i apologise

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the text from will read

"do not open that fucking door alex."

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I'm not gonna lie it's been so long since I've written this book that I've forgotten half of it soeeyyyy

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Alex didn't know what to do.

George is right there but will sounds serious there wasn't even any kisses...


Alex wisperd,

"You okay?"

"Don't fucking call me 'GeOrGiE' Alex. Open the fucking door."

"Georgi- um... george? You're scaring me..."

There was no reply.

Alex sighed and slumped down against the door.

He had had enough.

The smaller man calls will praying he will pick up.

It dials once...

It dials again...

'Cmon will just pick up'

It dials again...

Alex drops his phone with no hope, letting it quietly ring on the floor.

"Okay, george, as soon as I let you in, you're sobering up."

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"GEORGE" will said breaking down the door.

George was there sat on the sofa with a speechless expression. It was like he was paralysed and couldn't move.

"George there was..."

"Another me?"

George wisperd looking up at will.

He saw how wills expression changed to fear when george mentioned it.

"You saw it too?"

George muttered.

"I'm not crazy."

George laughed slightly.

"George is - I mean, other george? Anyways, HES RAN UP TO ALEX!"

"OH," George jumped up and ran it was a race against the clock.

They ran up the stairs faster than i reply to your comments.

"ALEX," they both shouted, running up.

'He's not stupid enough to let other george in, is he?'

'Is he?'

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"A peace offering..."

Fraser said, handing James a beer.


James said, pretty exhausted from trying to start arguments all day.

"You haven't been yourself lately..."

James spoke in an annoying posh tone.

"Well, uh -" Fraser stumbled over his words.



"I don't wanna be just friends..."


Fraser got all worked up and didn't know why he even blurted that out in the first place.

James started laughing.

"Its cute when you're mad, that's why I do it,"


"Do what?"

Fraser joined james next to him on the sofa.


"Do you love me too?-"

"Exuse me?"

(Lmk if u get it)

He decided not to cover up for himself this time. This was his official confession.


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Will mutterd noticing the door to the apartment wide open.

A gust of wind blew over the two boys as a rush of adrenaline filled them. Will ran in the room, darting his eyes around.

No Alex, no "george".

The balcony doors were flung open. The slightly grey curtains blew towards him as the night sky glared behind.

George ran to the balcony. Looking down. At the floor.

Staring back up at him lay a body.


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