Chapter 6

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3rd Pov

It is now Wednesday. Bakugo Katsuki's 17th birthday. Koan had already congratulated him and his presents from his family and boyfriend are being delivered to the dorms. He was happy too.

Bakugo's Pov

As I was walking out of the dorms with Shitty Hair, the rest of my idiots came. "Hey Blasty! Excited for tomorrow night?" Raccoon Eyes said excitedly. "It's too early for this bullshit". I say walking away. "Oh c'mon Bakubro. It's your birthday. Show us a smile and be happy." Kiri said.

I stare at him dead eyed as I hear Dunce face, Soy sauce, and Raccoon Eyes say, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL US!!!!!" They said it so loud, I'm pretty sure everyone on UA ground heard them. "WILL YOU SHUT UP. I DIDN'T FUCKING TELL YOU BECAUSE YOU NEVER FUCKING ASKED. NOW SHUT THE HELL UP BEFORE I BLAST YOU ALL". I said infuriated at their loudness.

"Well, what should we do for your birthday?" Soy Sauce asked. "Nothing. I don't need anything. Any present you give me, I can buy. Any company you give me, I can have by someone more precious than my own life. I don't need a party and I don't need to be congratulated for something that isn't in my control". I said. They looked at me surprised.

"That is sooo deep Blasty!!" Raccoon Eyes squealed. "But... whose 'the more precious than my own life'? Is it someone we know?" Dunce asked. "Nobody. Just mind your own damn business." I say. I didn't know that I was smiling until Shitty Hair said that I did. "You smile real nice Bakugo. You should do it more often." Tape says. "Shut up and let's get to class."

Midoriya's Pov

I'm so excited that today is Kacchan's birthday. I can't wait to give him my present. As I was walking with Todoroki, Uraraka, Asui, and Iida, I heard Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido scream out, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! HOW COME YOU DIDN'T TELL US!!!!" Wow. That was really loud.

"Bakugo's birthday is today *kero*". Asui said. "But why wouldn't he tell us?" Todoroki said. "I know right? It's kinda weird. I mean, I would let my friends know if it was my birthday. Wait. Doesn't this mean the Bakugo is the oldest in the class?" Uraraka said.

"Midoriya! Did you know it was Bakugo's birthday? How come you didn't tell us. We would've thrown him a party!" Oh boy. This'll be a hassle.

"That's probably because Kacchan doesn't like parties. I mean, back when Kacchan's family was still in Japan, they had tons of parties. I guess he just doesn't like them anymore." I said. I mean, it makes sense. Kacchan isn't one to socialize. Much less meet strangers that your parents have to meet because of a business deal. Kacchan hates dressing formally and wearing a tie. I mean, he does look handsome when he wears a suit, and it makes his muscles stand out more. You can see his thighs outline in the pants too. Not too mention hi-.

"I think we've heard enough Deku." I WAS SAYING THAT OUT LOUD. "You were mumbling a lot about Bakugo in a suit Midoriya." Todoroki said. I turned suuuuper red. I mean, I know I have a crush on Kacchan, but I don't wanna let it out!!!. "So you like Bakugo, Midoriya?" Asked Iida. WTF. "P-P-PLEASE D-D-DON'T TE-E-ELL A-ANYO-ONE!!!" I screamed.

"We won't tell a soul *kero*. But you should tell him how you feel. Knowing you, you crush has been going on for a while *kero*". She was right. "I have even seen you looking at Bakugo when he's getting changed. You were very obvious during our first year Midoriya." Todoroki said. He's still as blunt as ever. "I mean, Bakugo does have a great body. I'm not really suprised that you stare at him a lot. But you should probably stop before he notices." "TODOROKI! Can you not be so blunt? You're making me really embarrassed." "Oh. Sorry." "*Sigh* it's fine."

I've liked Kacchan ever since we were in grade school. He was always so strong and beautiful. We were always together, but then he started to avoid me during Junior High. If I got too close, he would tell me to leave him alone. If I ignored him, he would threaten me. I don't know what happend, but I hated it.

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