failed plans (part-11)

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tejo pov
i finally returned home
only to see anuj avoiding to talk to me
i think the word deadth really hit him hard
but i didn't mean it
it's just things come out of my mouth
tejo: anuj
i'm sorry
anuj: hmm
tejo: anuj please look at me
why are you not showing me your face
i'm sorry i won't say about death
and will not go anywhere
i will not cause any trouble for me and our child
please talk to me
anuj: hmm
tejo pov
enough is enough
i'm done with the hmm
tejo: anuj are you LISTENING TO ME???
tejo pov
i shouted from the top of my lungs
Anuj: calm down tejo
i accept your apology
why are you shouting
Tejo : then why are you not talking to me
Anuj: you always wanted me to stop talking right i'm granting your wish
tejo: when did i say
anuj: let me think
the day after we met
on the bed
tejo: shut up anuj
anuj: and what is with this anuj
i'm your husband now give me respect
tejo: what should i call you
anuj: i'm not forcing you
it's your wish
and patidev seems too dramatic
any other choice
tejo pov
anuj pulled me in his arms
and i began toying with his buttons
and that's when i got the idea
tejo: how about annu
you like it right
it's perfect right
anuj: please tejo
don't call me that
anuj is fine
tejo: anuj did something happen
tejo pov
anuj removed him from me
and left the room
did i say something wrong?
anuj: i have a business call
i will be back
anuj pov
i have to remove this past
why do i keep remembering
fateh pov
i saw anupama working in the kitchen
i went there and began to talk casually
fateh: i always thought you will be our bhabhi
but it didn't happen
you are bhais perfect match
anupama : it's ok fateh
some things are not to be meant
if your brother is happy
i'm happy
we have different paths now
fateh : but bhai didn't think that
he bought this gift for you
it's a saree for tomorrow's party
he couldn't give it to directly
so he sent me
anupama pov
i was shocked to know that anuj got me a gift
the same one which he said he will gift it to me 12 years ago
as i was thinking about the memory
i saw anuj passing by
i simply said thanks to which he just nodded and left
fateh: see he left smiling
you should really wear it tomorrow
anupama: i will
fateh pov
now anupama will wear this saree bought by
and my ex tejo will wear the dress bought by me and will be humiliated by everyone
tejo pov
i went to my mother in law to make amends
tejo: auntiji
i bought juice
gurpreet : it's not needed
you make things boil in between my sons
and now you are giving me juice to cool down
tejo: it's nothing like that auntyji
i know we have been on badfoot every since you have known about my pregnancy
but trust me this child belongs to anuj
i met him 3 months ago
gurpreet : stop talking
you were to be married to fateh
and you went and slept with anuj
don't you have any shame

tejo povi finally returned homeonly to see anuj avoiding to talk to mei think the word deadth really hit him hardbut i didn't mean itit's just things come out of my mouthtejo: anuji'm sorryanuj: hmmtejo: anuj please look at mewhy are you not showi...

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tejo: auntyji
you don't know what happened that day..
fateh : i broke up with her mom
i was the culprit
i broke tejos heart
and that's why she is anujs now
gurpreet : fateh what are you saying
fateh : the truth
if some one needs to be punished
it should be me
i'm sorry for breaking your heart tejo
i can truly understand if you hate me
but please if you ever thought me as your friend
please forgive me
gurpreet : fateh stop begging her
she doesn't deserve this
fateh: she deserves more maa
tejo: fateh please stop it
let's start fresh and just be friends
tejo pov
i felt bad seeing fateh apologize like that
but i was grateful he knew he had done wrong
i wanted to talk to auntyji
but when i saw anuj walking with a box
i left the room and followed anuj
anuj pov
i noticed tejo following me like a cat
but i didn't turn and went straight to my room
tejo: what's in the box
anuj: a gift
tejo: for whom
anuj: some one i love
tejo: please tell me what it is
anuj: can't you wait
it's for you
but don't open it until tomorrow
anuj pov
before i could even finish the sentence tejo
opened the box
tejo: it's a saree right
wait let me change
anuj: tejo no
it's for tomorrow
anuj pov
i couldn't stop her as she went straight into the dressing room to change
it was more than 30 mins
and i was feeling restless
what is she doing
anuj: tejo do you need help
tejo: the zip is not fitting me
anuj: sarees don't have zips tejo
let me see
anuj pov
when she came out in the mini red dress
i just tossed my spects

fateh : i broke up with her mom i was the culpriti broke tejos heart and that's why she is anujs nowgurpreet : fateh what are you saying fateh : the truthif some one needs to be punished it should be mei'm sorry for breaking your heart tejoi can t...

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tejo: anuj what happened
anuj: this was a mistake
i can't control
tejo: control what
tejo pov
before i knew the dress was tossed on the ground along with anujs suit
and he was all over kissing me
tejo: what are you doing
stop biting me
your going to leave marks
anuj: your mine just mine
anuj pov
at first i wanted to sue the shop for exchanging my gift with this dress
but based on the outcome of our awesome love session
i could only say thanks to the person who did this mistake
tejo pov
all my worries are gone
when i was sleeping soundly on my husband
i hope we stay like this forever
gurpreet : did you call him
jasmine : everything is set
i made sure that he does the drama
and i have a special surprise
which will break tejo forever
poor my sister
author pov
i hope you all liked it
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