Chapter 8

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Here we f*cking go again...

I open my eyes,
Guess who got themselves in the hospital?
This guy!

I sit up and look around.

This looks more like a school room than a hospital.
The only difference is some eye charts, cupboards, beds, and an old lady with a cane

"Ah, your awake" She says
"Yay..." I mumble.

I've never been a fan of hospitals, they hold overly nice doctors and needles.
She gives me a look before turning and grabbing a clipboard

"I'm sure you're aware that you overused your quirk at the USJ"

No sh*t sherlock

"And because of that you got 2nd degree burns on your throat"
She looks up form her clipboard "Don't worry dear, it should heal in about two weeks but it may leave a scar"

A scar
I groan and plop down on the bed dramatically.

"When can I leave?" I ask staring at the ceiling
"I want you to stay here another day just in case"
"In case of what?" I grumble

I start coughing

"In case of that" She replies

This sucks
"You've got a visitor"

I turn toward the old lady and sigh, I can only guess who it is

"Let him in"

She nods and walks to the door to reveal a fuming Kachan

"You mother f*cker"
"Nice to see you to" I reply staring at the celling

He marches over to the bed glaring daggers at me

"Your an idiot" he says
"Your an a**hole"
"I'm not the one in a hospital bed"
"Touché" I sigh

He rolls his eyes and sits down at the chair next to me

After a few minutes of silence he speaks up

"Don't do that again" he mumbles, avoiding eye contact with me
I laugh
"F*ck you" he says hitting me in the arm
"Oh shiver me timbers" I say putting my hands up in fake surrender

His lip twitches into a small smile before sitting back down

"No seriously, that was stupid" he says not looking at me
"Sorry" I repeat

He glances at me "How's your throat?" He asks
"It's alright i guess, might scar though"
"Ha! You'll match Icy Hot!"
"Don't remined me "

We talk-yell at each other-for a little longer before he gets up

"See ya tomorrow nerd"

He starts heading to the door

"Hey, did you call her?" I ask
"Your mom? Yeah, she visited you when you were still knocked out"

I nod

He opens the door
"She said she'd come visit you again later"

She's gonna k*ll me
I'll have to cross that bridge when I come to it

"You're free to leave, just be carful and don't talk to much"
"Yeah, I got it" I say getting off the bed and stretching
"And no using your quirk!"
"What?" I yell

And, I'm back to coughing my lung's out.

"You can't use it for about a month" She nods
"A month!" I repeat
"If not you'll do even more damage to your throat and it may lead to losing your voice"

I only nod in response then put on my uniform that she just happened to have ready for me then head to class
"Big a** door, we meet again"  I say before walking in

All eyes fall on me

"Is there something on my face?" I ask
"Nope, just your neck"

I look to see Kachan with a huge grin on his face

"A**hole" i say
"Love you too" he reply's

The class just continue stare at us
I walk over to my seat behind Katsuki

Aizawa walks in a few minutes latter
"Oh, back already Midoriya?"
"You bet. Did you miss me?"

He ignores me and turns to the class
"Next week is the sports festival so take some time this week to train your quirks, because of what happened at the USJ the world has their eyes on you so don't be surprised on the change of attitude towards you guys from the other students"

"Great, we almost die and now everyone's jealous of us" I mumble, the people around me that hear nod their heads in sad agreement

"Schools over!" I celebrate as the bell rings

A few others from class come over to my desk
"Hey Midoriya! Do you and Bakugou want to come with us to train?" one of them asks

I stand up
"Sorry I can't, I have to walk my unicorn"
"Oh that's okay-wait what?" They yell as I walk out the door

"What kind of excuse was that?" Kachan asks
I shrug "I tend to be just as surprised as everyone else about what comes out of my mouth"


Kind of a shorter chapter. I'm surprised at the amount of people reading this story.
Hope ya'll are enjoying this story!



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