Chapter 16

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3rd Pov

INTERVIEW: Interviewer will be INT

INT: It's a fine day today isn't it Mr. Lee. Love your outfit BTW.

LK: Please. Just Koan is fine. And yes. It is a good day. I got this outfit *stands up and shows the outfit the Bakugos gifted him and Katsuki for his birthday. They each have one* as a prototype from MB Fashion.

INT: Amazing! *Smiling* Alright. Now why don't you tell us about the new season of Learning to Love? You play the leading role of Yuusuke Kotaro. How is it?

LK: I love it. The people are nice and the director is strict, but nice and insightful. I personally think this season will be amazing. You know how the first season ended with Kotaro confessing to Yuki?

INT: Yes. I love the series.

LK: Welllll. Let's just say there's a lot of drama when the new character appears. Oof. Gonna give me hell.

INT: Now I just can't wait! Don't forget to watch it folks. It airs on May 23. Now, tell us.

LK: Tell you what? *Chuckles a bit*

INT: Has there ever been any romance between you and the cast? C'mon. All your shippers are dying to know.

LK: *chuckles and rubs the back of his neck* For me, no. None whatsoever. But other cast members. I can see some chemistry.

INT: Like who?

LK: Sorry can't tell. They'll get mad at me.

INT: Well that's a bummer. So what's a handsome man like you doing single? I'm sure you have a lot of girls asking you out. How come you don't date any of them. I'm sure some of them are gorgeous.

LK: Ah. Well I think everyone has some sort of beauty. I don't like to pick of looks. It's ok the inside that counts. No toxicness for me. And I'm already in a relationship.

INT: REALLY!! WOW. BIG NEWS! I'm sure a lot of girls are heartbroken right now. What's she like?

LK: Pret- no gorgeous. They don't really smile, so when they do, it's perfect. It lights up my day. Good cook. Can't get enough of their food. They sing really well too. Always puts me to sleep or in a calm state. It's like an angels voice.

INT: That's amazing. How long have you guys been dating?

LK: Almost two years.

INT: Wow! That's so long. How come we've never seen you with her?

LK: They don't really go out. And when we do go out, I wear a disguise. You never see me around with them on the streets often cause I can teleport. I mean, why walk when you can zap yourself somewhere else?

INT: That is very true. You said you guys have been dating for almost two years?

LK: Yeah, in August.

INT: So you guys started dating before you became an actor?

LK: Yeah. I flirted first. They're the ones that gave me the courage and self-confidence to try this out. They said I have amazing talent since I can always get them to make my favorite foods. Pretty sure they meant it as a joke tho.

INT: That is sooo romantic. *Smiles and sighs in happiness* So. Tell me this. Who is your favorite in the show?

LK: I like the character Miyata the most. He's just always there for Kotaro. And me. Suzuki *the name of the actor that plays Miyata* is really kind and I'm glad to have him as a friend.

INT: And here I thought you liked all of them equally.

LK: What can I say? Everyone has a favorite.

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