Chapter 6

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I am currently bored out of my mind on my way to the rip off Universal Studios Japan.  Everyone else is all excited about their new costumes but mines the same. Witch works out just fine for me, but I can tell that the people in the support course messed with it.
It's not like I plan on wearing it all the time. If there was an emergency I'm not gonna worry about what I'm wearing. Unless in the future I need a support item then I guess I'm just gonna have to wear them 24/7.

"Uh, Midoriya?"

I look next to me to see the girl with the frog quirk

"I always speak what's on my mind so i would like to ask you something"

This should be interesting

"Based on videos I've seen on the internet, is it true that you have two quirks?"

The whole bus goes silent

"There are video's of me on the internet?" I ask

An uproar starts with people yelling
"Don't avoid the question!"
"That's not the problem here!"
"Do you actually have two quirks?!"

I roll my eyes as they continue with the stupid questions
They continue yelling for another minute before Aizawa tells them to be quiet

Am I avoiding the question?
Yes, yes I am.
I know they're gonna find out eventually, but for now I'd rather have them stay awake at night thinking about it.

For the rest of the ride they stare at me. The only one who doesn't bother is Kachan. He already knows what my quirks are. and I'm proud to say that he's jealous of them, or just the fact that I have two and he doesn't.

When we get there I hop off the buss and follow the rest of the class inside.

"So I take it this isn't Universal studios Japan" I say looking around

Aizawa rolls his eyes

"Look! It's Thirteen!!" Uraraka whisper yells
"No way really?"

She points her out to me

"Do you like her?" I ask
"She's amazing! I love her work" She smiles, it f*cking blinds me

I always thought Thirteen was weird name for someone dressed as an astronaut.

Thirteen starts explaining something but I'm not paying attention.
I'm more focused of the big a** portal that just appeared.   

"Whoa they even have fake villain's!"

"What world do you live in where 'fake' villain's come out of a big portal with weapons on them" I ask
"This is not the time for your sarcasm Midoriya!" Aizawa says getting a fighting position
"If you don't want a sarcastic response then don't say something stupid" I say, also getting in a fighting stance.

Aizawa looks at me "What do you think your doing?"
I pull my mask over my face "Helping"
"Stay here with the class"
"Make me"

"Hello students of UA, we are here for one thing and one thing only, All might" a dude covered in hands says

I drop my fighting stance a little "I'm sorry what?"
He turns to me "What do you mean What?"
I stare at him "Why would you think All might was here?"

The arena goes quiet

Next to me Aizawa whispers "He was hired as a teacher for UA this year"
I gape at him "You hired All Might?" I whisper back

I've never been a huge fan of his but since he's the symbol of peace and all I've never tried to start a fight with him.
Fighting him would be scary, like I could beat the crap out of him and he'll just smile, He'll freaking smile!
I get his whole save people with a smile but that's just creepy and concerning.

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