Midoriya pov:
"Alright we're taking a break, leave your stuff and get off the bus" Aizawa says getting out of his seat and walking off the bus.
Everyone gets up and follows him out.To put it simply, we're in the middle of nowhere, parked on a cliff. Next to the railing in front of the cliff are two figures
Aizawa walks over toward them and we follow. As we get closer I recognize them as
Pro hero group: The wild pussy catsI've heard some stuff about them, not a lot to tell you everything about them but some of their best achievements and a bit on their fighting styles.
"So I'm assuming there isn't a bathroom here" I say looking around at the deserted area as Mineta runs around screaming he has to pee.
The Pussycats are a hero group of four but currently one two are here along with a kid.
"Say hello everyone" Aizawa says.
"Hello, nice to meet you!" The class saysMandalay smiles and points over the cliff
"We own all this land here, and the camp your staying at is over there" She says pointing at nothing but trees."Why did we stop up here then?" Uraraka asks. I look between Aizawa and Mandalay.
"You know why" I sayEveryone starts to get nervous
"Uh, I think I left something on the bus" Sero says slowly backing away
"It's currently 9:30 am, If you guys are fast you could make it there by noon" Mandalay smiles
"Save yourselves!" Kirishima yells as the class runs to the bus.I stay where I am and watch as the class runs. It's no use to run with Pixie-Bob's quirk, the ground shakes and the class gets caught up in Pixie-Bob's avalanche. I use my telekinesis to keep me in the air as the rest of the class falls.
"I like this one" Pixie-Bob says as she, Mandalay, and Aizawa stare at me. Aizawa sighs as his hair starts to levitate.
----------------------"Ah there you are Midoriya" Iida says helping me up.
"What happened to you?" He asks as I brush off dirt from my shirt.
"Aizawa erased my quirk" I mutter pulling a twig out of my hairWhen he erased it I obviously fell but last minute I used my telekinesis to re-direct myself into a tree to soften my fall.
"So what do we do now?" Kaminari asks
Kirishima shrugs "Find the camp I suppose, there's nothing else to do"A high pitched scream comes from behind us. I turn to see Mineta in front of a huge earth monster thing. "I hate Pixie-Bob's quirk" I say grabbing Mineta with my telekinesis.
"We're all gonna die!" Kaminari and Sero scream.Kouda starts trying to use his quirk on the monster, I admire him for his efforts but this isn't an animal.
I let go of my hold on Mineta and he falls to the ground
"How about some warning next time Midoriya!" He yells.I glance at the class, they should be able to handle this right? I'm tired from staying up last night and i'm not in the mood for this right now.
Is that selfish? Maybe. But it's not like this is gonna kill them, Pixi-Bob has full control over it, it's just an obstacle.While everyone else attention is on the monster I walk off and start heading toward the camp.
----------------------I ran into some trouble on the way, there where a few other monsters hidden in the woods. I dealt with them as an apology to the class for ditching them.
"Your early" Mandalay says as I walk into camp. She glances behind me
"Where's everyone else?" She asks.
I shrug "I work better alone"
"You left them?" She asks in surprise.
"As an apology I dealt with the rest of those monsters for them. They're just slow at this point" I sayTodoroki Pov:
"Hey, where's Midoriya?" Kirishima asks as we walk through the woods. Everyone stops and looks around.
"That monster must have eaten him!" Mineta screams
"No, the Pro hero's have control of the monsters there's no way they'd let a student get eaten" Iida says"Isn't it obvious? That b*stard left us" Bakugo says.
"Why would he do that?" Uraraka asks.
"Probably cause we slow him down" I say.
The class stay quiet "But, he wouldn't do that. Right?" Kaminari says uncertain.
Bakugou laughs dryly "Of course he would. I bet anything he's already at the camp"Everyone stays silent the rest of the walk there
----------------------"Welcome everyone! You guys were quicker than we expected" Mandalay says as we walk through the clearing
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Where is he?" Bakugou asks looking around
'Where is who?" Mandalay questions
Bakugou rolls his eyes "You know d*mn well who"
"Bakugou! Don't swear at a pro hero!" Iida lectures then apologizes to MandalayBakugou just rolls his eyes again in response
"If Midoriya isn't here then where is he?" Uraraka asks
"Oh! You where talking about Midoriya! Yeah he got here forever ago" Mandalay says
"That b*stard!" Bakugou mumbles
"You should be thanking him, without him taking out all those dirt monsters for you it would have taken you all another hour or two to get here" Mr. Aizawa says walking toward us.
"Wait, Midoriya took out all of those monsters?" Denki asks
"Yeah, he said it was his way of apologizing to you all for leaving you, he's sleeping at the moment but why don't you all come in and we'll get dinner ready" Mandalay explains
"FOOD!" the class screams as they all run insideMidoriya took out all of those creatures, and was still able to get here before us?
The dude's a monsterMidoriya pov:
"Get up a**hole" A voice says shoving me off the couch and to the ground.
I rub the sleep out of my eyes and groan "Why'd you have to push me off the couch?"
"Same reason you felt like ditching the class" Katsuki grumbles
I roll my eyes and get back onto the couch "Not my fault you guys are slow" I mumbleAnd, I'm back on the floor.
"Those extras are slow, but you don't see me going off to play hero" Katsuki says not exactly yelling but not calm either
I laugh dryly "Isn't that why we're here? To play hero"Katsuki stares me in the eye for a solid minute before sighing and walking off.
Huh, weird.And to think I went though all that work to make it up to him.
----------------------I'm gonna just act like I haven't been gone for 2 months, continue on.
Plus Ultra!

The one and only: Deku
أدب الهواةJapan has many hero's but there is one who stands above the rest, who saves anyone and everyone, and makes pro hero's blood boil with his sharp tongue and sassy comebacks. The one and only: Deku ...who may happen to be a 16 year old kid with way to...