Chapter 53: The Destiny

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"How are we supposed to find her?" Estelle asked as she stalked down the halls, Nyx beside her. "We have no idea where she might be. She could be anywhere in Erilea by now." 

"We need a way to track her," Nyx replied. If her father's demand had affected him, he didn't show it. She tried to show the same calm he did, but inside, she was reeling. She knew there was no way she could have known what was to occur last night. She knew there was nothing she could have done, no way to prevent it. But that didn't stop the guilt from carving into her heart. If she hadn't spent all night with Nyx, if she'd perhaps thought past her own selfish thoughts, she might have caught wind of the danger. She might have seen a sign, anything, to show her what was to come. 

It did no good to dwell on what-ifs. But she couldn't help it. She didn't blame Nyx. She blamed herself, for being so damn selfish. Her selfishness, she was realizing, might very well cost her her kingdom. 

"I've been trying," Estelle murmured. "But she's... everywhere." 

And why shouldn't she be? This was her home. Estelle clenched her fists tight, trying to ignore the feeling of the sticky blood beneath her nails. Nyx suddenly grabbed her arm, stopping her. She turned to look at him. 

"Delilah could track her. She-- she's good at that." 

Estelle didn't stop to ponder what that meant. She seized Nyx's arm and winnowed them both to the hall where he and Delilah and Artemis stayed. Delilah was waiting for them. 

"Something's happened," She said the moment they appeared, standing from the chair she'd been seated in. She was dressed in a loose blue tunic and brown pants, similar to the ones Estelle wore. A bow and quiver were strapped to her back. Like she'd known a battle was coming. "What is it?" 

Her earlier hatred of Estelle had not dimmed. If anything, it had grown, from the way she was glaring at her. But Estelle didn't have the time to care about that. 

"My mother is missing," Estelle said, trying to keep from dropping to her knees and begging. She'd do it, if that was what it took. "I need your help. Please." 

Delilah was born of stone. She somehow managed to stare down at Estelle, even though they were roughly the same height. For an awful moment, Estelle thought she was going to refuse. She felt her throat closing up, and opened her mouth, fully ready to plead with everything she had. 

"What do you need?" Delilah's eyes flashed, a slight sneer curling on her lips. Like she knew what Estelle had been ready to do. Estelle didn't know if the female wished she'd let her, or couldn't see her humiliate herself like that, no matter the grudge she held. 

"We need you to track her," Nyx said. He held out a shirt he must have taken from her mother's room. Delilah's eyes snapped to it, narrowing as she glared at the extended cloth. But she took it without further complaint, and held it to her nose, inhaling deeply. 

After a moment, her eyes flew open, and she sharply pushed through them to stalk into the hall. She stopped just outside the door, totally silent, turning her head this way and that.

Estelle tried to reign in her temper. "Well?" 

Delilah hissed in reply. "She's everywhere. Give me a moment, damn it!" 

Estelle balled her fists. I know that already. She flicked her eyes to Nyx, but he looked less concerned than she did. She forced a deep breath into her lungs. If Nyx trusted Delilah to get this done, she'd just have to trust that he was right. 

Without warning, Delilah's eyes flashed with a strange, incandescent light. Estelle stepped back, alarmed when Nyx did the same. 

"Delilah?" Nyx asked, his voice quiet. Delilah turned to them, her eyes shining with a glassy gleam. 

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