Chapter 11: The Adventurers

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"I still don't understand. Why would someone in Terrasen try to open a portal to Prythian?" Estelle asked, watching her mother pace the length of the room. 

"I don't know, darling. But I don't like it," Aelin muttered. "Our court holds the only people who have the knowledge of Wyrdgates and how to open them. Those writings shouldn't exist, especially so far from Orynth." 

"Do you think it has something to do with the assassin?" Estelle's voice was quieter than she meant it to be. Aelin stopped pacing, her features drawn as she turned to look at her daughter. 

"I don't know, darling," Aelin repeated, walking over to her and taking Estelle's hand. "I don't know what to do." 

"That's a first," Estelle muttered. Aelin blinked, startled, then laughed loudly. Estelle grinned, pleased to have made her mother smile. 

"Oh, we'll figure something out, I suppose," Aelin said, pulling Estelle to her chest and embracing her tightly. Estelle inhaled deeply, her mother's smoky lemon-verbena scent filling her nose. "We always do." 

Estelle suddenly pulled back, an idea popping into her mind. "You said it was on the edge of Allsbrook?" 

Aelin nodded warily. "I know that look. What've you got cooking in that mind of yours?" 

"Fenrys doesn't know Wyrdmarks as I do," Estelle started. "And you said yourself, you can't waste any more resources traveling across the kingdom. Let me go and see them. Maybe I'll find something he missed." 

Aelin's eyebrows drew together, and she pursed her lips. "Estelle-" 

"I know, I know it's dangerous with an assassin on the loose," Estelle started before her mother could say anything. "I'll take Danica with me. We can ride Zephyr and be back in two days." Estelle didn't really want to ride Danica's rowdy wyvern, but if that was what it took to get out of this castle, so be it. And she wasn't lying, exactly. She and her siblings had studied Wyrdmarks just as much as the written alphabet. Estelle wouldn't go so far as to say she was fluent. Reave certainly held that title. But she couldn't sit on her ass a day longer. 

She needed to do something. To be useful. 

I'm going to be queen someday, She wanted to remind her mother. You have to let me do things on my own. 

But Estelle held her tongue, waiting patiently while her mother deliberated. 

Finally, Aelin sighed. "Alright. It's a good idea. You can go. And I won't try to send any guards with you," She said, smiling a bit, "Because I know you would outrun them." Her face turned serious. "But you must promise me you'll be careful. I've had my fair share of adventures, and I know they sound exciting, but trust me, darling. You don't want to get sucked into that life." 

Estelle didn't miss the cloud that came over her mother's eyes. "I promise. I'll be careful." She wrapped her arms around her mother once more, squeezing her tight. "Thank you! I won't let you down." She turned to leave, but Aelin caught her hand. 

"Estelle..." Her mother hesitated, meeting her gaze. "Don't tell anyone you meet who you are, or what you're doing. This knowledge cannot leave the palace. Understand?" 

Estelle stepped closer. "Mother, are you sure there isn't something else I should know?" 

Again, Aelin hesitated. Then, to Estelle's dismay, she shook her head. "You know everything you need to know. Just go to Allsbrook, and try to uncover any information you can about those Wyrdmarks." 


"Sorry, I'm still confused," Danica said, scratching at her thick black hair. "I thought you hated Zephyr." 

"I don't hate her," Estelle muttered as she stuffed a jacket into her bag. "I just hate wyverns in general." 

Danica laughed. "That's not a much better explanation. If you hate flying, why did you suggest it to the Queen?" 

Estelle shrugged helplessly. "I figured it would do better convincing her, seeing as it's faster travel. It took Fenrys a week to get there and back, and that was him as a wolf, along with winnowing." 

"So why can't you winnow?" Danica asked, following Estelle as she abandoned her packed bag and walked out of her room. 

"I suppose I could," Estelle replied, walking down the familiar halls to the bottom level of the castle. "But it would take a lot of my energy. I might not have enough to get back." She glanced back at her friend. "So are you in, or out?" 

"Oh, I'm definitely in," Danica said, grinning wickedly and slinging an arm around Estelle's shoulders. "You had me at 'Hey Danica, still want to get out of Orynth?'"

Estelle laughed and wrapped her arm around Danica's waist. "Glad you're in, Princess." 

Danica hissed at the title. "You know I hate that, Stelly." 

"And you know I hate being called Stelly." Estelle pointed out. Danica grunted. 

"Fair enough. Ooh, are we going to raid the kitchen?" Danica said, as if finally realizing where they were going. 

"We're not raiding it," Estelle corrected. "Just collecting some food for the trip." Danica scoffed. 

"If you were serious about this little adventure, you'd leave with no food and no fancy cloak," She said, picking at the dark green cloak Estelle had pinned around her neck. 

"Hey, I know it might be different in Adarlan, but in Terrasen, the nights get very cold, very fast." Estelle protested. "You'll be whining for a blanket come nightfall." 

"I doubt that very much," Danica said haughtily. She paused, then sighed. "However, I'll be sure to grab one before we leave, just in case." 

Estelle hid her grin and stopped in front of the small wooden door that led to the back entrance of the kitchens. She knocked three times and waited. After a moment, the door opened and an older woman poked her head out. 

"Hello, Stephaenya." Estelle greeted her. "I was wondering if-" 

Stephaenya grunted and held up a hand to stop her, smirking. "I know why you're here, Princess." She leaned back into the kitchen and pulled a leather bag into view. "I had this put together for your journey." 

Estelle blinked, confused. "How did you know-" 

"Your brother came by to tell me you were leaving. He said you'd only be gone a few days." Stephaenya interrupted, dusting her hands off on her apron. "I hope he wasn't mistaken?" 

"Um. No, no, he wasn't," Estelle shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "Thank you." She turned swiftly on her heel, slinging the leather bag over her shoulder. Danica trotted after her. 

"So, little Mr. Know-It-All really knows all," Danica teased. "I wonder how he found out?" 

Estelle didn't reply for a moment. She stopped at the end of the hallway, then turned sharply and began walking towards her brother's room. "I intend to find out. The only way he could have possibly known is if he eavesdropped." 

"Maybe the Queen told him," Danica suggested. Estelle laughed half-heartedly. 

"Mother has problems seeing any of us as adults. I doubt she'd inform Reave of anything like a dangerous journey involving the language of magic he's so obsessed with." 

"Hey, give the kid a break. He's just showing off what he's good at. It's hard growing up in your shadow, Stelly." Danica said, her tone serious. 

"I don't have a shadow," Estelle grumbled. 

"You're going to be queen someday, remember? Huge shadow," Danica replied. Estelle turned her head to look back at her friend. 

"I'm well aware," She said. "But Reave is lucky. I'd rather be in the shadow of the heir than the shadow of the greatest Queen Terrasen has had in its lifetime." 

Danica's eyebrows bunched, her dark lashes lowering to squint at Estelle. "Got some big shoes to fill, huh, Estelle?" 

Estelle sighed and turned around again. "You have no idea." 

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