tejos resolution ( part-2)

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anuj pov
i was in the middle of the interview
where i clearly spoke to the interviewer before hand
that i don't want to talk about my personal life
but she had it
reporter: regarding your personal life
anuj: please no more questions
reporter : it's not a question
we have a surprise for you
we asked your wife to join
and she accepted it happily
anuj: wife
kavya pov
when the interviewer mentioned about wife i was thrilled
was she talking about me
anujs sir wife is dead
so it must be me
as i was about to go on the stage
some one has overtaken me and went on the stage
reporter : then she is your wife
please introduce yourself mrs tejo
tejo: hi
i'm anujs wife tejo anuj singh virk
anuj pov
i was shocked as what is tejo doing here
wasn't she supposed to be with fateh?
anuj: tejo please leave
reporter : no mr anuj
not yet
we need to know more about you guys
when did you get married
was it arranged or love
please tell us
everyone wants to know
anuj: it was neither love or arranged
it was just a compromise
reporter : compromise
what are you saying
tejo: yes it was a compromise in the start
but later we realized it was love
anuj: i'm sorry
i cannot do this
anuj pov
i was angry at tejo
for saying all the words
what does she want to accomplish
i just left the interview and went to see my daughter
i need to leave soon
anuj: pari we are leaving
let's go
pari: but i don't want to go
anuj: no pari
this place is not for us
we need to leave
tejo: then let me also follow you
pari: papa she was the one who helped me
anuj: pari stop don't go to her
tejo pov
i was tearing up looking at her
how unfortunate i was that i couldn't recognize my own daughter
and the name was the same one i choosed pari
you can lie all you want anuj
but the fact is the same
you could never forget me
tejo: pari..
anuj: tejo please leave
i don't want to face you
tejo: enough of running anuj
it's the time you have to face me
you cannot hide my daughter forever
and i know why you are behaving like this
but listen to me
i need you to know the truth
anuj: the truth is the same tejo
we cannot be togeather
pari: why are you fighting
and who are you
tejo : i'm your mother pari
pari : really papa is this true
anuj : pari . it's ..
tejo: please don't lie anuj
you can have an enmity with me
but please don't break our bond
anuj: bond?
your here for pari right
i can't live without pari
so please don't make this hard
please leave
tejo: i don't want only pari anuj
i need you
i want you both back
anuj: you have fateh now
please leave
i cannot be your back up plan all the time
when you are not with fateh
tejo: i don't know how to prove you that your not a back up plan
but you are my present and future
i will make sure you understand
and to do that i'm not leaving you
kavya pov
i was angry
how dare she come into the interview like that
and she locked the door of anujs sirs room
i'm going to kill her
as i was banging the door
some one finally opened it
kavya : anuj  that woman..
kavya pov
i was shocked to see the same woman standing infront of me
kavya : you what are you doing here
i said if you want money for your charity talk to me
and don't whore your self with my boss
can't you understand
anuj pov
i wanted to scold kavya
but tejo spoke
the first time i have seen her with confidence
tejo: this is my husband and child
so i know my right to stay in this room
please make sure not to use foul language in front of my child
plus don't act all angry on me
it will only make things harder for you
kavya : but anuj what's happening
tejo: anuj sir
he is just your boss
nothing else to you
kavya : sir i will be leaving now
let me know when you need me
anuj: yes please leave
tejo pov
there was so much in knowing my daughter
especially when she has not even known my name
the way she laughs reminds me of anuj
but the eyes were identical as mine
i was making her fall asleep
and when she finally dozed off
i made her sleep in the other room
and have come to talk to anuj
we have a lot of things to sort
anuj pov
i poured myself a drink
and was waiting for tejo
we both know this is not going to work
i thought may be a compromise would let her move on from fateh
but in the end she choose him
and now why is she back now
was it because of pari ?
but if it was because of pari
why is she reminding me that she is my wife
tejo: i came here not only because of pari
but mostly because of you
now stop drinking you can't handle more than 2 glasses
anuj: why are you here
you were happy with fateh
tejo: if i was happy
why would i return
did you even know what i had went though
5 years i was expecting you to return
these 5 years i was searching for my child
only to know she was with you the whole time
tell me anuj
tell me what i have done so wrong
that i deserve this punishment
anuj: stop acting all great tejo
you cheated on me
with my own brother
so stop it
stop praising yourself
we are done
we are going to file for divorce
and you are not going to be in mylife
author pov
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