lies exposed( part-13)

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tejo pov
i was about to leave when
anuj took me by the hand and bought me downstairs
tejo: anuj please leave me
anuj: anupama who gave you this saree
anupama say it
anupama: you bought it
tejo : what do you want to prove anuj
i know everything
anuj: shut up
just shut up tejo
anupama tell me who gave you this saree in your hand
anupama: fateh
he said you wanted me to wear this in the party
anuj: fateh
thanks anupama
now tejo what was the next accusation
yes anupama did i want to have a child with you
did i ever speak to you properly
anupama: no
anuj: see your another answer tejo
but wait
i never told you anything about anupama
as she is my closed past
unlike you who thinks her ex is decent compared to me
tejo: anuj please ..
anuj: i'm not done tejo
tell me who told you about anupama
tell me now
tejo: jasmine
jasmine : tejo you must have misunderstood
i thought after seeing how anuj was following anupama
that there is something in between them
anuj: i tried one day to bring you closer to your sister and the next day
you had to destroy it
what kind of a sister are you jasmine
tejo: jasmine why are you lying
it was not misunderstanding
you said in confidence
anuj .. i ..
anuj: fateh
my brother
who is back of everything
anuj pov
i just slapped fateh due to my anger
anuj: don't try to make me look cheap like you
i'm not the guy
who loves some one today and leaves them for some else
what did you achieve
you didn't want tejo
you wanted jasmine
so now why are you doing this drama
why are you making mine and tejos life difficult
gurpreet : for tejos sake stop hitting fateh
anuj can't you see
tejo is breaking you
anuj: the only one who is braking me is this guy mom
he has so much time to think about all these
than to concentrate on his work
fateh: bhai please
it's nothing about you
i ..
anuj: stop your excuses
i'm telling you one thing
return my 1 cr investment in the next 6 months
i don't care if you beg , borrow or steal
that academy was built with my money
i want it back
gurpreet : anuj please stop saying these words
he is your brother
kushbeerji say something
kushbeer : whatever anuj said is the truth
fateh pay him back
gurpreet : are you happy now tejo
you broke my family
i curse you
you will also be in this position where your children will hate each other and you can't do anything
tejo: maaji please
don't say that
tejo pov
i was feeling ashamed on my self
for blindly trusting jasmine and fateh
i wanted to talk to anuj
but he just went inside
and bought my bags
anuj: come on
i will drop you in your house
after that you can go anywhere you want
i will only come to see you after the child is born
tejo: anuj im sorry
anuj: please tejo don't waste your apologies on me
tejo pov
i tried to apologize to anuj
but he didn't talk anything
he just dropped me in my house
satti: damadji please come have some coffee
anuj: no aunty i'm fine
anyhow i should get going
i have a flight to catch
satti: where beta
anuj: i'm going back to canada aunty
satti: when will you be back
anuj: after 5 months
satti: what
but tejo will deliver at the time
tejo didn't you stop damadji
tejo: anuj please don't go
anuj: i'm sorry aunty
i need to go it's urgent
any how for tejo here
she has her sister and fateh
why would she need me
satti: but ..
anuj: i need to leave
bye everyone
tejo pov
i tried calling him
messaged him
did everything
but he doesn't respond
i know i'm wrong
i don't care about anything anymore
i just want my anuj
i was crying on my bed
only for my mother to come and comfort me
satti: don't worry beta
anuj will come back
he went to look after the  business
tejo pov
while my mom was patting my head
i remembered only one thing
never to trust whatever anyone says
fateh : it's because of you i'm always in problem
when i was with tejo
at least i didn't have to see this day
sorry jasmine we are done
i don't want to play your revenge games anymore
let tejo live her life
i don't care
jasmine : you don't care or your hurting as she didn't chose you
and is with anuj
fateh: both
i'm ashamed of my self for leaving a girl like tejo for you
please leave me alone
jasmine pov
ok fateh i will let you leave me
but i will destroy everything your family loves
i will take revenge on that tejo and anuj
all by myself
author pov
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