Chapter 29: The Truce

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Aelin watched Nyx carefully from across the room. Aneryn still stood beside him, twirling gracefully in circles, blissfully unaware of the male beside her. Aelin didn't know if Nyx was aware of it, but tears streamed down his face. 

She'd wondered if he would remember this song. She'd written it for him, after all. Him, and Estelle. Though the two shared a birthday, they'd only celebrated together that one year. It was a mere coincidence she and Rowan had decided to come around the time of Nyx's birthday. And Aelin hadn't even known it was a shared date until she'd asked Feyre. 

The Song of Life had begun to form in her mind the day Estelle was born. She'd spent a year cultivating it, bringing it from her mind to a page. And when she'd heard the story of Nyx's complicated birth, and learned of his shared birthday with Estelle... well, it had all fallen into place. That night in Velaris had been the first time she'd played it in full. And ever since, on each of Estelle's birthdays, she played it. To celebrate her daughter, but also to remember the young, winged, daring son of her friend that her daughter shared the song with. 

He wasn't so young now. It still amazed her at how he'd grown. How his family had grown. Gods, Aelin missed them all. If only circumstances-- 

She shook her head. No. Don't dwell on what can't be undone. There was nothing she could do to change what had occurred. Nothing could undo what dangers lurked behind those closed Wyrdgates. 

She'd made her decision, all those years ago. And Feyre had agreed. So no matter what happened now, that decision was final. 

She just hoped there was some way to send Nyx home before Feyre decided her son's life was worth more than all of Erilea. 


Estelle loosed a breath, relaxing her tight chest. Music had always done that to her. It reeled her breath in, clenched her heart, and amplified her every nerve with how beguiling it was. It filled every sense, and there were times she wondered whether it would release her when she finished. 

Music had always been a key part of her childhood. Not only the Song of Life, but the orchestras her mother took her to see, the ballets she and her siblings went to at Yulemas. Although dancing and music had always been a sort of requirement as part of her upbringing, it was one Estelle loved fiercely. 

She turned to Odette, smiling. "Well? Better than last year?" 

Odette laughed, leaning over to squeeze her arm. "Oh, much. I thought the room was about to start crying." She glanced over her shoulder, a slight smirk gracing her lips. "It seems someone did." 

Estelle followed her gaze, a frown pulling at her mouth when she saw Nyx across the room, standing beside her sister. Aneryn was spinning around in circles, her arm held above her head by Nyx, who did indeed look as though he'd shed some tears, then tried to hide it. He was smiling now, though. Down at her sister as the little girl twirled and twirled and twirled.

Estelle got to her feet, eyes still on Nyx. "I'll be right back, Odette." Odette waved her off, but Estelle didn't really notice or care. She walked across the room, her gown whispering around her ankles as she held her chin high. 

Nyx noticed her before she reached him, and let go of Aneryn. Aneryn stopped spinning, spying Estelle as well. 

"Stelle!" She yelled, bounding over to her. Estelle leaned down and scooped her sister into her arms, spinning her once and then settling her against her hip. 

"Did you enjoy the music, Ana?" She asked her, continuing to walk to Nyx. Her eyes slid from her sister to him. "You certainly seemed to." 

Nyx swallowed, his throat bobbing, but made no move to wipe at his face. "You don't remember, do you?" 

Estelle's brows knit together. "Remember what?" 

Nyx seemed to struggle for the words. Estelle pursed her lips together, in annoyance and confusion. What was he trying to say? 

Estelle leaned down and set Aneryn on her feet again.  "Go enjoy the party, Ana. I'll see you later." 

Aneryn pouted for a moment, then waved to Nyx and dashed away. Estelle raised her eyes to Nyx again, all too aware of his gaze still lingering on her. 

Nyx swallowed again. "We've met before. Did you know that?" 

Estelle shook her head. "I suppose we would have, when we were small. My family visited when I was a baby, but I have no memory of it." 

Nyx's gaze wandered to somewhere behind Estelle. "I knew that song. The one you were playing just now." 

Estelle crossed her arms, annoyance flashing through her again. "So?" 

Nyx looked to her again, and she was startled to see how... tired he looked. "So, your mother played it. In Velaris. For our birthday." 

Estelle frowned. '"Our?'" 

Nyx nodded, the light in his eyes dimming. "It would appear we share a birthday, Princess. I remember you coming to Velaris. I remember your family celebrating with mine, though my birthday was still days off. Your mother played... that song. And your father told me she'd written it for you." He smiled, but it was half-hearted. "And for me." 

Estelle looked away from him, pondering this. Her mother had always told her that song had been written as a celebration of life. That she'd composed it for the day her daughter had been born. 

It hit Estelle, suddenly, that she'd never once heard her mother say she'd written it for her.

Estelle looked over her shoulder to where her mother had been standing and found the Queen was already watching them, a faint smile on her face. As if she knew exactly what they were talking about. 

Estelle closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and turned back to Nyx. "As fascinating as that is, that's not what I came to talk to you about." 

Nyx crossed his arms, his gaze turning wary. "And what did you come to talk about, Princess?" 

Now it was Estelle struggling for the words. She fiddled with the line of crystals dotting her abdomen. She opened her mouth, then hesitated. Gods, she hated admitting she was wrong. 

A slight smile tugged at Nyx's lips. "I don't believe I've ever seen you at a loss for words. It's a bit funny, I'm not going to lie." 

Estelle scowled at him, halting her fidgeting. "You're going to make me regret deigning to tell you this." She sighed heavily, lacing her hands together. "I'm sorry. For not believing you about Danica." 

Nyx's eyebrows shot up. "That... was not what I expected." 

Estelle's scowl deepened. "Listen, this isn't easy for me to admit, but I need your help." The second the words were out, she wanted to take them back. She was going to be a queen. She didn't want his help. 

But she needed it. So she squashed her pride and waited for his answer.

Nyx crossed his arms, hiding his surprise fairly well. "And what could you possibly need my help with?" 

Estelle mirrored him, raising her chin in an effort to look down on him, despite him being much taller than her. "We have a common enemy. Whoever sent you here is most likely whoever attacked my family. It's too much of a coincidence that these events are happening at the same time. And the thing with Danica..." Estelle sighed, drumming her fingers against her arm. "I know she would never try to hurt me. She tried to kill me. There's no logical explanation but magic." She tapped her foot impatiently against the floor, her slippers making no real sound. "And I'm willing to bet it has something to do with this World-Walker assassin." 

Nyx seemed to think for a moment. "So what do you need me for?" 

Estelle groaned inwardly. Oh, this was going to be fun. "You're one of the only people in my world who has World-Walked in over a decade. If we're going to find out who attacked my family, who sent you here, and how it's all connected, we're going to need to work together." 

Before she could reconsider, she stuck out her hand. "Well? Truce?" 

As if he was in a trance, Nyx stared at her hand for so long she considered putting it down. But finally, he took it, his calluses scraping against her own. 


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