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tejo pov
it was a miserable headache
my whole body was aching
i didn't know what happened except the juice
devika gave
as i opened my eyes to examine the surroundings
at first i saw some guy holding my hand and sleeping beside me
i tried to remove my hand only to notice
that my sheet feel off
and i was naked
what the hell happened
anuj: please sleep
you must be tired
tejo: who are you and what have you done with me
anuj: that's bad don't you remember me
tejo: no
and please look the other side
i need to wear my clothes
anuj: why are you shy now
i have seen everything
and we have done it a couple of times
so please be careful when you walk
tejo: just shut up
i'm already in a lot of pain
and you taking advantage of me
is the last thing i needed
anuj: i didn't take any advantage
you kissed me and i reciprocated
i even listened to your crap story about how you supported your boy friend through 4 years only for him to elope with your sister
so you should give credit to me
tejo: i didn't tell you all these please stop
tejo pov
i was wearing my dress
but the pain was too much
so i collapsed on the floor
anuj: let me help you
tejo: no i'm fine
anuj: stop being so stubborn
anuj pov
i took her on the bed
and made her lie down
she really looked beautiful
i don't know why that idiot boyfriend of hers left her saying she doesn't look good
he must be blind
anuj: drink some water
i will prepare a bath
it will help you
tejo: no i need to go home
my parents must be worrying about me
anuj: they will be more worried seeing you in these torn clothes
and tired
so please listen to me
tejo pov
i didn't know what to say
but just complied with him
who is he?
jasmine pov
we wanted to go away
but suddenly fateh got a phone saying his. grandmothers condition worsened
jasmine : fateh please don't go
if you go now
they will definitely get you married to tejo
please understand
fateh : but jasmine
i'm worried for my grandmother
jasmine : let's do one thing
i will go home
and give you information about your grandmother
but you stay away from this place
once she is well
i will come and meet you
fateh: but ...
jasmine : please fateh
it's for us
tejo pov
i called my parents and i lied to them
that i was in devikas place and i will return in the evening
but i was feeling bad that i lost their respect by sleeping with another guy
i was checking in the bath
the love bites he gave me
i'm really ashamed of my actions
if fateh didn't break up with me
i wouldn't have been here
i wore the clothes the stranger prepared for me
he asked me to accompany me for a coffee
anuj: it's beautiful
to be in india  again
tejo: what do you mean
anuj: i left india
when my ex left me for another guy
tejo: so you were also cheated like me
anuj: not like you
in my case it was my best friend
if it was my own sibling
i don't know what i would have done
so what are you doing to do next
tejo: i have to tell my parents
that my sister eloped
and we have to cancel the marriage
it hurts
as i really loved him
anuj: i can understand
i had my heart broken many times
i wowed never talk to anyone unless it's for business
but yesterday something changed
you are really different tejo
tejo: i get it
i'm a behanji
i'm not modern
and i have stupid values
if it's enough
then i will be going
anuj: it's only these things that make you special tejo
you are what you are
don't try to change for the person
who doesn't love you
some one should love you for whom you are
tejo: and that someone doesn't exist
please leave me
i'm just a loving existence for everyone using me
my sister uses me to get her stuff done
my boyfriend used me to get his college work and his professional work
and you used my body to satisfy your lust
if there is nothing else
i will leave now
anuj: yes it was lust
but i don't sleep with people
just like a fling
i actually want to know you tejo
tejo: i don't even know your name
anuj: my name is anuj
anuj singh vi..
tejo: please stop
i don't want your full name
nor anything to do with you
i'm done with relationships
i'm not interested in anything
please leave me
anuj: tejo listen to me
anuj pov
she left
but i don't want to leave her yet
she is just like me hiding her pain
kushbeer : what do you mean fateh left
jasmine : tejo broke up with fateh
saying she doesn't love him
she hurt him really bad
that's why fateh left
gurpreet : no
tejo is not like that
jasmine : if you don't believe me
see the letter fateh left
tejo broke up with him
kushbeer : it is must be fatehs fault
tejo would never do this
gurpreet : we need to talk to tejo
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