Chapter 22: The Answers

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"So you're the famed Aelin Galathynius," Nyx mused, watching the Queen pace in front of him. She stopped and turned to look at him again, a slight smile on her face. 

"Not quite what you expected?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips. "You're not, either. The last time I saw you, you were hardly to my knees in height." 

"I didn't even know we'd met," Nyx admitted. Aelin smiled fondly at him. 

"No. You wouldn't remember," She said softly. 

It had taken Aelin all of a minute to realize Nyx was not Rhys. While Nyx had often been told he looked like his father, that resemblance only went so far. Aelin had taken Nyx from the blonde fae, who based on her greeting and their similar features, Nyx assumed was her daughter. Well, she could be her sister, but his mother had never mentioned any siblings, and with Fae, it was very hard to tell. Aelin had taken him into the castle with only a few words thrown over her shoulder to the boy and her blonde. 

"Go find your father, tell him everything," She'd said. She'd taken Nyx straight inside, shushing him whenever he tried to say something. 

"So you're not Rhysand," She'd said to him once she'd sat him down inside one of the first-floor rooms. "Who are you?" 

"Nyx. Rhys is my father," He'd said. The recognition that had appeared in Aelin's eyes was enough to make Nyx practically wilt with relief. Surely, she could help him get home. 

Now, Nyx said, "I'm surprised I don't. That's one story my mother never told me, strangely." 

Aelin turned away from him. "She probably thought it was better that way. I assume she told you about our adventures, though, as you seem to know me by name." 

"She did. It was a frequent story when I was a child, actually." Nyx chuckled slightly. Aelin looked back at him. 

"What's funny?" She asked, an eyebrow raised. Nyx shrugged sheepishly. 

"I don't know, I just always thought you'd be..." 

"What? Older?" Aelin asked wryly. Nyx shook his head. 


For a moment, Aelin blinked. Then she threw back her head and laughed. "Oh, Cassian must be your favorite uncle. You have his tact." She turned fully to face him now, as if realizing something. "Oh, tell me, how are the Valkyries these days?" 

"Numerous, and strong as a raging sea. My aunt is one of the three leaders, and my cousins are both Valkyries," Nyx said, grinning. Aelin's brow rose. 

"You mean Nesta and Cassian had children?" She blew out a breath. "Surprising, but not entirely. Both daughters?" At Nyx's nod, she laughed. "Poor Cassian." She reached forward and put her hands on Nyx's shoulders. "Oh, it's so good to see someone from Prythian again. It was beginning to feel like a fever dream." Her smile dropped. "I wish it were better circumstances." 

She stepped back and dragged a chair to face Nyx. She sat down, lacing her fingers together. "How did you get here, Nyx? I know-" She raised a hand when he opened his mouth. "It was a Wyrdgate. But you shouldn't have been able to open one." 

"I didn't," Nyx sighed, sorting through his memories of that night. "I suppose it's a bit complicated." 

Aelin sat back and crossed one leg over the other. "I've got time." 

Nyx hesitated, wondering where to start. "I ran away from home. Or, flew away, I suppose. I hurt my cousin, and I made things worse trying to fix it," He explained when one of her eyebrows quirked up. She gestured for him to continue. "I got shot out of the sky by a metal net, fell to the ground... I found a cave covered with strange marks." 

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