Tejo's pain(part-12)

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tejo pov
today was supposed to be a happy day
as it was my birthday
but i never knew that this day would start turning a bad note in life
it all started in the morning
when anuj wished me birthday
surprising me with my parents
i was happy that whatever i asked in my life was was coming true
a husband who always loves me and cares for me
and my sister changed
i never wanted to forgive her for what she has done
but when she came to me and wished me for my birthday
i couldn't be more happier
anuj: i know you both had your differences
but siblings don't need to fight always
and i promise you tejo
i will not fall for your sister
that's an another gift for you
tejo: shut up
i will not let anyone steal you
jasmine : i'm sorry tejo
i have done many mistakes
i realized it when anuj jeeju came to me and explained it to me
i'm sorry for hurting you
i promise i will be always there for you
please forgive me
tejo:pagli come here
tejo pov
i didn't want to fight with jasmine any longer
she can have fateh
and trust me no one will take him other than her
jasmine pov
hugging my sister is another thing
this is good
being a good sister
but wait tejo
you don't know how this good sister will help you tear your life apart
tejo : anuj where are you going
anuj pov
i didn't know why but
i got a lot of missed calls from anupama
is she ok
tejo: anuj i'm asking you
anuj: jasmine please take tejo  for shopping
here is a card and also cash
i will be back soon
tejo. but where are you going?
anuj: i have an urgent work will be back soon
jasmine : di
when are you going to buy stuff for the baby
tejo: i still have time
may be after a month
we will start
jasmine : can i decorate the room
tejo: sure
jasmine : why are you so happy
tejo: nothing
it's just i remembered the other night
jasmine : what happened
and what's this on your neck
do you have insects in your room
how gross
tejo: it was your jeeju
the big insect
jasmine pov
so your selling your body to stay in that house
wow tejo
where are your principles now
tejo pov
we were shopping in the mall
only to find
anuj screaming at some one
and the other man was about it hit anuj
but anuj just threw him on the ground
tejo: anuj stop it
you are hurting him
anuj: if you come anywhere near anupama
i swear vanraj i will kill you
tejo: i said to stop
please anuj
stop hitting him
anuj: stop interfering tejo
you have nothing to do with it
tejo: anuj..
anuj: jasmine take tejo home
please go tejo
tejo :but anuj
listen to me
anuj: don't tell me what to do tejo
you have no right to tell me what to do
jasmine  take her now
jasmine: yes jeeju
di let's go
tejo pov
i didn't want to go
but the anger in anujs eyes made me go
as i don't want him to do something he is going to regret
what happened to him
jasmine pov
my plan worked perfectly
just one more
and your birthday will be almost ruined tejo
anupama pov
the whole car ride was silent
i expected anuj to speak something
but he was just looking troubled
anupama: i'm sorry
i shouldn't have called you
anuj: it's ok anupama
you should know that you don't need to be afraid of your ex anymore
if your silent he will only take advantage you
i still don't get it why did you marry him
anupama: i married him
because you never showed up anuj
anuj: what do you mean?
anupama: i have written you a letter waited for hours but you never came
i thought you didn't love me
but now i realized you didn't forget me
i wanted to say ..
anuj: we are home
please go inside anupama
anuj pov
i didn't want to hear it anymore
even if anupama is saying the truth about the letter it's too late now
i'm not going to leave tejo for her
speaking of tejo
she must be upset of how i treated her
i should console her
anuj pov
i entered the house after clearing my head only to see everyone waiting to start tejos birthday party
and tejo was no where to be seen
i saw anupama wearing tejos saree
what's happening?
i went to my room
only to see tejo packing her bags
anuj: are you going somewhere
anuj pov
she was not replying
anuj: tejo i'm asking you something
tejo: here take this saree
you forgot and got me the same one you bought for anupama
anuj: anupama?
what are you saying tejo
i didn't get her anything
tejo listen to me
tejo: i thought you are different anuj
at least fateh had the decency to tell me he doesn't love me before the wedding
but you were already with anupama
and lying
all because of this child right
anupama can't give you child that's why you used me
anuj: i still don't know what theory you are going for tejo
but trust me
i didn't talk to anupama these 12 years
i really loved you
tejo:please anuj don't say love and spoil the word
i signed the contract right
i will play by your rules
meet me after the child is born
anuj: tejo listen to me
author pov
a major leap is going to happen in the coming chapters
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