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anuj pov
i had the best sleep of life with my wife snuggling on me
i tried to move only for her to close the distance again
really tejo how do you sleep
as i was about to move her
she woke up and rushed to the washroom to puked her guts out
anuj: are you fine
tejo: it started
morning sickness
anuj: i think we need to let the family know
you cannot hide it for much longer tejo
tejo : i want to say it
but i'm embarrassed
anuj: there is no embarrassment
it's our child
we were just a bit fast
and i will tell it was your idea
tejo: anuj please no jokes
anuj: what's the joke
you kissed me first
tejo: no you did it
anuj: liar
see your cheeks are turning red
tejo: stop irritating me
tejo pov
i was about to run
but i slipped and just fell on anuj instead
anuj:so you did this just to land on me
i have to say one thing
tejo: what
anuj : your really heavy
tejo: what are you saying
i'm not that fat
anuj: just kidding
jokes aside
let's pick a right time and tell our family
they will be happy
tejo pov
seeing anuj being so nice to me
startled me a bit
is this guy for real?
i'm really lucky
gurpreet : tejo
today is your first cooking
and you are so late
what happened
tejo: just 2 mins
i'm getting everything
please sit
tejo pov
i hurriedly served breakfast only for anuj
to catch my hand
anuj: please sit
we all have hands and we can serve ourselves
tejo; but..
anuj: sit down tejo
kushbeer: yes beta sit down
tejo pov
as everyone were having food
i saw fateh having red eyes
didn't he sleep
gurpreet : fateh come on have some food
fateh : im not hungry maa
i will eat in academy
kushbeer : sit down fateh
today tejo made the breakfast
fateh pov
i really wanted to eat
but just then
jasmine arrived
jasmine : good morning everyone
i brought breakfast
fateh don't eat that yet
see i made healthy food
tejo pov
as soon as jasmine opened the box
i couldn't resist the vomit
so i went inside and puked
jasmine : how rude
gurpreet : anuj
is tejo okay
she is puking since yesterday
anuj: i will go check on her maa
but looking at jasmines dish
even i can't resist to puke
what is this
why does it have this smell
jasmine : i made protein bars with fish with protein shake
anuj: it's raw right
jasmine : how did you know
anuj: wow fateh
you have an interesting breakfast
suddenly i'm not feeling well
jasmine pov
this husband and wife are so rude
but i made this for my fateh
jasmine : fateh come on eat it
fateh: it's ok jasmine
i will eat tejos unhealthy food
fateh pov
a day has not passed
and i'm already missing tejo
what's happening to me
jasmine : uncle do you want it
kushbeer: me and your aunt
don't want to be too healthy
you eat it beta
jasmine pov
when i come into this house
you all will have to eat anything i cook
anuj pov
after letting tejo rest
i was about to go my work
just then it was my mom
gurpreet : did tejo sleep
anuj: yes she was not feeling well mom
gurpreet : but she has to go to her home for a ritual
anuj: maa it can be managed
we will go tomorrow
let her rest
gurpreet : but ..
anuj: mom please
i have some work to do
i will be back soon
gurpreet: anuj wait
i need to talk about anupama
gurpreet pov
he left without turning back
now how should i tell him
as i was thinking
kushbeer came in front me
kushbeer : what are you saying about anupama
gurpreet : i gave a job to anupama in our restaurant
kushbeer: what?
gurpreet you know
what happens 12 years ago
anuj was so badly in love with her
but she broke his heart and married some one
anuj couldn't stay here without her that's the reason why he went to canada
do you know why i didn't let him in this house all these years
it's because he was suffering
i wanted him to go away and forget about her
now that he is finally settling with tejo
you want to destroy it?
gurpreet : i'm not destroying it
i'm just helping anupama
poor soul she didn't have any job and has to support two sons
i offered her some money but she wouldn't take it
and also there was a requirement in our restaurant
so i made the decision
kushbeer : i just hope
anuj doesn't drift
and stays happy with tejo
anuj pov
i arrived at my fathers hotel to check how everything was going
and if we needed any improvements
and suddenly i saw anupama
going into the restaurant
what is she doing here
as i tried to avoid her
she came right in front of me
anupama: anuj sir
here your coffee
the manager ordered it for you
anuj: thanks anupama
but ..
anupama: i remember you need milk more in your coffee
and 2 spoons sugar
anuj: thanks
but you don't have to do this
anupama : i have to
it's my job
anuj: job?
anupama: i work here
tejo pov
when i got up it was almost 3
i didn't know why i slept so long
i went to the kitchen and was eating something
when fateh arrived
fateh: are those noodels
tejo: yes
if you want there is some in the pot
fateh pov
i wanted to say no
but i couldn't resist
jasmine was making me crazy with her experiments
i just poured them in a bowl and sat opposite  to tejo on the dining table
fateh: when are you coming back to the academy
tejo: for what
fateh: to manage accounts
tejo: why would i do that
fateh: you used to do that all the time
tejo: i'm not going to anymore
i used to do it to help you
but now you don't deserve my help
fateh: it's you who don't deserve me
so stop acting and come to the academy
tejo: i won't and you can't make me
i'm not your girlfriend/ friend anymore
you can ask your jasmine
please leave me alone
fateh pov
you will pay for this tejo
you will ...,
author pov
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