im sorry

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tejo : i'm praising myself
i deserve a divorce
all for protecting your family
anuj: what do you mean
protecting my family
you went to fateh leaving our 10 day old daughter on her own
tejo : here look at this
if i really didn't want my daughter
why would i file this fir
look at these papers
why would i daily go to the police station
to enquiry about our daughter
i had fateh right
i should forget about her according to you
anuj: i don't understand
but you left our daughter in the hospital
tejo: i left her under a nurse care
because i got a ransom call saying fateh was kidnapped
and they would kill him if i don't give them money
i know i hated fateh for leaving me
but i'm not that person who likes to see other people dead
so i went there to save him
if you don't believe it here the statement from the bank regarding my withdrawal
it's clearly mentioning the time and date
the media just entered the place when i was bringing out an almost fainting fateh
they assumed that i was there with him for a romantic outing
it was seriously sick
when they were speaking about me like that
but what was more disturbing is that you are still accusing me of this
and if you thought i threw away our daughter
for gods sake i gave her to a nurse to look after her
plus your mother was there the whole time
but when our baby was lost
she just blamed on me that i lost the baby and she never saw the child
now tell me who is wrong in this
was it me?
what do i have to do this
why do i get the punishment
where i'm just suffering
anuj: tejo..
tejo: no anuj
tell me
what should i show you more to prove myself
you are not the anuj i know
i loved
your just a man who hurts others feelings
anuj pov
i was looking at the documents
whatever tejo said was true
this was a well thought plan to tarnish tejos image and separate us
that's when i remembered something
anuj: the day you feel from the stairs your 3 months pregnant
was it my mom who pushed you
tejo: what do you want to do now
knowing that
are you going to blame me for something else
anuj: please answer tejo
tejo: yes it was your mom
she was not convinced that pari was yours
are you happy now
say something anuj
do you still want to divorce me
anuj: i'm sorry
tejo: sorry
just a small word
to replace my 5 years of misery?
anuj: i'm sorry tejo
i don't know what to do
anuj pov
we are just crying in our arms
how foolish i was to trust others instead of my own wife
the pain and suffering was due to me
i was the main culprit
i shouldn't have left tejo
anuj: im sorry
im sorry tejo
tejo pov
i got up only to notice
i was fully clothed and in anujs room
my head started to ache may be due to the crying yesterday
as i was about to go out of my bed
pari walked in
pari : surprise mom
here this is a small welcome back cake
tejo: thanks beta
but you didn't have to do this
pari: it was not me
tejo : then who?
pari : first you get ready
there is a surprise
tejo pov
with a push from pari
i went to get ready only to see a rose and a dress on my bed
whats anuj trying to do now?
i wore the dress and pari asked to come with her
only to see flower petals which were placed on our whole path leading to an interview room
what's happening
pari: papa mama is here
anuj: as i was saying
this is my wife tejo
i'm sorry for what all happened yesterday
it's just my fault
reporter : it's ok
can we have a family photo please
anuj: tejo
tejo: ok
tejo pov
i didn't know why but anuj seemed strange today
we took a family photo where anuj was holding my waist
it sounded like dream
tejo pov
after the interview
anuj took me to a breakfast place and we were having breakfast
anuj: tejo here
you will like these muffins
these are also pari's favorite
tejo: i don't know why you are doing this
but i can't forgive you for what you have done
anuj: please tejo just give me one chance
i swear i will change our life
tejo: i can't keep on giving you proofs anuj
im done
i don't want to live like this
i think it's better for us to be apart
anuj: if you really wanted us to be apart
then why did you wait for me all these years?
i get it i made horrible mistakes
but please remember im a human
im bound to make mistakes
i will rectify them
i promise you don't need to give me any more proofs
because i have already corrected them
no one will come in between us anymore
tejo: what do you mean?
jasmine : where are you taking me leave me
gurpreet : do you know who i'm ?
inspector : you both have been arrested based on a kidnapping and attempt to murder charge
jasmine : what?
but this was all her idea
i did nothing
inspector : sorry mam
but we found ransom money in your account
jasmine : who filed this case
is it that tejo
gurpreet : if it's tejo
she will die
she is a liar
she is behind everything
inspector : sorry mam
it's not tejo
it's mr anuj singh virk
author pov
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