Chapter 13

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Bakugo's Pov

After we checked out, they let us keep our luggage here. Mostly because Koan used his 'i make everyone happy and blush' smile. After we leave the hotel, we walk around and found some souvenirs. We got matching hoodies, keychains, shirts, those ugly ass statues and took a picture, we went through food stand and took pictures of those, and we finally ate dinner at a really nice restaurant.

When it was 19:45, we left to the hotel to pick up our things. "Today was fun. Thank you Ko." I say as I hug him from the side. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What was your favorite part?" He asks. I guess I'll joke around a bit. "Hmmm. Maybe the part where we went out on the balcony and you fucked my on one of the chairs. I'm pretty sure some people heard. But like, who gives a fuck. Right?" I say. "Hahahaha! You're right. But really. What was your favorite part? I'm really curious." He says.

"I guess it was when we got beached. The girl took a real good photo. I'm gonna print all of them out and put them on my wall. No one ever goes into room, well except for Eijiro. But he doesn't matter. He's already seen you." I say.

We grab our dufflebags and head outside. "Alright. Ready Kat?" He asks. "Yeah. Let's go. If your tired after, then you can sleep and I can drive." I say. "Alright. Sounds like a plan." He grabs onto me tightly with our bags in between us. "3...2...1...........and here.... we...... are......" Shit. I grab him as he falls.

I out him in the passenger seat and our bags in the back. Glad I learned to drive or we would've been screwed. "Just sleep and I'll wake you up when we get there." "Alright. Love ya Katsuki." "Love you too Ko."

Damn. He just passed out. I start driving the car. We reach the dorms at 23:00. "Hey sleepyhead. Wake the fuck up. We have ta get our shit in my dorm." "Mmmm five more minutes Kat. I'm tired." He says groaning.

"Fine then. Just stay in here. I'll go sleep inna bed and you can have your back feeling like shit when you wake up." I say and start to leave.

"Waaaaaait Kat. I'll come. I'm coming with you. Just wait." He says. He gets up and grabs his bag. "Do ya want to teleport there, or walk in. We can't use the elevator since eit makes noise." "Teleportation it is. Don't feel like walking."

"Alright then." I say. He teleports us to my room and lands on my bed. I start to get out of my clothes only leaving me in my boxers. I grab one of his hoodies and out it on.

"Geez. You're so heavy. At least move a bit so that I can sleep. You're not the one that has to fucking wake up at shitty seven." "Mmmm ssssoorry Babe." He says and scooches over.

We both fall asleep cuddling each other.


Kirishima's Pov

When my bro left, everyone was still in shock, wellllll except for me. The rest of the Bakusquad we're just shocked that he was handsome. I mean, the disguise he put on made me a bit confused, but when he spoke, I figured out that it was him.

"So Kacchan really does have a boyfriend. I thought he was just kidding around. There really isn't any hope for me. Is there." Midoriya said. So he really did like Katsuki.

"It'll be okay Deku. He just wasn't right for you. I'm sure you'll find someone." Uraraka says.

"And I don't think you are Bakugos type anyway. Judging the man that came, he likes older people who can take charge and are taller." Todoroki says. I knew he could be blunt, but that was.....yikes.

"Todoroki. I don't think you should say that right now *kero." Tsu says.

"Kirishima. You know Kacchan best. How is his boyfriend on a 1-10?" Midoriya asks.

"Well for one, he had a disguise on. I've only ever seen him on a video call, but he's super handsome and has a lot of money. He seems chill and looks like the type of person to give Katsubro space when he needs it. So yeah. I'm sorry to be blunt, but Todoroki is right. You wouldn't have been a good match." I say. It kinda hurt to say, but he needed it.

He starts to tear up, and everyone tries to comfort him.

"W-what makes you think I'm not good enough for Kacchan?" He asks. Shit. I'll just have to be truthful.

"I know the reason why Katsuki started to avoid you. But you need to ask him yourself. You always right about him in your notebooks and that kinda creeps him out. You know he needs space, but assurances that you still love him. He needs someone chill. Someone who can satisfy him. I'm sorry. But you're not him." I say.

Midoriya started to tear up. "K-Kacchan finds me c-creepy?" Now I feel bad.

"Not anymore. It was more like grade and junior high. He says that you've mellowed down and started taking notes on others. He always thought that it was unhealthy of you to focus on him so much. Don't worry tho bro. I'm sure you'll find that lucky person who'll make you happy." I say with a bright smile.

"Thanks Kirishima." He says with a bitter smile.


Over the course of the weekend, the Dekusquad was cheering up Midoriya. I'm not sure what time Katsuki will come back at, but I hope it's soon.

It's now Monday morning and I'm gonna check if he's in his room. I check to see it it's unlocked and it is.

"*Knock knock* I'm coming in." I enter and what I see is Katsuki on top of Koan Lee in a big hoodie.

HOLY SHIT. Just how hard did they go. There are bite marks and hickies all over his thighs and calves. I grab my phone out and take a picture. It's just too cute to pass up.

Hey bro. I need you to wake up. Classes start in like 15 minutes." I say shaking him. "mmmm?" He says groggily.

"School's about to start. We need to get going. I'll wait for you in the commons." I say. He immediately gets up and starts to change. I leave the room and go to the commons.


Bakugo's Pov

I wake up to Shitty Hair telling me to wake up. SHIT! He said that classes start in 15 minutes and that's what got me up. He left and I decided to up Koan.

"Wake up Ko." I said. "Ok said wake the fuck up!" I semi-yelled and and flicked his forehead.

"Oowww. That hurt babe. What's the rush?" He says.

"The rush is that I have to be in school in 15 minutes. Didn't you say you had some scenes to shoot today?" I ask. Putting my uniform on.

"Fuck. I just wanted to sleep here with you." He says. "Well tough shit. Since you're already in clothes, just go like that. I don't think you should use the bathroom here tho. It's communal. They could just walk in and see you." I say.

He hugs me from behind and kisses my neck. "Alright. I'll teleport home and get ready there. I just wish I had some of your cooking." He says with a slight whine.

I look at the time and I have 10 minutes left. "Shit. I gotta go brush my teeth. See ya later. Love ya." I say pecking his lips and storming out of my dorm.

Once I finished, I see Shitty Hair waiting for me with an apple half eaten. "Well let's go! Don't wanna be late." I say and start speedwalking. We had about 7 minutes left.

"So how was Okinawa?" Shitty Hair asked. "It was good. Went to the beach, got some souvenirs, went water skiing, and ate at some restaurants. Nothing special." I say.

"That's not the only thing~" Shitty Hair says like he knows something. "Spit out what you're tryna say. Don't have time for that guessing shit." I say and start walking faster.

"You did the birds and the bees, copulation, carnage Seriously how did you not get that?" He says.

I roll my eyes and respond with, "I'm not a dumbass. I know what you meant. Just found it stupid that you tried to beat around the fucking bush. No need to be embarrassed at saying that word." I say the last part in a treasing voice.

We arrive to the classroom with 3 minutes to spare. That's when Deku cam up to me looking all nervous.

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