tejos dreams

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Tejo pov
dreams come true
my all dreams are set
graduated college with my best friend
helped him to become the best boxer in india
now all i need is to settle down
have a family and live my life
and for that fatehs family visited today
to fix our wedding date
i was on cloud nine
i hurriedly went to greet them
gurpreet : satti behen
i'll tell you
tejo is perfect for my fateh
if you say yes
we will take her today itself
satti: you will take her
but not today
let's set the date
i don't want to send her so easily
kushbeer : since tejo
arrived in fateh's life
his life changed
yesterday he won 50 lakhs in that boxing championship
rupy: it's just my daughters lunch
where ever she goes
she helps everyone
i have one daughter who is perfect in every way
the other what to say
jasmine : no need to say anything
i will not marry this local type guys
i'm only looking for nri
so badluck for tejo
not me
rupy: jasmine shut up and get inside
we are fixing your sisters marriage
jasmine pov
that marriage should happen right
fateh is already head over heels for me
why will he marry this idiot
my poor parents
rupy: don't mind her
she is still a kid
so next week let's fix the wedding
kushbeer : this is such a great news
gurpreet : tejo go
call your fateh and tell him
next week  he should take you home with us
tejo: yes maaji
tejo pov
i just ran away without looking
i was really happy
gurpreet : my daughter in law is feeling shy
really sati behen
i'm lucky to have tejo
jasmine pov
very soon you will be unlucky
jasmine pov
i met fateh in front of our house
we decided to leave this city
jasmine : fateh let's go
fateh: why are you so late
what if some one sees us
jasmine : no one will see us
let's go
tejo pov
i was about to go out for my bachelor party
but i was shocked to see fateh and jasmine there with there bags
tejo: what are you two doing
and what are these bags with you
fateh: tejo listen
i don't want to marry you
tejo: what do you mean
stop joking fateh
this is a bad joke
jasmine : not everything is a joke tejo
fateh hates  you
that's why he is leaving
fateh: jasmine stop it
see tejo i love jasmine
please let me go
tejo : what do you mean you love jasmine
we love each other fateh
we were about to get married
fateh:i'm sorry tejo
but i really love jasmine
can't you see that
tejo: but what about our love fateh
you loved me right
fateh: i don't
i said yes only because of my family pressure
what are you anyways
your not that pretty
you don't love parties
you don't drink
nor you are loving like my jasmine
you are just a behanji
i just hate you
please leave me
tejo: fateh please
don't say like that
what will my parents think
please come inside
fateh : i don't know what you are going to do
but please cancel this wedding
because i cannot marry you
tejo : fateh please don't say like that
jasmine : stop begging him tejo
you are not worth it
please leave us alone
tejo pov
i don't know what to say
when fateh just pushed me and left with jasmine
my love and dedication for him
was all gone
he never loved me
he only loves jasmine
it hurts even thinking about it
as i was breaking down
my friend devika arrived and took me to a party
i didn't feel like being there
but since they arranged it i couldn't say no
i simply sat in the corner and began to process
how to tell my parents
just then
devika : stop being that dul
and here take this
tejo: what is it
i don't drink
devika : it's a juice that mends your heart
here take this
tejo pov
i didn't think twice
i just gulped it down
after few more drinks
my head started to explode
everyone were ready to go home
but i wanted to be here
away from nonsense
that's when i saw some one like fateh
tejo: you get me another drink
stranger : you can't stand properly
stranger pov
i see a girl approaching me and taking my drink from my hands
i was already drunk but she was way too drunk
stranger : this is mine
tejo : please i have gone through a lot
i deserve this
stranger: may i ask what happened
tejo: my boyfriend
ran away with my sister
we were supposed to get married
stranger : that's why never love anyone
love is complicated
stranger pov
i looked at her
her dreamy eyes captured my heart
her grief really touched me
tejo: now i get it why he didn't kiss me
he never liked me
so you like me
stranger : i don't know your name
tejo: do you like me or not
stranger : i don't know
what do you think
stranger pov
before i could answer anything
she just kissed me on my lips
stranger : what are you doing
tejo: do you hate it fateh
stranger : one
i'm not fateh
i'm anuj
and two we could do more
if you like it
tejo pov
before i could even let my consciousness in
i left the pub
only to be led into a hotel room
with our clothes getting in our way
we just tore them apart
and made our way to the bed
him still kissing me vigorously
and i was completely down with this guy
coming onto me
i didn't know why
i just want to be wanted once
author pov
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