Chapter 14: The Rebels

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Delilah kneeled and lightly touched the snow surrounding the spots of red. "It's not Amandla's. But it's definitely Illyrian." 

Mor let loose a string of curses. "How old is it?" 

Delilah sniffed the air delicately, running her fingers over the scarlet stains and bringing them to her nose. "A few hours, maybe." She raised her head and pointed deeper into the forest. "It leads that way." 

"Any trace of Amandla?" Azriel asked. Delilah shook her head. 

"If she was here, I can't detect her." She stood and dusted the snow off her knees and coat. "Maybe if we-" 

"There is no 'we.'" Emerie interrupted sharply. "You and Nyx are to head back to camp, now."

"What?" Nyx yelled. "But we can help!" 

"If this is indeed an attack, and the Illyrians have gone this far to hurt us, then anyone associated with the Valkyries isn't safe," Emerie said, crossing her arms and glaring at the both of them.

"But I'm not a Valkyrie," Delilah protested. "And neither is Nyx!" 

"No," Gwyn said gently. "But you've both made it clear whose side you're on in the matter." 

"You know the Illyrians already detest you and your father for your views, Nyx," Emerie told him. "Don't make it worse." 

"Bit late for that," Delilah muttered darkly. She turned away and vanished into the wind. Nyx sighed heavily and opened his wings to follow her. 

"Nyx, don't do anything rash," Gwyn warned. "Go straight back to camp, understand?"  

Nyx didn't answer. Azriel grabbed his shoulder, making him face them. "Nyx. Straight back to camp." 

"Fine," Nyx spit out the word, then threw open his wings, forcing Azriel away. He shot into the skies without another sound. 

As he flew back towards the camp, Nyx stewed over what he'd learned. He knew the Illyrians hates the Valkyries, but they'd never stooped this low before. How had they even gotten into the camp? How had they taken Amandla without anyone noticing? It should have been impossible, with all the enchantments his mother and father had laid over the camp. 

If they had Amandla, she wasn't safe. Her father, a vain, cruel male, had promised to end her life for daring to learn to fight. Nyx knew he'd made a huge ruckus when he'd found his daughter missing after she'd joined the Valkyries. It made sense that he'd be the one behind this. 

But even worse, if the Illyrians hadn't taken Amandla, they had no other clues to what could have happened to her. No scent left behind, no trace of her whereabouts. 

Nyx halted in mid-air, balling his hands into fists. His wings beat at the violent winter wind as he hovered there, his heart refusing to settle. 

This isn't your fault, He told himself. Your part was only a passing phrase thrown her way. It is not your fault she's missing.

Somehow, he didn't believe himself. 

He couldn't fly back to camp. Not yet. He couldn't just sit there doing nothing while someone his cousin loved was missing. Nyx turned sharply and began flying back the way he'd come. He was the son of the High Lord and Lady of Night. He refused to be useless while his family was in pain. 

And besides, he hadn't actually promised he'd go right back to camp. 


Nyx landed heavily in the middle of the Illyrian camp and straightened, looking around for Devlon's tent. He hated the male, but he'd always treated Nyx with equal contempt compared to the other Illyrians. 

"What are you doing here, pretty boy?" Nyx turned and saw Aleksander, one of the Illyrian males he'd trained with and eventually beaten in the Blood Rite. While Nyx hadn't made it to the top, he'd earned the Oristian title by the end. Aleksander hadn't even made it to the mountain, thanks to Nyx shooting him through his calf. And thigh. And shoulder.

"Looking for Devlon," Nyx grunted. "Have you seen him?" 

Aleksander shrugged. "Maybe. Why?" 

"I don't have time for games, Aleks," Nyx said, his temper fraying. "Have you seen him or not?" 

Aleksander sighed and pointed. Nyx followed his finger and saw Devlon standing next to a tall Illyrian Nyx didn't know. Nyx stomped through the snow to them. 

"Devlon, we need to talk," He interrupted the tall Illyrian, who turned to glare at him. Devlon barely spared Nyx a glance. 

"I'm otherwise occupied, boy," He said. "You'll have to wait." 

"No," Nyx said, insistent. "This can't wait. One of the Valkyries has gone missing, and all signs point to someone in your camp." 

Devlon's icy smile turned rigid. "It's hardly my concern if one of those females has lost their way in the woods. There's nothing to discuss here." 

"Did you not hear me?" Nyx pushed. The tall Illyrian growled at him, but Nyx ignored it. "One of the Illyrians kidnapped a Valkyrie!" 

Devlon finally turned to face him, his face tight with annoyance. "I heard you. And I've said already, it is not my concern." 

"It is if you can't keep some semblance of control in your legion," Nyx said, stepping closer. For a second, he could have sworn he heard his mother's voice, and half-turned to see if she was there. But that was impossible. She avoided this camp unless she had to. 

"It couldn't have been any of my soldiers," Devlon said. "They've all been accounted for all morning." 

"It's not hard to turn a blind eye to a few rebels, Devlon," Nyx replied. "And I can't see you turning away some good coin in return for looking the other way." 

"Now, listen here, boy," Devlon spat, his face turning red as he poked a finger into Nyx's chest. "I don't care who your parents are. Insult my allegiance again, and I'll have you stripped of your rank faster than you can blink. We're done here." Devlon turned to leave, but Nyx wasn't finished. 

"You know one of them did it! Why do you insist on denying it?" Nyx demanded, hopping in front of him. 

"Move, boy," Devlon growled. "I won't ask again." 

NYX! Again, Nyx thought he heard his mother calling his name. He ignored it. 


Faster than Nyx could react, Devlon's arm flung out and struck his face, knocking him to the side. Nyx fell sideways into the snow, landing hard on his shoulder.

"Stupid boy. You're nothing more than an impudent child," Devlon snarled. "Leave now, and I'll let you keep your place among us. Don't push me any further." 

Nyx spat into the snow and stood up. He opened his mouth to argue, but a crack of dark magic interrupted him, swirling into shape in front of Devlon.  

Black smoke faded into the snow, revealing the High Lady of Night. 

Feyre's sharp eyes snapped to Nyx. He winced inwardly at the anger on her face. She turned to Devlon. 

"Ignore him," She ordered. "He disobeyed direct orders from his superior. He'll be justly punished." 

Despite her much smaller stature than everyone in the camp, they all knew not to mess with Nyx's mother. She'd shown her worth time and time again. While they may not respect her, they sure as hell feared her. Which made their treatment of her even worse. 

"Of course," Devlon said, mockingly bowing his head to her. He only showed her respect with Nyx's father present. Feyre ignored the jab and turned to Nyx, eyes blazing. She grabbed his arm, her grip vise-like. 

"Oh, by the way, Devlon," Feyre said calmly, her fingers digging into Nyx's arm. "Cassian will be by later to make sure you're following the rules. Better get them-" She nodded her head to two Illyrian girls seated outside a house, peeling some kind of frozen vegetable. "In the ring before he arrives." 

Then Feyre winnowed out of the camp, taking Nyx with her. 

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