love blossoms ( part -5)

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anupama shah

age :32ex wife of vanrajfirst love of anujmother of toshu and samar****************************************jasmine povthe marriage was completedanuj married this tejoand he didn't even look at mei tried getting his attentionbut he didn't botheraft...

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age :32
ex wife of vanraj
first love of anuj
mother of toshu and samar
jasmine pov
the marriage was completed
anuj married this tejo
and he didn't even look at me
i tried getting his attention
but he didn't bother
after the marriage there was a huge  coverage form press
and anuj was introducing tejo as his wife
i was burning with jealousy just looking at them
no tejo cannot have this future
i will tear them apart
anuj: tejo meet our business partner
mr sharma and mr rao
sharma: finally you have your better half here
anuj: not my better half
but best half
tejo pov
seeing him introducing to everyone
and standing by me
makes me feel secure
fateh never gave me respect like this
he always introduced me as his acquaintance
it was like i never existed for fateh
as i was admiring anuj
a lady came up to us
anupama: wish you a very happy married life anuj and tejo
anuj: anupama?
where is vanraj
anupama: vanraj he left me
but it doesn't matter anymore
anuj: i'm sorry to hear
let me introduce my wife
tejo she was my classmate in college
tejo: nice to meet you
come inside
jasmine : fateh who is that woman
with anuj
is she special
fateh: oh her
she is anujs classmate in college
she visited our house many times
at one time we thought she will be the daughter in law of this house
but she got married to someone and left the city
jasmine pov
so old love
i should check with her
what she is upto now
anuj pov
who invited anupama
i closed the chapter years ago
after she got married
now who brought this up
as i was thinking
i saw anupama greet my mother and talking with her
that's when i realized it must be her who invited anupama
i left this thought and began searching for tejo
only to find her talking to fateh
fateh : congratulations
you have achieved it right
to be virks daughter in law
you didn't get me so you went for my brother
how low can you go tejo
if you think being in the same family
and seeking revenge for me
will give you happiness
then please stop your plans
my brother is a good man
don't destroy him
he only married you due to my fathers pressure
so please leave him
and go back
anuj: are you done
fateh: bhai you don't know about her
it's her revenge to get me
she was my ..
anuj: ex girlfriend whom you left for her sister
i get it
but please don't shout at her
she is your bhabhi now
and i don't want anyone talk rudely with tejo
and what revenge are you saying
tejo must get revenge for what you have done
anuj pov
i wanted to fight
but tejo stopped me
tejo: anuj leave it
please stop creating a scene
gurpreet pov
i was seeing how anuj was raising his voice on a fateh
what's happening
i went to confront them
but jasmine came by
jasmine: tejo didn't enter your house yet auntiji
and already drama started
don't know how it will be from now on
i'm just saying
gurpreet pov
don't know what tejo is doing
why is she creating a rift now
both brothers have met after a long time
they should be happy not like this
i should do something
tejo pov
after the confrontation
i managed to calm down anuj
and we started off to his home
where i was welcomed
i always dreamed of entering this house as a daughter in law
but as fatehs wife
however i was blessed i didn't marry him
and anuj married me instead
as we are going towards the room
everyone were just teasing us
bjiji asked us to have a child soon
anuj wanted to say we are having a child
but i asked him to wait
as we cannot tell them just now
anuj went to get some of my belongings
and i entered his room
i was stunned looking at my pictures
the ones where we had coffee
and the other one where we were just walking
seriously how did he get these pics
as i was admiring them
anuj walked in
anuj: so how do you like the room
tejo: looks good
how did you get all my pics
anuj: you are surprised right
i got a bit help
i want to say something
tejo: before that
i wanted to say
this marriage may be a compromise for us
but i do want us to fulfill it
anuj: what do you mean
tejo : i want to love you anuj
anuj pov
i wanted to say about anupama
but looking at tejo
trying to give our relationship
a shot
i just shut up
i need to give this relationship my everything
i liked tejo , i. wanted her
anupama is closed chapter now
i will never bring that up again
as i was thinking about anupama
i saw tejo change into her nightdress
tejo: are you not going to change
anuj: yes i was just thinking
we had slept first and then married
it would have been great if
we did the other way around right
tejo: what are you thinking
anuj : i was thinking
to get that
tejo: to get me
tejo pov
i didn't know what to do
he was coming so near to me
should i be the first to kiss him
or does he wants to do that
i didn't know and just closed my eyes
anuj: tejo
please move
i need the towel
tejo: towel?
i thought
anuj: what
tejo : nothing
anuj: don't worry
i will be back to continue what you meant
tejo pov
as anuj left i started feeling shy
why is he like this
fateh pov
does tejo really like anuj?
why did they even get married
why couldn't they wait
i love jasmine
but why does it feel like i'm loosing something
why did you do this tejo
why ?
author pov
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