Chapter 19: The New Arrival

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"Estelle, lend me a hand?" Danica asked, dropping the firewood into a pile on the packed ground. Estelle raised a hand, summoned her fire, and tossed it into the pit. Danica whooped as it lit, dropping to her feet and holding her hands close as she could without getting burnt. 

"Okay, I hate to admit it, but you were right," She grumbled, rubbing her trembling fingers together. "It's freezing." 

Zephyr huffed and raised a wing to shield Danica from the chilled wind. Danica patted her wyvern's head in thanks. 

"It's Terrasen," Reave stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Danica flashed a rude gesture his way, and Estelle laughed, tugging her cloak back around her shoulders. She tilted her head back, her eyes wandering to the stars lighting the sky. Instantly, she could pick out the unicorn, the swan... and the Lord of The North. Always pointing the way home. 

What Estelle wouldn't give to meet the famed stag. Her mother had ridden him once, or so the story went. The stag had not shown himself since. Estelle leaned her head back against the tree she'd set her back to, keeping her eyes on the constellation. 

"Don't tell me you're homesick already," Reave teased, scooting closer to her. He had a very large green cloak wrapped around his shoulders, and it took Estelle a moment to realize why she recognized it. 

"Says the one wearing Father's cloak," She smirked. Reave huffed, his breath fogging in front of him. 

"What? It's warm," He protested. 

"Trade with me, then," Danica groused, drawing her own red cloak around her. "I'm freezing my ass off over here." 

Estelle grinned and reached to her right to drag her pack closer. She rummaged through it, producing a small blanket. "Here you go, Danica. I figured you'd be underprepared." 

"Oh, I love you," Danica crooned, snatching the blanket from her and wrapping it tightly around her shoulders. She rubbed her face into the fur lining on the hem. "Mmm, so fluffy." 

"A far cry from your Adarlan finery, I'd wager," Estelle said, smiling as her friend scooted as close as possible to the crackling fire. 

"Please, not even close," Danica said, her brow arching. "But welcome all the same." 

Estelle was about to reply when she heard a crack behind her. She whipped her head around, her hand going instinctively to Solatanzta. 

"What?" Danica said, already on alert. "What is it?" 

Estelle scanned the forest behind her, searching for any sign of movement. She was about to turn around again, convinced she'd imagined it, when a small form darted across the ground, so fast she almost didn't see it. She relaxed instantly. 

"It's just the Little Folk," She said, turning back around. "I expect we'll find some gifts when we awake. They like our family." 

Danica craned her head, her palm easing off her own sword. "I've never seen one. Are they friendly?" 

"Most of the time. But they can be nasty if provoked," Reave replied, tearing into a piece of bread he'd nabbed from Estelle's bag. "They really like Mother, though." 

"Well, she is the Faerie Queen," Danica said, chewing on her own bread slowly. Her gaze skipped to Estelle. "A title that will also be yours someday, I suppose." 

Estelle winced. "Don't remind me. Being Queen of a kingdom is one thing. But Queen of all the Faeries of the West?" She sighed, then leaned over and snatched Reave's dinner from his hand. She took a bite, ignoring his protests. "That's a lot of pressure." 

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