5 years later

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tejo pov
5 years have passed since the incident
i'm still trying to move on with my life
the toughest phase was loosing my child and husband at the same time
the pain is just hard to cope up
and the bystanders taunts just make it worse
as i was coming back to my house
after a stressful day in the college
i was greeted by my upset mother
satti: tejo i asked you not to be here today
jasmines in laws are here
what will they think
tejo: maa but where should i go
babe: go somewhere and die
otherwise your bad luck will fall on my jasmine
tejo: i will leave now
satti: just go out and come back after an hour
till then they will leave
please tejo
tejo pov
without saying a word i left the house only to be greeted by fateh
fateh: why are you doing this tejo
doesn't it hurt when people are talking like this
you don't deserve this
tejo: i deserve it after all
i was the one to be blamed for my misery
fateh: why don't you move on
anuj is not coming back
and as for me..
tejo: no
don't break up with jasmine
because i don't want another taunt called as a home breaker
i have already broken my house
i can't break others
fateh: i don't love jasmine
i realize your worth tejo
when you were there i used to always smile
and now i forgot it
tejo: i'm sorry fateh
but in this life
let me stay like this
i only belong to anuj
i'm waiting for the day he returns
fateh: if he doesn't return
tejo: i will wait for him
even on my death bed
*******in canada***********************
anuj pov
i was waiting outside the kindergarten for my daughter pari to arrive
her eyes , her hair were just like her mother
seeing her reminds me of tejo a lot
pari the name tejo herself choose
anuj: i'm thinking bozo
tejo: you really want to name our child bozo
what's wrong with you
anuj: i thought tejo and bozo are rhyming
tejo:no way
anuj: how about
tejo: what ?
anuj: your sister name was jasmine
so i thought your family must really like flowers
tejo: seriously anuj
i will really hit you
anuj: then what do you what to name
tejo: pari
anuj: pari?
i'd it's a boy
tejo: no it is going to be a girl
my pari
who will be just like me
anuj: you mean strict and mean
tejo: when was i mean
come back here
**************end of flashback**************
pari : papa
anuj : how was your school
pari: boring
let's go home
today is mamas birthday right
anuj: yes
pari: let's get cake
anuj: sure let's get some
pari pov
i put the cake on my desk
and began praying
though i have never seen my mom
i just hope she comes back
i want to see her just once
fateh : my academy keys
jasmine : i'm not going to give you
you know i have a right
fateh: no you lost the right
when you ended up loosing a ton of money on scams
jasmine : i was trying to improve the academy
fateh: and i got the person who actually cares
like always tejo will oversee the academy
jasmine : she is just a worker fateh
fateh : and what are you?
do you work?
do you do anything
gurpreet: stop arguing both of you
there was not even one day
when i don't see you arguing
fateh: i already filed for divorce so she can go anytime
no one is stopping her
jasmine : yes after all you got back tejo
your brothers ex wife
don't know what magic she has done on you
tejo pov
i went to devika
as she said she will accompany me to the police station
to ask about our case
constable: how many times should we tell you
when we have some information we will let you know
devika: can i ask when
constable: when we find something
devika : it has been 5 years
did you even check with the hospital
what are  you doing
constable : we did search
but we didn't find anything
And now tell me it's  been 5 years
it's such an old case
how would you think we will solve it
devika: don't you worry
about solving this case
just give us the cctv tapes of the hospital
here are the court orders
constable: what
devika: i know you all have stopped us so many times
but today i got the orders
so give us the cctv tapes now
constable : please come tomorrow and come and collect the tapes mam
i should consult my boss
devika: no i want now
tejo:  it's ok devika
we finally got the orders
please let's come back tomorrow
devika: but tejo ..
tejo: i waited for 5 years
just one more day
please devika
devika: fine
but tomorrow i need them
tejo pov
i was about to leave the station
but i forgot my purse so i went back to take it only to hear the inspector taking
inspector: why did you tell them
we had the tapes
they were destroyed years ago
by mam
tejo: destroyed?
who destroyed them please tell me
inspector : mam you shouldn't have come inside
please leave
tejo: i won't go until you give me an answer
devika: let's call the media
this guy should be known for what he has done
inspector : please mam don't do that
devika: then tell us who destroyed it
inspector : mla wife gurpreet singh virk mam
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