Evil plans (part-10)

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tejo pov
i could still sense a bit anger in anuj
but more than that he was worried about me
he was still wearing the same shirt as yesterday and he was very tired
i was determined  to make peace with his mother for our future to  make everything ok
as i was trying to get up
but anuj woke up and helped me to sit
tejo: you really need to go home
anuj: i don't want to go
tejo: your tired and you really need to freshen  up
anuj: and if i do that will you tell me
who did this to you
tejo: it was me
i slipped and fell
anuj: at 12 in midnight
outside the house
wow tejo
please tell a lie which can be believable
tejo: please anuj i don't want to talk about it anymore
i'm already stressed out
for our child's sake please stop it
anuj pov
i wanted her to accept the truth
but my questions are only hurting her
i decided to not say anything
anupama: he won't stay quiet tejo
he is always like this angry
even in college he was like this
anuj pov
i was shocked when anupama walked in
tejo: i'm sorry
who are you?
anupama: i'm anupama
we met at the party last time
i'm his classmate
tejo: oh i'm sorry i forgot about it
anuj: anupama what are you doing here?
anupama: i came to give you breakfast
i heard from your mother that tejo had an accident
so i thought to help out
anuj: that's not needed anupama
we would have managed
tejo: don't mind him
thank you anupama
anuj you should say thanks
anuj: you should have taken care
anupama: i think you both need to talk
i will go now
tejo: no anupama
you wait
anuj you go
anuj : what
tejo: your worried that something might happen to me
if your not here right
anupama will stay with me
you can go
anuj: but
tejo: anupama you can stay right
anupama: sure
anuj: ok
i will go home
but i will be back in an hour
until then please ..
tejo: i will not die promise
anuj: stop saying those words tejo
you know what
fine ..
tejo: i'm sorry it's just ..
anuj: i don't want to hear  anymore
tejo pov
i didn't know why i blurted out death after that incident yesterday
anuj must have gotten angry
anuj pov
i didn't want to lash out at tejo
in front of anupama
and why did anupama come in between a husband and wife
why couldn't she knock the door
with the frustration i went back home
fateh : please jasmine leave me alone
jasmine : i came to say sorry here
but i got the news
see you never wanted tejo
now that you found out how liar and cheater
she is you should be happy
fateh: i think anuj is wrong
may be anuj forced her
jasmine : if anuj forced her
then why did tejo say yes
tejo knows how to say know
she is not a child
she wanted to trap your brother because you left her
can't you see it
fateh: but still i can't think tejo would do this
i think my brother has to do something with this
jasmine : listen to me fateh
i have known tejo all my life
she is like this
forget about her
don't waste your time even thinking about her
and please don't fight with him
he will be really helpful to us
you know right
he can sponsor visa for us
fateh: shut up jasmine
you are saying all this for visa
when my brother is accusing me
jasmine : i'm just saying don't let tejo affect you
jasmine pov
this stupid fateh left without looking back
i will not let this tejo live peacefully
i should do something
anuj pov
i was getting ready to go back to the hospital
that's when my mother came to me
gurpreet : are you going to the hospital
anuj: where would i go
my wife is there
gurpreet: i know you and your brother are not on best terms
but please don't fight with him
he has gone through a lot
anuj: what has he gone through
i was about to loose my child and wife yesterday
if some one has gone through something
it would be me
gurpreet : why are you so adamant
that the child is yours
what proof do you have
anuj: what do you want maa
i didn't make video
when i slept with tejo
and also i was her first
if you have any doubts this should clear it
please mom
don't talk about this topic anymore
gurpreet : ok if tejo is so important
to you i won't talk anymore
any way i wanted to say anupama will be staying in this house
anuj: anupama but why?
gurpreet : her in laws
moved to another city
and she doesn't know anyone
has no where to go
plus your wife will be resting
so i asked her to stay here
if you want to argue on this matter also
you are good at insulting me right
anuj pov
i wanted to really shout
why did she have to bring anupama
in every conversation
anuj; fine
do whatever you want
i don't care
anuj pov
why anupama
finally i left you and started to love tejo
why do you want to destroy this why??
fateh pov
my plan would work beautifully on tejos birthday
bhai you think you will get tejo
but after this surprise she will have so many doubts
that she her self will leave you
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