the end

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Staring back up at him lay a body.


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George tried to pull himself over the handle of the balcony.

"George what the fuck are you doing,"

Will shouted grabbing him in a headlock and pulling him back.

Will looked over the balcony, too.

"Oh my god."

With shaking hands, he pulled out his phone.

"Yes, hello, ambulance, please."

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"He'll be okay, minor injuries to his legs and back but other then that were focusing on treating his shock right now."

The paramedic puts a hand on George's back, the boys had just got down the stairs and were dying to see Alex,

"And the other boy?"

Will chimed in, hoping he was definitely dead.

"Other boy?"

The man looked around,

George bit his lip trying to not sound crazy.

"Uh my uh- twin? The one that looks like me,"

He spoke up, darting his eyes between Will and the man hoping his response was okay.

"Yes he's in the van sir, do you need to sit down?"

Just like that George's heart dropped,

Where was Alex?

His face became cold his body felt weak,


George said slowly stepping back looking around as his surroundings turned to a blur.

"Sir I think you need to sit down,"

The man gently grabbed his shoulders and guided him to the bench behind him.

George could feel his throat close up, his eyes became sore and filled with Water.

The paramedic was called by one of his team to drive back to hospital.

Will gave him a wave and sat next to George.

"He could still be alive George,"

Will placed a hand on his face,

George shook his head, tears starting to fall.

"I'll go check the apartment again alright boss?"

Will said giving George a final pat on the back and jogging off.

George could feel all the tears drip off of his chin.

The sky grew dark, dusty clouds filled the empty spaces,

One after another like rain the tears flowed down his cheeks,

"I thought you hated the rain? At the moment, you seem to be making it?"

A familiar voice echoed in his head.

It can't be...

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