He's comfortable to be around. Not to mention the fact that my face is a bit flushed. It's possible I like him too.

"Alright. I'll be your boyfriend." I say looking at him. He kisses my cheek and starts to hug me.

"I'm so happy. Thanks for giving me a chance Katsuki!" My face turns even more red from the use of my first name. "Well then. Let's hope this relationship lasts long. You won't be able to get rid of me easily. So be prepared."  I say. 

A week after Katsuki turns 15.

"KATSUKI. GET YOU ASS DOWN HEAR!!" The hag yells. Ko and I have been dating for about 9 months. We're happy. My family already knows him and they like him. They asked what he wanted to do for the future, and he said he wants to act. My parents then put him up for an audition for a male lead role for some highschool drama. He's been pretty busy, but thanks to his quirk, he can come to me anytime.


"THEN STOP SCREAMING AT ME BRAT!" Whatever. My throat will hurt if I continue. The hag said that her, the old man, and Kyouya will be travelling around Europe to grow their business. They asked if I wanted to come, and I looked at them as if they've gone mental. I mean, why would I go with them if I'm going to UA and my boyfriend's here? So, I chose to stay. They told me they'll be back in about 2-3 years, depending on how successful the stores become. Ko finished moving in to the room next door to mine. Of course we were always in mine, since it had a bigger bed.

A month later, I lost my virginity. It was good and I felt like it was a stepping stone in our relationship.

Ko became famous for the drama he starred in. It's good that nobody has figured out where he lives yet. Deku's Deku. Being an annoying ass nerd that doesn't know the meaning of "come closer or even TRY to talk to me, and I'll blow your ass off the FACE OF THIS WORLD!!".

Things have been pretty mellow though. Got into UA. Figured out the nerd got in too. He lied about having a quirk. Met dumbasses who proclaimed me as their friend the moment they saw me. Win the Sports Festival and get chained up. Get kidnapped. Having to live in the dorms, which fucking sucks. The provisional license and failing it, having to do fucking remedial to get my license. Playing the drums at a school festival. All that other boring as fuck things. I come back home during the breaks we have and enjoy my time with Ko. Even though he just sneaks into my dorm room at night and cuddles with me. Everything fine and it'll stay fine. I'll make sure of it. Not shit show of a person or thing or whatever will Stan din the way of my happiness.

1038 words

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