the end

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tejo pov
i was not at all moved with jasmine intentions
though she said she is changed
the thought of this side really scared me
for everyone i made an announcement that i forgave her but in my heart i know trusting her is just like trusting a serpent that it will not bite you
i was married with joy
and for all the good reasons i left india
as i didn't want to be involved in anyone's drama
i know it's not a right thing to leave everything and move to a new place fearing for one person
but jasmine has a history of making life suffer
fearing my mental sanity anuj also agreed with me
***********18 years later ********************
tejo pov
it was funny to see a grown man cry his eyes out
when his daughter was leaving the house
anuj: please don't forget to call
and if you need anything
just ask me
no i will come there
pari : it's not needed pa
i'm fine
tejo : now stop being upset anuj
anuj: she is leaving
tejo: she is going to another city for her job
she will be back for holidays
anuj: but still the house will be so empty without her
shivaay: hey what about me
and rudra
anuj: you both are no match
tejo listen to me
tejo: bye pari
leave fast
anuj : no
tejo pov
finally pari left
shivaay and rudra were a bit pissed
but they know what their father meant
pari was always his favorite
and to mention yes i had 2 more children after pari
though i wanted another daughter
i was grateful that i didn't have
the history will not repeat this time
as for jasmine everyone said she mended her ways and is back with fateh
but i seriously doubt her actions
anuj: what are you doing?
tejo: just arranging things what do you need
anuj: pari left tejo
tejo : she will be back anuj
anuj: you know i was thinking
it has been a long time
since we thought
tejo: what do you mean
anuj pov
i was kissing tejo
but she just moved back
tejo: we have 3 children
i'm done
anuj: but just one more
i promise
i will stop
tejo: in your dreams
anuj: please tejo
tejo pov
i was running away from anuj only to be pulled in his arms
anuj: just say it
don't you like me
tejo: nope
anuj: liar
tejo: i like you
but no more babies
anuj: i know
i was just teasing you
you were really scared
tejo: i was not scared stop it
anuj: now why are you blushing
tejo: stop it
anuj pov
as i was kissing tejo
my sons came running to us
and we had to separate
rudra : mom tell him
anika is my classmate
so she will play with me
shivaay: but mom
i help her with her maths
so she should go to the prom with me
rudra : please i asked anika
you threatened her to go with you
shivaay: just shut up rudra
i'm elder to you
and anika is mine
rudra : i'm anikas best friend
tejo: just shut up you too
both of you are not going anywhere
just stop it
anuj: just go to your rooms guys
no one comes out
anuj pov
as they both left
i saw tejo tensed
anuj: do you think
tejo: i think my nightmare is going to repeat
anuj; don't worry
it's just a mindless quarrel
tejo: i hope so
anuj: do you want to go on a coffee date
tejo: with whom
anuj:there is a guy who is handsome
and is great at one night stands
tejo: shut up anuj
anuj: i love you pagli
tejo: i love you too
***********************the end*********
authors pov
thank you everyone for you support❤️❤️❤️❤️
i hope you liked my story
i will be back with my new story
people will talk (part-2)
please do give it a read

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