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tejo pov
i saw anuj selecting his coat
i don't want to come to any conclusions
i just want to see what he does
anji: please stop staring
if you want something please tell me
tejo: i don't want anything
anuj: then why are you checking me out
tejo: im not checking you out
please do what ever you do normally
anuj: your getting weird tejo
i'm going to change
tejo: change
anuj: really you want me to change here
infront of you
tejo : no stop it
anuj: no tell me tejo
tejo pov
i could smell his breath on me
as he was so close to my face
and that's when i blurted out
tejo: did you sleep with kavya
anuj: what?
tejo : i know you won't do it
but i have a feeling did you do it with kavya
anuj: are you mad
i didn't do it with anyone
and kavya no way
not a chance
but why are you asking me this?
she is just my personal secretary and nothing more
anuj: if you are ok with the  answer
why are you not leaving
tejo: i'm not going anywhere
this is my room
anuj: fine i will change here
tejo: no
i know what your thinking
your smile tells me all
i'm leaving
anuj: then why did you ask me
tejo pov
he was coming close again
but this time i just left the room
tejo: pari is crying
i ned to check
anuj pov
pari never cried
it was tejos way of escaping
what does she need now
tejo pov
i went to check on pari
when mummyji called me
and apologized for what she has done
she regretted her every action
and i didn't want to hold any grudges
gurpreet : here take these bangles
my mother in law gave it to me
and i had to pass it down to my daughter in law
i never treated you like one
but i hope we can change that soon
i'm sorry
tejo: there is no need to apologize anymore
let's forget the past and move on mummyji
gurpreet : thanks beta
jasmine : wow tejo
i'm so happy for you
after all you get everything
rich husband , new gifts
new look
what else do you need
tejo: mummyji
please come down for breakfast
jasmine : so your avoiding me now
don't forget i'm also a daughter in law
stop your cheap behavior
gurpreet: jasmine shut up
tejo: jasmine please remember this
mend your ways
or i will kick you out
don't argue about your position again
as i'm the eldest daughter in law of this house
kavya : sir
i bought your favorite breakfast
see pancakes , ruhrei ( german scrambled eggs) and more
tejo: paratha
he will eat these from now
anuj: wow tejo you really know what i needed
kavya: but sir
you should eat less oily
tejo: kavya from today only work on anujs work. related things
your interference is not needed in our personal life
kavya : i'm only doing what's best for sir
for 5 years i have done this
why should i change
anuj: enough
see kavya tejo is also your boss
i never asked you to get me this breakfast
or do any of my personal stuff
i have warned you before
please only work related things
kavya pov
i was fuming when tejo and anuj were smiling and having breakfast
is anuj for real
did he forget  my love because of this woman?
as i was in my thoughts
tejo did something unexpected
anuj: tejo i can't find my watch
did you see it anywhere
tejo: here
anuj: but this is not mine
tejo: it's new and from today wear this
forget about the other one
anuj : forget it
but why
kavya : have you gone mad
do you know how much that watch was?
it was limited addition
i blew a lot of money on this
anuj: what?
why did you get me this one
kavya : because i ..
i thought it would be good for you
you are such a good boss
anuj: thanks
tejo: no thanks
here is your watch kavya
may be you can exchange it for something better
anuj pov
i could clearly sense jealousy written on tejo
why is she so jealous
does kavya really treat me special ?
or tejo is just imagining things
jasmine : you want anuj right
kavya : yes
but i cant get him
it's like this tejo closed all my ways to get him
jasmine: i can help
but in return i need you to do somethings for me
kavya : what should i do?
tejo pov
i was fuming as anuj can't see what kavya is trying to do
can't he see she loves him
and this guy is not even discouraging her
as i heard some one knocking the door
i went to open it only to see
my parents standing
satti: tejo
how are you beta
you didn't call or send us a message we were worried about you
tejo: you wanted me gone maa
as i was a disturbance to you guys
rupy: we are sorry tejo
please forgive us
satti: i will kill that jasmine now
where is she
anuj: no one needs to kill anyone maaji
at least not at my wedding
tejo: wedding
anuj have you gone mad
why are you marrying ?
who is it
anuj: tejo first let your parents come inside
tejo: please come in maa
tejo pov
i was dying inside when all the elders were sitting
what does anuj want now
i'm giving him a second chance can't he see this
anuj: i know things were not good there 5 years
and i was also feeling lonely
so i thought it would be best
tejo: to marry kavya?
anuj: tejo please let me finish
as i was saying we have a lot of healing to do
so i wanted to ask you if you are ok to marry off your tejo with me again
satti: oh
it would be great
gurpreet : the first time they married in a day
so i expect us to plan a grand wedding
anuj: tejo come here
tejo pov
before i knew
anuj was kneeling on the ground
the first time i married you because of pari
but this time i truly want to marry you
because i love you
tejo: yes ..
tejo pov
i just had tears in my eyes
when everyone were looking overjoyed
while fateh was standing at a distance with sad eyes
author pov
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