Chapter 15

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3rd Pov

Class 2-A has been peacefully training and hanging out together. The only thing that changed was that Kaminari had asked out Jiro. She said yes and everyone was happy.

But, it was too calm and peaceful for a certain pink haired girl. She wanted some tea, and tea was what she would get. After all, she always got what she wanted.

AM: ugh. Why's it so boring!! Where's the exciting tea! The drama! *Sigh*

KE: Ya gotta chill out Mina. It's great that there's nothing going on.

SH: Didn't Bakugo say that his boyfriend came back Friday night?

AM: Hm? Yeah. What about it?

KD: Ohh~ I see what you're thinking. But Bakugo would kill us.

KE: I don't understand.

JK: They're probably speaking nonsense.

SH: Bakugo always goes home for the weekend. I'm guessing he stays there. So~ let's sneak up on them and take a peak. We don't need to say anything to Bakugo about us knowing. It'll be our little secret.

AM: Are you sure about that? What if we get caught. You know Blasty likes his space.

JK: You guys will get in big trouble with Bakugo if you get caught.

KE: They're right you know.

KD: Yeah but you know who it is. They won't find out. We'll be sneaky. Like ninja!

AM: I still don't think this is a good idea. But fuck it. I'm tea deprived. Let's go!

KE: I'm staying. Don't wanna get in trouble.


Ashido's Pov

All right. It's 17:00 and as of right now, Kyoka, Denks, Hanta, and I are at a window by his living room.

"Alright. You're up Kyoka. Listen in and tell us what's happening" I whispered. We'll have to whisper if we don't wanna get caught.

"*Sigh* alright." She puts her jacks into the wall as we watch what happens.

Commencing Plan Expose Bakugo is a go."

3rd Pov

When Bakugo reached home at 15:00, Koan was there waiting for him. After Bakugo got changed, he started lunch. "Whatcha cookin' babe?" Koan asks.

"I'm just making some tempura with miso soup and rice." Bakugo says. "Go sit down. I'll tell you when the food's ready."

"Alright." Koan kisses Bakugo's cheek as he leaves to the living room.

It takes about an hour for the food to finish. "Dinner's ready." Bakugo says as he sets up the table.

"Thanks for the food!" Koan says as he takes a bite out of the food. "Mmmm as good as always. Ya know. I always miss your food when you can't cook for me." Koan says.

"*Blushing* hah. The fuck is up with that. You know I'll be cooking for you forever. Right jackass." Bakugo looks away with a pink tint across his cheeks.

Koan's eyes widen a bit and a blush comes across his face as well. He looks at Bakugo and smiles widely with teeth. "Yeah. You'll be stuck with me for eternity. If I don't try hard enough, you'll get taken away from me. So I'll love you soooo much, you'll never be able to get away from me." The brightness of his words and smile blinded Katsuki.

"Shut up idiot. Who said you were the one that needed to try harder? I'm so lucky to having someone as fucking great as you. I'm a shitty egotistical bastard. Yet you picked me. I'll always be greatful." Bakugo said.

"Ahem let's finish eating. Then we'll clean." "Alright, Katsuki." They finish eating and Koan washes all the plates. It's been about an hour and a half since Bakugo has come home.

Once they finish cleaning, they sit on the large couch and watch a movie. What they didn't know was that there were people lurking around the window.

AM: Holy shit! Is that Koan Lee!
Ashido whisper yelled. They will all be whispering.

KD: Damn. Didn't know Bakubro had it in him.
JK: Well now we know. Let's get outta here. I still have ta be recognized by him.

SH: Let's wait a little longer. Them being in the same room doesn't mean they're dating. Could just be real close friends.

AM: You're a dumbass. They're obviously dating.

As soon as Ashido says that, since they weren't paying attention to the widow, they look to the window and see Bakugo in his lap kissing him. It soon turns heated and they decide to quickly leave.

As Koan and Bakugo were watching a movie, Koan decided to place his hand on Bakugo's inner thigh.

BK: What are you doing?
LK: What? Can't I have a kiss. *In a whiny voice* I'm Kat-starved. I need your lips.

All Bakugo does is sigh. He kissing Koan, and he somehow ends up in his lap making-out with him.

After about a few minutes, they stop and continue watching the movie.

BK: How'd the interview go? Pretty shitty or just somewhat shitty?

LK: Somewhat shitty. They kept on asking questions. Like why I chose to wear what I wore.

BK: What did ya wear? *Turns pause and turns to him*

LK: The outfit your family gifted us. I told them that it was something that was in production and that I should get some opinions about it. She asked why it kinda looked like your costume. Wanna know what I said?

BK: *Leans his hands on the couch and leans forward with a slight smile* Whadya say?

LK: I said, 'well gee. Hmmm. Maybe it's because Bakugo Katsuki is their son'? She looked at me and understood. She looked kinda shocked, but I thought everyone knew. I mean, you're a carbon copy of Misuki.

BK: ugh. I know. Annoys the hell outta me sometimes. What else did ya talk about?

LK: Why don't we just watch it? I mean, it should come out today at 18:00. So in like, half n' hour. But do ya know what you're doing for training on Monday?

BK: Don't know. Probably something Aizawa would find funny.

LK: *Puts his index finger and thumb on his chin in a thinking way* Hmmmm. Ok.

BK: Alright. Let's just finish this movie and then we can watch your interview.

LK: Sure love.

1029 words

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