Chapter 24: The Worthy Opponent

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Learning the Princess's name was strange, to Nyx. 

Estelle fit her perfectly. It was a name befitting a princess. And at least now he had a name to match her face. But it was strange all the same, for this female to have a name to fit her nature. 

Even stranger was her sudden flip in disposition. She'd seemed so cold before. Now, it was as if she walked on glass around him. She'd been so quick to leave the garden, assuming it would comfort him, when he could tell from the moment he'd walked in she was truly at peace there. 

He'd come to the garden hoping to find something to take his mind off home. Instead, as soon as he'd walked in, he'd seen a cluster of orchids. A box of them grew outside his kitchen window. Homesickness had hit him like a thunderbolt. 

What if I never see Mother again? What if I never get to tell Artemis I'm sorry? 

He'd staggered through the garden, hardly a ghost, the silence crushing him... and found Estelle. 

Now, he released her hand, his eyes going to the flower crown still clutched in her fist. "Who was that for, again?" 

She glanced at it, as if she'd forgotten she was holding it. "Oh. My friend Odette. Her birthday is tomorrow." 

Nyx tilted his head. "Is she your age?" 

She bristled slightly. "If you're implying that making this for her is immature, you should know she loves this kind of thing. It's-" She cut herself off, taking the crown in both hands and avoiding his gaze. "It's our tradition." 

Nyx looked away, at the apple blossom tree. When he looked back, he found Estelle watching him again. 

"Before..." She hesitated. "When you first woke up, I think you mistook me for someone. You called me-" 

"Delilah," Nyx said at the same as her. Estelle's lips pursed together. 

"Was she your friend?" 

"Is," Nyx said sharply. His voice cut through the peace of the garden like a knife. He took a deep breath, calming himself. "She is my friend." 

"Sorry," Estelle muttered. "I didn't mean- I'm sorry." The Princess's cheeks stained pink, and she turned to leave. Nyx watched her go as she walked through the archway without looking back and disappeared. 

Immediately, the silence began roaring in Nyx's head again. He took one look at the peaceful garden, and suddenly found he couldn't stand to be here alone, surrounded by something so close to home. He pulled his hands from his pockets and ran after Estelle. 

"Estelle!" He yelled as he turned the corner, seeing her at the end of the path. She turned, a surprised look on her face. 

"Yes?" She asked, turning back to him. Nyx stopped in front of her, opened his mouth, and paused. He had no idea what to say to her. 

Estelle tilted her head, a slight smile gracing her lips. She seemed to enjoy his struggle. "Yes?" 

"I-" Nyx racked his brain, but could not think of a single solitary excuse to keep talking to the Princess. Her eyes glittered with amusement, and something else. He could tell this time it wasn't pity. It was something different. 

"I was just about to go see if Danica wanted to train with me," Estelle said, her voice laughing at him. "Care to join?" 

Nyx cracked a smile. "The witch's daughter?" 

"What?" Estelle poked his arm gently, her smile widening. "You're not scared, are you? The son of the famed High Lady, scared?" 

Nyx's smile wavered at the mention of his mother. Estelle seemed to notice, and her features softened. 

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