tejo vents out

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anuj : tejo are you ok
tejo: i'm fine
what will happen to me
come on let's dance
today is our sangeet
kavya pov
oh no this tejo
what will she do now
as i was thinking she just came to me
and started blabbering
tejo: your worried right
kamini.. no it's not your name
it should be gavya
no i can't remember but just let it fix with kamini
how did you think you can have my husband
tell me
is my place that easy?
do you know what i have done to deserve this
it's not all happy as you think
my mother in law hated me because i got pregnant before marriage
my husband who thought he loved me
left me just because of one misunderstanding
just one
i didn't see my daughters face for 5 years because of it
do you think this is happy life
if your thinking i lived in luxury
let me remind you
i have never taken a penny from my husband
and i never will
because what i want i can buy on my own
i don't need others charity
so please stop wasting your time in breaking us
i got back my life after a lot of pain
please don't break it more
and speaking of pain
why are you hiding their sister
come in front
jasmine : tejo i don't want to talk to you
tejo: yes i know
why will you talk to me
after all your plan flopped
i know you were planning to destroy my life again by joining hands with kavya
but let me tell you one thing
what did you get by doing this
there was a time when we were happy
but since you got so obsessed by saying whatever mine is yours
you changed
you took the guy i loved
i forgave you
as i moved on and fell in love with anuj
but still you were not happy
and used your every move to destroy me
i just wanted to ask what did you gain by doing this
look at you jasmine
even the one you love doesn't want to look at you
in the end you are all alone
but still instead of repenting
still your plotting things
i beg you please stop it
before you kill someone or kill yourself in this self obsessed attitude
anuj: tejo stop
let's go to the room
tejo: no i'm not done
i should congratulate fateh
i saved you even when i shouldn't
do you know why
because you were my friend
but when i needed you to be there
and help me find anuj
you paid a deaf ear
because of your ego
i think it was for the best that we were never togeather
please fateh from next time please try to be a bit sensitive
anuj: tejo it's ok
please calm down
tejo: calm down
why should i
i have all this pent up
i should let it go
and you are not different as them anuj
you also didn't believe me
but do you know why i can't leave you
because for the first time
some one really loved me
not like everyone else using me
yes all the guests here
my parents you know after you left
i became the black sheep of the family
and jasmine is great as she has a house
her husband didn't leave her
and whenever i used to go out of the house
these guests present here
used to call me names saying im inauspicious and what not
im done with all of them
i just hate everyone
anuj: tejo
get up
anuj pov
i couldn't imagine the anger built up in tejo
when she shared her miseries
it was uncontrollable
as all the guests were embarrassed and shocked
i cancelled the function
and asked them to return home
i took tejo to our room
anuj pov
the whole night i didn't sleep
i was holding tejo in my arms
and was crying
i didn't know the pain she went through
i thought my pain was uncontrollable
but her pain was suffering
it was like daggers in her heart each day
anuj: i'm sorry tejo
i'm truly sorry
tejo pov
i woke up only to see i was sleeping on someone's chest
and my head was paining a lot
it was as if some wooden bricks fell on me
tejo: didn't you sleep
you are looking dull
anuj: i'm sorry
tejo : why are you saying sorry and
what happened yesterday night
oh wait i remembered
kavya out something in your drink
anuj: i'm glad she did
because now
we know what happened
tejo: what happened
tejo pov
as i was talking to anuj
some one entered our room
and it was jasmine
jasmine : come on di
today is your wedding
here get up
let's go and do some make up
tejo: jasmine what are you doing
and what is this act
jasmine : this is not an act di
i know the mistakes have done
will not be rectified in one day
i'm selfish
i even destroyed your life
but i never thought what you went through
i'm sorry for what all i have done
i will change
i promise
please di
please give me one chance
author pov
one more chapter go
and the story ends
hopefully you like it dear readers
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