I really love you

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anuj:what are you doing
tejo: building a pillow wall
anuj:is that even necessary
we are married
tejo: no not yet
after 2 days we will get married
and please this second time
i want to marry before having a child
anuj: 2 days doesn't make a difference
and we could always use protection
that's if you want
tejo: then why didn't you use the first time
anuj: you never gave me time
you know you were very gorgeous
the first time
tejo pov
anuj was holding my waist and was trying to kiss me
i just pushed him back
tejo: rules are rules
only after wedding
anuj: fine
if you want it
let's place a bet
tejo: what kind of bet
anuj; i would say by tomorrow night
you yourself will remove this pillow wall
tejo: you will loose
i will never do that
anuj: then let's see
what will happen
tejo pov
as we were having an eye lock moment
my mother in law spoilt it by knocking the door
gurpreet: tejo come on it's your haldi today
tejo : yes auntyji
gurpreet : what are you doing
anuj: nothing
gurpreet : stop playing with tejos duppata
and come down
today is even your haldi
both bride and groom are irresponsible
learn from your daughter
she is already helping everyone in the function
anuj: mom your forgetting something
pari doesn't help
anuj pov
i just saw pari grabbing the bowl of haldi and was trying to pour it down
tejo: pari stop it
don't play with that haldi
anuj: see
just like her mother
tejo pov
i don't know this feeling
though i'm already married
this function was always special to my heart
as my parents and everyone were applying haldi for me
i was watching poor anuj looking at this function in horror
as everyone were just giving a hard time
by applying loads of tumeric on him
anuj: wow mom
now everyone will stay away from me thinking i have some disease
gurpreet : shut up
see tejo
how she is enjoying
anuj: look at her
they are just applying it on her cheek
for me
dad just threw that bucket on me
tejo: stop complaining and enjoy
after all this was your plan
anuj: yeah yeah
my stupid plan
you all people have changed an indian man to yellow man
tejo : just shut up
anuj pov
i really missed this my happy tejo
the laugh , the smile
it really warms your heart
kavya pov
i was getting irritated what are they doing
is marrying her again really necessary?
i didn't know that in anger i plucked out a garland
jasmine : control your anger kavya
we will get them
did you prepare everything i asked you
kavya : everything is ready
tejo pov
i was getting ready for sangeet
anuj was trying his best to avoid me
tejo: j know your plan it's not going to work
anuj: it worked before
tejo: ignoring your loved one will only make it worse
anuj: i'm not ignoring you
kavya please come in
kavya : yes sir
anuj : can you please let me know if i look good
kavya : you look amazing sir
anuj: thank you
kavya : should i walk you downstairs
anuj: sure let's go
tejo pov
seriously you want to make me jealous
by using kavya
nope not happening
i'm not going to fall for it
actually i will make a bigger mess for you
anuj pov
i saw tejo all dolled up
and coming down for the party when
i planned my next move
anuj: kavya you really look good today
tejo: yes kavya
you really look good
you know what
you should go and dance with anuj
it's his sangeet right
kavya : really?
kavya pov
my excitement was short lived
when suddenly the whole hall was blacked out
and that's when we heard a voice
anuj : before you leave my dear tejo
just listen to me once
tejo pov
i was shocked when the lights were focused on me
and my photos were appearing on screen
anuj : i can tolerate your anger and also your slaps
yes don't forget you slapped the first time i asked for coffee
though it was a mistake i was hurt a bit
but i knew you were always special to me
your care , your happiness changed me into a better person
the first time we married
we did it as a compromise for our daughter
but this second time
i want to marry you because i love you
i can bear any anything you give me
but just please don't hate me
tejo pov
the lights came back again
and i was in tears
i just went to anuj and hugged him
jasmine pov
i was burning in jealousy
how come she gets this fate
i tried to destroy her
but she had to get it back
fateh: destroying will never give you happiness jasmine
at least learn now
try to be nice
otherwise you will never be in peace
jasmine :  are you in peace
you left me the one you loved
and giving me a lecture about your ex true love
just go fateh
fateh: you will never change jasmine
tejo pov
after dancing with anuj and pari
i came by to the bar to grab a cold drink
that's when i saw kavya mixing something in a drink and taking it
kavya: here sir
you asked for a drink right
here you go
kavya pov
soon you will be mine anuj
please drink this up
we have a lot of activities planned
tejo: anuj wait
i need that drink
anuj pov
before i could say anything
tejo drank the whole glass
anuj: tejo are you ok
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