Getting back

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tejo pov
it was unbelievable what anuj had done
does he think filing a case and arresting his mother and sister in law will solve problems
no it will only be more
anuj: i don't understand
why do you want to take the case back
they are at fault
tejo: but putting your own mother behind the bars
is not a good thing
please take away this case
anuj pov
after tejo knew that my mother and sister in law were arrested
she got angry and made me fly all the way to our city to take away the case
only to know that mom and my sister in law were released on bail by my father
kushbeer : i know whatever your mother and this girl has done is not forgivable
but please don't do this again anuj
tejo beta we have done a lot of mistakes
please forgive us
gurpreet , jasmine don't you have anything to say
gurpreet : i'm sorry anuj
i was wrong
anuj: you are saying my name
when the apology must be given to tejo
why are you like this mom
why can't you see us happy
kushbeer : gurpreet apologize to tejo now
tejo: it's ok papaji
whatever happened
now i don't need any apologies
i just want to live with my family peacefully
gurpreet : no i have to apologize
im sorry tejo
i shouldn't have done all these things
it all because of this jasmine
she i used to fill my ears all the time
and now after knowing she didn't even care about fateh
i'm sorry for believing the selfish girl over you
jasmine : mumyji
why can't you understand this is a drama from tejo
you are getting weak
anuj : what's getting weak is you jasmine please get out of this house
jasmine : that's not your call to make anuj
i'm still the daughter in law of this house
i'm still fatehs wife
fateh pov
after all jasmine has done
she didn't want to show any remorse
she wanted me killed
fateh: you can live happily with your family tejo
but i cant live with a person who wanted me dead
jasmine pov
i was getting scared
never in a million years i thought
this day would come
i can't leave this house or fateh
no i just can't
i can't let tejo win
jasmine : please fateh
please don't do this
tejo i'm your sister right
will you be ever happy knowing that your sisters house is broken??
anuj: now stop the drama jasmine
you were partying knowing that i left tejo
where were you in tejos misery
jasmine : i could just ask you that
aren't you the main culprit
tejo: please drop this act
i'm not going to fall for it
and if you want to be with fateh plead him
not me
jasmine : please tejo listen to me
anuj : i don't want us to stay here
tejo: you said to give a chance
anuj: i said that for myself not for the others
tejo: don't you come in the same category
anuj : tejo please i apologized
tejo; even mummyji apologized
anuj: tejo listen to me
pari: mom are we doing to stay here or are we going back to Canada
anuj: Canada
tejo: no here
anuj : tejo listen to me
kavya : sir can be in canada
and you can stay here
after all mam i doesn't belong there
anuj: doesn't belong there
what are you saying ?
kavya shut up
tejo: here when my sautan gives me advice
what do i need more anuj
anuj: tejo .. listen
anuj pov
tejo left angrily with pari
what should i do now
and this kavya can't she have anything better to do
kavya : i understand sir
it always happens
relationships strain
you should move on
anuj: what ?
just stop it kavya
and tell me why are you here
kavya : i need your signs on these files
anuj: seriously can't this wait
give it now
kavya pov
seeing anuj irritated with me
is making me feel pain
this woman why did she have to enter sirs life again
i can't let this happen
i want anuj
i will do anything for him
tejo pov
i was walking with my daughter in college
i finally resigned
i just want to concentrate on my family for the time being
pari: mama why don't you want to work anymore
tejo: i will work
but now i want to spend some time with you
pari : will you not spend time with papa
tejo: we will definitely
im not going to leave any of you
pari: then you , me , bestie and papa
will live together
tejo: one second who is this bestie?
pari: kavya
the one who is rude with you
tejo: why do you think this bestie will live with us
pari: because bestie said so
that soon she will be with papa and me
but papa doesn't want her to live with us
tejo: obviously
he wouldn't do that
pari: but bestie gives the best gifts
you know the watch papa wears bestie gifted him
tejo: and what else she does for him
i mean for both of you
pari: she gets food for us sometimes
and also arranges his wardrobe
she is always around papa
tejo : does your papa likes having her around
pari: some times he is happy but don't know why he gets angry
mom why are you getting angry now
tejo : no i'm not angry
pari: mom you are angry
are you angry with papa or bestie
tejo: nothing let's go home
your father must be waiting
author pov
from next chapters we will see a jealous track of tejo
and some funny scenes
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