Revelations ( part-8)

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fateh: jasmine leave it you cannot help me in any way
jasmine: i'm trying fateh
you should be grateful
that i even offered to help
fateh : i wish tejo was here to help me with the business
jasmine: tejo again
why are you bringing up tejo in every conversation
why fateh
yesterday even in the party you are avoiding me
what happened
fateh: because i miss her
please stop it now
jasmine: you miss her for what
why is tejo so better than me
fateh: because she
fateh pov
not even in business
tejo always used to consider me
help me
make me happy
she used to give me respect
but jasmine ..
fateh :forget it
you will never understand
and please from today don't talk with me
jasmine : fateh listen to me
jasmine pov
fateh just left without talking to me
i have to teach this tejo a lesson for ruining my day
tejo pov
i was waiting for anuj to return
but he didn't show up
he said he has some important work and he will return late
it has already 11 pm and there is no sight of him
i'm starting to feel disturbed
he was not even lifting his calls
feeling disappointed i was going back to my room
just then
anuj: that's it
you won't welcome me
tejo: anuj ..
anuj: tejo what are you doing you will fall
stop running
anuj pov
when tejo hugged me
i knew what i have missed
the warmth of her love was showing
tejo: please from next time lift the call
anuj: i'm sorry i was driving
now can we go into our room
tejo: not yet
i missed you
i even planned a surprise
you are late
so i can hug you more
anuj: but everyone is seeing
tejo pov
i pulled out of the hug only to see mummyji and papaji watching us
i was so embarrassed
tejo : i'm sorry
tejo pov
i was about to go into the room
but anuj stopped me
kushbeer : anuj why are you so happy
did you get the deal
anuj: even better
we got two more
kushbeer : i know i could trust you
unlike some one
who is putting our academy into a complete loss
fateh pov
i just reached home
and my father started taunting me
fateh: the losses are due to one persons negligence
she doesn't want to help
kushbeer : and whose fault is that
you never gave credit to tejo
why will she help you now
gurpreet : leave it
kushbeerji we will get someone that will support fateh
kushbeer : and how much time do you think it will take?
fateh apologize to tejo and ask her to come back to the academy
tejo: papaji it's not needed i will try to help
fateh pov
wow tejo when i asked you said no
and now someone else asked it's a yes
why are you treating me this way
this is not the tejo i know
anuj: no tejo
you cannot do it
papa i will help fateh
as tejo needs to rest
she is going through a lot
kushbeer: learn something from your brother fateh
learn something
fateh pov
going through a lot
what does anuj mean
is tejo sick ?
fateh pov
i wanted some papers related to business
and when i took anujs folder
i saw a 1 year contract for marriage
between tejo and anuj
and it was signed
so tejo did this deal with anuj just to stay in this house
i knew it when anuj was marrying tejo
he cannot forget anupama
that means tejo did this only for revenge from me
just to see how i feel
wait tejo i will tell you how i feel
tejo pov
i forgot that i had left my ultrasound pictures in the kitchen
as i wanted to surprise anuj by putting the pic on a cake
as i was hurriedly walking
i saw some one looking at the ultrasound pic
gurpreet pov
i had my doubts
the frequent nausea, fainting and tiredness
and now this pic confirmed it
as i was raging in anger
tejo entered
gurpreet : just answer this question tejo
how many days have passed since you got  married
tell me
tejo: auntiji
why are you asking me like that
gurpreet : answer me tejo
how many days
tejo: 6 days
gurpreet : not even a week
and your pregnant
tejo pov
i was shocked to see my ultrasound pic with her
gurpreet :who's child this is?
tejo: auntiji it's ..
gurpreet : no don't lie
i know now why fateh didn't marry you
you are a wh**e
tejo: what are you saying auntiji
this child belongs to ..
tejo pov
i was about to say
but auntyji slapped me again
she began dragging me outside the house
gurpreet: today you will pay for your crimes
how could you cheat on my son
you are impossible
tejo pov
before i could say anything
she threw me out of the house
and i landed on my stomach
gurpreet : go from here
and never return
tejo: please help me
this is anujs .. child
tejo pov
before i could say anything
i lost my consciousness
anuj pov
i saw how tejo arranged our room
and also some sweet notes
for me
i didn't know that one fateful encounter will change my life
i removed the rose which anupama gave me 13 years ago and threw it in trash
i don't need her memories anymore
i moved on with my tejo
speaking of tejo
why is she not coming to our room yet
she said she had a surprise
but where is she ?
author pov
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