so ye

36 0 6

"Hi, sorry!"

"George? Where the fuck where you? You had Alex worried sick!"

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george didn't seem bothered,



will sighed gesturing for george for follow hik up the stairs,

"where the fuck were you?"

"I was looking for alex? hello? he ran downstairs and i was trying to find him,"

"cmon your boyfriend is waiting."


will looked at george who had a disgusted look on his face,

"im not gay will."

the taller man looked back down now confused,

"what the fuck has happend to you george?"

will had heard enough, too much had happend in this creepy building to believe that the guy standing below him was really george,

"what room were you in george?"

will said trying his best to hide the slight shake in his voice.

"4... why?"

will saw thiz opportunity and jumped past george sprinting down the spiral stairs,


said an unfamiliar voice from georges direction,

will looked up, still running, george no longer looked like george, just a shadow of him, a darker figure with messed up facial features.

"shit shit shit shit,"

will kept repeating practically hirling himself down those stairs and bursting though the ground floor entrance, he quickly blo ked off the door with a chair hearing bardges on the other side.

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"sorry but you call cannot be answerd right not please leave a message after thr tone *beeb*"

alex sighed letting his whole body slump in misery,  he hung up and texted will instead.

surley it had been enough time?

will should've been there by now right?

where thr fuck could he be.

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the banging at the door stopped as will found flat 4, it was locked.

he started to bang and kick at the door,

"george??? wake up."

will shouted, he was interrupted by a different noise, footsteps fastly trailing up the stairs,

"for fuck sake,"

will sighed, not alex too...

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alexs crying was disturbed by banging at the door, he looked though the crack.

"george?" he immediately went to open the door when his phone vibrated causing him to jump,

it was will replying

alex decided it could wait and it was more important to let george in. he knew it was best to call will.

as he went to unlock the door he was struck from the other side.

why was george bardging into the door?

"georgie you?... you okay?"

alex pulled out his phone to see what will said he was sceptical about all this now it could be a stupid prank.

he glanced down opening messages

the text from will read

"do not open that fucking door alex."

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