Heavenly Refuge ~ Ch. 6

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 The weekend passed by pretty boring to Luna, unpacking, playing the violin, going to the beach. By Monday, she felt like she’s been in Lotus, Florida for forever.

She and Simon walked up the school steps, her violin in her hand and book bag on her shoulder, Luna was ready for something to do -even if that meant learning. Simon seemed to lag behind, because he was half asleep.

“Not a morning person, I see.” Luna smirked to him.

Before he could answer, a flurry of black hair catapulted into Simon, almost knocking him over. “Simon!” Chisa cried. “The weekend was so long! You didn’t text me at all!”

Chisa was shaking him playfully and then she saw her. “Hey, Luna.” she smiled, friendly.

“Morning, Chisa. Have a good weekend?” I asked.

“Boring!” she whined. “Why do we have to be stuck on this small island? It has nothing fun to do!”

“Mm…” she nodded in understanding, only half listening. Luna watched as Chisa seemed to be trying to talk to her and at the same time, get Simon’s attention.

“So… how was your weekend?” she narrowed her eyes. “I saw you two get out of your truck, Luna. What’s going on between you two?” Chisa’s tone was friendly but her expression said, even-though-you’re-nice-he’s-mine expression.

“My house was foreclosed and Luna and her dad just happened to be there and offered me to crash at their place.” Simon said, in a bored tone. “Nothing more.”

The truth kind of hurt Luna. She was kind of hoping that he saw it as a friend offering a friend help, not just a chore. Well, I’ll just have to make him think of it as a vacation or something, Luna thought.

“Yeah.” she agreed. “Nothing more. Don’t get the wrong idea; or were you thinking of other things.” Luna teased.

She moved to playfully push Chisa but then she saw the bruised hand.

“Whoa! What’d you do to get that?” she asked, eyes wide.

The bruise had quickly grown to black and blue, making it throb a little; but Luna didn’t mind, she was used to it.

“Oh, nothing.” she said. The same response to when Simon had asked.

“You didn’t get that when you hit Luke, did you? I mean, I know you hit him hard, but not that hard.”

Luna smiled a small smile. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”

“Okay.” Chisa relented.

But Luna noticed Simon staring at her with narrowed eyes -no doubt, angry that she’d lied to him before. How would they be able to understand? She was breakable, easily bruised. It was all the leukemia’s fault that she was dying. A small ache seemed escape Luna’s heart at the thought.

The three made their way down the hallway, Chisa’s chatter filling in the parts where Luna and Simon didn’t talk. When they got to the class room, lots of people were already there, talking, throwing paper airplanes, and of course, fighting.

Luna set down her stuff and even after the bell rang, Mrs. Vang was still gone. She leaned over to Chisa. “When does the teacher usually get here?”

“Probably not for an hour.” she said, applying mascara to her face.

She sighed, and picked up her violin and headed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” she asked a little loudly.

Everyone in the room seemed to stop what they were doing and look at Luna. She closed her eyes, “Going to practice.” she said, looking back and holding up her instrument.

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