Heavenly Refuge ~ Ch. 10

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Luna raced out of the school, tears streaming down her face. She sat down on the steps in defeat, sobbing. Her life was horrible.  With shaky hands, she pulled out her new cell phone and dialed Dad’s number.

“Daddy? Can you come pick me up?” she asked, brokenly.

After a minute, she hung up and started to cry again. Everything was a mess, Luna didn’t know what to do. Everything seemed so big now, when her world used to be too small. Now it felt like everything was suffocating her, there was no way out.

She wiped her tears away, and sobered up a bit, and then they came. A black car pulled up to the school, and three well-muscled guys got out. Luna stared at them, as they came towards her.

They didn’t speak; actions speak better than words, apparently. One thug grabbed her, and before he could do more, she kneed him in the nuts, leaving him to bend over and groan.

Another one started to come towards her and he tried to grab her shoulder but she quickly let instinct come. Luna put his weight against him and threw him over her shoulder.  But he quickly got up and recovered, throwing a punch towards her. She caught it, but felt and heard a small crack in her hand.

Luna resisted screaming. The thug grinned, knowing she was wounded and threw another punch. The other one that she hadn’t fought yet, started to make his way towards her. She elbowed him in the gut and he grunted, but engulfed her in a bear hug, restricting her movements.

Then, Luna went to her last resorts. “Help!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Someone help me!”

Unlike the movies and books, the principal burst through the doors, looking ready to shoot someone.

“Release that student at once!” he thundered. “Get off this campus immediately or I will contact the police! Now!”

The thug dropped me, and I landed on the concrete painfully. The three piled back into their car, still not saying anything. But before the last one got in the car, he pulled out a gun. Teachers shouted and there was running footsteps somewhere, but Luna didn’t notice. Her eyes were fixed on the weapon.

A shot rang out, Luna’s body jerked, and she was still. Blood ran from her shoulder down, but she didn’t feel the pain. Maybe this was the acceptance of death. There’d be no pain.

“Luna!” a desperate shout rang through her consciousness.

Slowly, she turned to see her Dad running out of the truck, followed by Simon. They both got to her before the teachers.

Luna tried to smile, to tell him everything was alright, but she was tired. Blackness blurred her vision, and she heard the sound of a siren in the distance.

Hands gripped her and someone shouted in her ears. “Luna! Don’t even think about leaving your Dad! Do you know how much he’s gone through to protect you? Don’t leave him!”

She blinked her eyes open, and she was surprised to find them closed. Simon’s face came into focus. His hands gripped her shoulders and his hand was coated in her blood, where the wound was.

Slowly, she raised a shaky hand and pulled his hand off her. “I’ll be fine.” she managed, and finally, finally went to sleep.

Luna dreamed of Heaven. She was sure it was Heaven because she was in a lovely meadow, mountains in one direction, the sea in another. Her Mom was there, but she was talking to another woman. She had short dark hair and bright blue eyes. Blue eyes that Luna instantly recognized. Her Mom turned towards her. “Luna.” She sounded a bit surprised but still the mom that she always knew from her childhood.

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