Chapter 3

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That was way to close!
I feel bad for the amount of smoke I got in his eyes but that's his fault for not wearing his goggles.
All I gotta do now is pray that he wasn't able to get a good look at my face in the dark.

I make it back to the house and climb back in through my window.

Was what I did to Aizawa self defense? Most of the time when I get into fights it's in self defense like with Enji today. If what happened with Aizawa wasn't self defense then the only crime I've ever committed is blowing smoke into a man's eyes.

Speaking of smoke I start coughing up some. What I did today to save Kachan was over my limit. Even though my quirks are strong if I extend them over the limits my draw backs are a pain.
Sure, I can set three buildings on fire-we don't talk about how I know that-but attacking a person with fire for a long period of time is hard. Setting a building on fire is easy-not that I ever have-all you gotta do a start a little fire and the whole thing goes up in flames.

Back to the drawbacks, If I use my fire breathing to much I cough up smoke and then I'll cough from the smoke and it's a whole thing I try to avoid.
My telekinesis on the other hand is a migraine and I'm use to it now so I can use it longer than I could a few months ago before my head starts to really hurt.

I keep coughing for a little longer before mom hears me and runs upstairs

"Izuku! are you okay" she say
"Uh *cough* yeah just give me a minute *cough*" 
"Let's get you out of this room, it's full of smoke" she says guiding me to the door and outside

I continue my coughing fit for another 10 minutes before I slowly start to stop.

"Feel better now?" mom asks
"Yeah" I reply
"That was worse than last time"
"Well, I used it more to take out that slime thing" I sigh
"Still, it shouldn't have been that bad, it was never like this for your father..."
"I'll be more carful next time ok?" I reassure her
"Alright" She says clearly not buying it.

"I heard you ran into that vigilantly last night!" Yamahada says walking into my office 
"Yeah" I reply not looking up from my computer screen

The room goes silent 

"Aren't you gonna tell me about him?" he asks taking a seat next to me.

I sigh looking away from the screen. "What's there to say?"
He gapes at me "Come on man! I've never meet him before, you gotta tell me something!" he insists
"I meet him on accident, He was on a roof and I thought he was smoking. He told me his name and then blew smoke in my eyes before running off" I say, then turn back to the computer 
"Like his real name of code name?" he asks getting excited

The room goes silent again 

"Well what is it?" He yells
"Quit yelling, It's Deku apparently " I say unplugging my ears
"You're sure?"

He sighs and leans back in his chair "What a strange name, based on what I've heard about him I would say he was anything but a Deku"
"There's probably some backstory to it" I say ending the topic
"Did you ever get you eyes checked?" He asks
"Nah, the burning went away after a minute"

He goes quiet once more before questioning me again "What do you think about him?"
"You're just full of questions today" I grumble
"He's interesting to say the least, he's not doing anything wrong besides using his quirk without a license and it seems like he has good intentions" 

I think back to last night, before I went up to Deku I thought he was a teenager.
I jump out of my seat surprising Yamahada  and making him fall out of his chair. He looks up at me "What?" he asks

I look over at him "When I first saw Deku I thought he was a teenager. But then when he saw me he put his mask on and so I forgot but, that could mean that he's just teenager!" I say piecing everything together.

Yamahada stares at me a little longer "Holy Sh*t" 
"I gotta tell Nezu about this"
"Yeah you do"
I grab him by the ear "You're coming with me"
"What? No let me go!"


*Beep* *Beep* BEEP* BEEP*

I use my telekinesis and smash the alarm clock into the wall.
I hate morning's. I check my phone and see the time, never mind I hate afternoons. 

I set my phone to the side and get up from my bed. I rub the sleep out of my eyes then look around my room to see that it's covered in gray ash
"Ugh, and I just cleaned a few days ago" 

"There, good as new" I say looking around at my now clean room.

I should go out and patrol for a bit, I have nothing else to do anyways.
I find my costume and mask. I haven't been wearing the outfit lately cause I'm lazy and don't want to put it on, but I worked hard to make it so I can't let countless hours working on it go to waste.

It's a black suit with red cuffs, white stripes, and a hood. The sleeves are cut short so they don't catch on fire. My mask is a black and it covers the bottom half of my face. And my shoes are bright red with black laces.

I put my suit on and hop out my window
All I wanted was to go on patrol and this is what I get instead?

"Stop Deku!" Aizawa yells a few feet behind me
"Yeah I think I'll pass! Thanks for the offer though!" I yell over my shoulder

We keep up this game of chase for a little longer before I use my telekinesis to lift me up to the roofs.
When I get there I see Present Mic

"Well Sh*t" i say
He laughs "Good to see you too Deku" 

He starts running toward me and when he gets close enough I blow a wall of smoke at him
He falls to the ground coughing

As I said before, not my fault, he came to me and that's what he gets.
When I turn around Aizawa's there blocking my escape 

"Well aren't your two the wonder duo" I grumble
He captures me in his scarf "Don't call us that"
"Well if it ticks you off so much, I'll continue it" I smile
"Shut up"
"Life is short old man, smile while you still have teeth"
"You do know that I just arrested you?"
"Did you though?"
"Looks like it"
"Whatever floats your boat" I shrug 


 I hope your enjoying the story so far and if you have any ideas please comment them! And i apologies for any spelling errors 😅

Plus Ultra!


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