Chapter 56: The Reunion

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The minute his family walked into the room, any semblance of calm Nyx had crumpled. 

His mother and father stopped at the door, standing hand-in-hand. That was what he chose to focus on. Their joined hands. Through a gray haze, he heard his mother suck in a great breath. He couldn't bear to meet either of their eyes, to see the disappointment there. 

"Mother-- Father, I'm so--" The apology he'd had planned was interrupted when his mother rushed forward and flung her arms around his neck. 

"We couldn't find you," Feyre sobbed into his shoulder. Shocked, Nyx instinctively wrapped his arms around her, leaning down so she wasn't standing on her toes as much. "We couldn't find you, Nyx." 

Nyx swallowed heavily, tears blurring his vision as he buried his face into his mother's hair. Gods, he'd missed her. More than he'd ever be able to put into words. "I know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I-- I didn't mean to leave, I swear I didn't." 

Feyre pulled back, bringing her hands to the sides of his face to cup his cheeks. She smiled at him, her eyes, the twin to his, glittering with stars. "Oh, love. I know." Her gaze darted behind him, taking in the male laying on the bed, the young Prince standing beside him. "But now you're here. Now we're all here." 

Feyre's fingers slid from Nyx's face, her nails dragging lightly against his skin as she scanned the room. Her eyes turned to Rowan again, narrowing as her face paled. "Rowan. What's happened?" Her eyes turned about the room once more, and with a sinking feeling, Nyx realized who she was looking for. 

"Aelin's gone," Nyx croaked, his throat hoarse. Feyre's head snapped to him, her mouth popping open in shock. 

"What?" She breathed. Nyx felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see his father, lips pursed in quiet fear. 

"What happened, Nyx?" He asked. Nyx swallowed at the command in his father's voice. 

"I-- It's complicated. All we know is that the Mortal Queens of Prythian sent a Goddess from another world here to Terrasen to kill the Queen. She-- she possessed Amandla. Now she's taken Aelin's body. Delilah, Estelle, and I tried to stop her, but..." Nyx inhaled sharply. No. Do not think about Estelle in the grip of that monster. Do not think of what suffering she might be enduring. If he did, he'd go crazy before he could be of any help to her. "It was bad. Estelle--" His voice cracked on her name, and he swallowed hard. "She stayed behind." 

A slight glimmer awoke in Feyre's gaze, and she tilted her head, examining Nyx. She took a step back from him, looking him over from head to toe. "Estelle. Aelin's daughter?" 

Nyx nodded, not trusting himself to say anything else. Rhysand chuckled darkly and turned to Rowan. 

"It would seem that self-sacrifice runs in your family, Whitethorn," He joked dryly. Rowan barked out a bitter laugh. 

"You have no damn idea." He groaned, and Nyx turned to see him throw back the blankets and push himself to his feet. He stumbled, but Rhys reached out and caught his hand, propping him up. After a moment, Rowan stood tall, smiling grimly at the High Lord. "Despite the circumstances..." His gaze turned to Feyre, who reached out and took his free hand. "It's very good to see you both." 

"We really must find some way to connect without life-threatening adventures," Feyre muttered, squeezing Rowan's hand. She sighed heavily, but Nyx knew her. He knew that look in her eyes. 

His mother was scheming. 

"I suppose we have to go find Aelin again," Feyre said to Rowan. Her eyes slid to Nyx, an odd look passing over her face. "And Estelle." 

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