Chapter 7

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Long story short, I fell through a hole and was stuck with Sh*tty Hair in a building full of villain's.
We kicked their a**es and went to go look for other extras.

That's when I saw Deku,
He was spewing fire at a bird mutant thing.
It continued for a few minutes

It made me remember when we were younger and when he first got his quirk, we were playing outside when smoke started coming out of his mouth. Instead of being excited like I was about it he freaked out and ran to his Mom. When he found her he started coughing out fire. I thought it was awesome but he burst into tears.
Latter that week he got his telekinesis witch he took the realization of better.
I was proud to say that we were friends.

I got my quirk a month latter. And got told constantly that I was gonna be a great hero some day.
No one ever told Deku that, probably because he was always coughing up smoke and setting off the fire alarms. That didn't stop me from being friends with him though.

We were gonna be a team, the best hero's anyone had ever seen.

That was until his mom pulled him out of school a two years latter, all contact I had with him was gone. Whenever I'd ask my Mom about Deku she'd say that he and his mom were out of town.

But I waited anyway, 5 years.
I waited 5 years to see him again.
To see my best friend again

And here he is, risking his life to save others.
Our parents and teachers blamed me for him changing, he never did though.
Well his goals never did.
He wants to be someone people could rely on, someone that made people feel safe.
I on the other hand, want to be number one and surpass All might.

We have very different goals.

I had zoned out a bit but I was brought back to the present by screams.
I focused back on the fight and saw the bird thing falling to it's knees screaming.
I looked at Deku who had a look of terroir written all over his face.

"That's disgusting" I whisper, out of the corner of my eye I see Sh*tty Hair nod in agreement.

The thing stoped screaming and Deku stood a few feet away from it, panting, with smoke coming out of him mouth and noes.
He stands still for a minute before doubling over coughing and gasping for air.

"Deku!" I yell starting to run towards him.
He looks in my direction before his eyes roll back and he passes out. I grab him seconds before he crashes on the ground.

Smoke continues to pour out of his noes and mouth.


I pick him up and start running towards the entrance when Mist man appears In front of me blocking my way

"Move it a**hole!"
"You can't take him away" a voice says behind me

I turn around and see a guy covered in hands scratching his neck and looking at me with crazy red eyes

"He cheated, he's gonna pay for what he's done" he continues

Crap, what now?

I glare at handy man "He's not gonna pay for sh*t"
"Quiet a temper you've got there hero" he taunts

That's when the g*nshots start and handy man falls to the ground.
I look toward the entrance and see a bunch of pro hero's, including All Might

Instead of celebrating like the others I stare at them. Still carrying Deku, I walk up to the Hero's "Took you long enough" I say in annoyance

"Bakugou they saved us! You should be showing them more respect!" Sonic says

I turn to face him
"The f*ck are you talking about? Deku saved us. While these a**hloes where taking their sweet time to get over here, Deku was out there risking his life for us! " I rage.

I walk out of the USJ with Deku to see the cops and an ambulance.
I run toward ambulance.
They put Deku on a stretcher and into the car.

I watch as they take him away.
Slowly I reach into one of my pockets and pull out my phone, I check and see if I have a signal. Then I dial the number Deku gave me recently incase of emergency

The phone rings a few times before she answers

"Hey Inko" I say quietly

You better be okay Izuku


"That d*mn brat!" I yell throwing a bar stool
"Don't take your anger out on furniture Tomura" the TV says
"Sorry Sensei" I grumble

He ruined everything!
And that angry friend of his!
He Cheated!
He can't get away with that!
There's no way that Nomu could have be defeated by a d*mn teenager!

I'll get my revenge
Just you wait


Decided to change it up a bit for this chapter and try some new POV's.
But I do want to say that I'm not gonna make this story one of those fanfics where it's Midoriya and Bakugou on their own against the class. More like they're gonna slowly open the classes eyes to the real world.
Also, This is not a bakudeku story. I've never written one before and I don't plan on starting now seeing as it won't really go with the story. They're more like brothers in a way.
I hope your enjoying the story so far!



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